Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Printer Codes

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System Tab -> Printer/Device Setup -> Printer Codes

These Printer Codes are the actual printer codes used by the printers when running reports and lists, etc. to control the printing size, such as expanded, condensed, standard, according to the type of printer.
 They also control the line spacing, form-feed information, and cash drawer action.

An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the System - Printer Codes in order to access this table.

Several printer types and their codes have already been setup, including WIN-UNC and WIN_CRT.
 When adding WIN-CRT or WIN-UNC to this table, the default values are displayed and unused fields will be disabled.

Contact Texada Support for assistance in setting up information for additional printers, or if your firm has an unusual printer, use the applicable "Printer Manual" to determine some of the unique printing codes.

Note: Do not delete or change printer code WIN-UNC.

Paper Size:

For printer type WIN-CRT used by Windows systems, Code for Form Size selection can be used to set the correct form size code for reports and documents.
 Letter size (8 1/2 X 11) is converted to code !003! , and A4 size paper (8.27 X 11.69) is converted to code !006!.

All Inquiries and Reports printed from the "Web Page " or "Document" options in the printer selection window, will conform to this paper size.
 If your firm uses Forms Control, the print programs for the A4 documents must also be defined in Customer Forms by the operator's division. If your firm uses Forms Control, the print programs for the A4 documents must also be defined in Customer Forms for all divisions or specifically by the operator's division.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Printer Codes screen include:

Delete a Printer Code:
 Click the DELETE button and select the code to be deleted.
 Confirmation is required.

Copy a Printer Code:
 To create a new Printer Code by copying an existing code, click the COPY button and proceed as outlined in Copy Printer Code.

Topic Keyword: PCDS01