Generate P.O. From Worksheet
Purchase Order Menu -> Inventory Re-Ordering -> Generate P.O. From Worksheet
Purchase Orders can now be generated, per the product order information confirmed and adjusted in P.O. Worksheet. Product quantities on P.O. will be updated, and location quantities on P.O. for products re-ordered by location will be updated.
The Clerk code assigned to the new Purchase Orders defaults from the operator currently signed into SRM when the P.O.s were created.
The parameter Generate P.O. By Location From Worksheet in the Company Inventory Parameters can be used to control whether inventory re-order quantities are ordered at the location level for inventory flagged as Re-Order By Location by creating Purchase Orders for each location, or whether the total quantity is ordered on a P.O. from the operator's location.
Note: The worksheet could be generated from either the Inventory Re-Order Report or from the Slow Moving Inventory Report.
The prompts are:
Enter the location for of the Worksheet or select it from the drop-down box.
This becomes the Purchase Order Location, and the Division comes from the operator.
Enter an active Agent code or select it from the drop-down list as setup in Purchasing Agent Codes.
Only active Purchasing Agents can be assigned to a P.O.
Leave this field blank to include all Vendors for this Agent, or enter a starting Vendor #, or select one from the drop-down list.
Leave this field blank to include all Vendors for this Agent, or enter an ending Vendor #, or select one from the drop-down list.
Select one of the following output options:
•Select Print o generate a queue of P.O.s to be printed to a selected printer.
•Select Fax to generate a queue of P.O.s to be faxed directly to the suppliers.
This field is only enabled when the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration and the Print option has been selected instead of Fax.
Uncheck this box to print the document instead of emailing it.
Check this box to email the selected Purchase Orders to the appropriate contacts flagged in the Contact Information for the vendor.
•If a P.O. is emailed it will not be printed as well.
•Any P.O.that does not have an eligible Contact flagged to receive a P.O. will not be emailed and will be printed instead.
•If a single P.O. is to be generated the Compose Email pop-up is triggered that can be customized, or the operator can Cancel out to print the invoice instead of emailing.
•If a range of P.O.s are to be generated, before the email run is executed the total number of Purchase Orders that are flagged to be emailed is displayed and confirmation is required to help prevent a mass email run from being sent in error.
A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Click the ACCEPT button to generate the Purchase Orders, or CANCEL to abort.
On accepting, the worksheet will be cleared for these Vendors, for this Agent.
If a Rental or Sales product is included on the Re-Order Worksheet as it is below the minimum, a Purchase Order will not be created if the Stop P.O.s flag has been set in the Make/Model and Re-Order Information (Rental Assets) or the Inventory Re-Order Information (Sales Products) window.
An Information Log is generated to list such products with the associated P.O.
If the option to Print and/or Email the P.O.s was selected, a screen appears to view the Purchase Order queue with the option to drill down to the P.O. details, as outlined in Purchase Orders About To Be Printed.
If a range of documents are to be emailed the total number to be emailed is displayed and confirmation is required, to help prevent a mass email run from being sent in error.
If the option to Fax the P.O.s directly was selected, a screen appears to confirm the Purchase Orders and Vendor fax numbers are complete and correct before faxing, as outlined in Fax Purchase Orders.
Any Purchase Orders that should not be faxed can be deleted from this queue.
If Customer Forms has been activated and setup for this division with the flag to Prompt Format On Reprint, the option to generate the document in the Standard format, or to use the Crystal or Jasper forms is provided.
Document Reprint Log:
When multiple orders are emailed or printed a Document Reprint Log is generated listing the documents with the actions and recipients.
Topic Keyword: POWH20