Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Printer Selection

Menu Bar -> Printer option -> Set Printer from drop-down list -> Printer Selection

Sign On Screen -> Main Menu -> SET PRINTER button -> Printer Selection

Once the printers have been setup in System-Wide Printers and optionally in the Divisional Printers for firms using the "Operators by Division" feature, the printer can be selected for this session by clicking on the Printer option in the menu bar at the top of the windows screen.
 Alternatively click the SET PRINTER button on the Main Applications Menu.

The current selections for Report output and for Inquiry results, are displayed.

Example of Printer Selection window from a Windows Client (MFC) for an "Operators by Division" company:

Example of Printer Selection window for "Open Client" session:

Open Client Restrictions:
 On login to a Web App or Open Client session if the operator's default printer selection is not one of the valid options, it is automatically changed to View as PDF for this session, but does not update this as the operator's default printer selection for subsequent sessions.
 If the operator manually changes the printer selection the new selection does become the new default.

In a Web App or Open Client session the valid Other options must be "System Devices" such as:

oOnly Device Types 2 and 8 are shown.

oDevices cannot be LP* or CRT

oIf an Other print device was selected and saved from an MFC session that is not acceptable in Open Client, the selection will automatically be changed to PDF in the Open Client session.

Note: Pop-ups must be enable on the local browser to allow output to be printed to the screens

To select a different option, click the mouse on your new choice, and then click the ACCEPT button.
 The new printer choice will apply for this session until a different selection is made again in this window.


Select one of the following output option for Reports and one for the Inquiries:

View as a Web Page: opens the Report or Inquiry in a browser such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, or in Netscape for viewing.
 This option does not apply to Open Client sessions.

View as a Document: opens the Report or Inquiry in Microsoft Word.
 These documents can then be saved or formatted as required.
 This option does not apply to Open Client sessions.

View as a PDF: opens the Report or Inquiry in Adobe PDF.
 These documents can then be saved as required.

Paper Size for PDF documents:
 Once the PDFCreator has been installed, the default paper size is automatically set to A4.
 For North America regions the paper size can be changed to Letter on each workstation as follows:

Click on Start -> Devices and Printers (or on some Windows versions it would be Printers and Faxes)

Right click on "PDFCreator" printer icon, and click on 'Printing Preferences' in the resulting sub-menu

On the "Layout" tab, click on the ADVANCED button to access the 'PDFCreator Advanced Options' window

In the Advanced Options window change the Paper Size field from the A4 default to Letter

Click OK to close the option window, and click APPLY to apply the change

Note:If this default is not changed for North American customers, the Emailed PDF reports will be chopped off at the right margin.

Print to Windows Printer: prints the Report to the default windows printer.
To confirm or change the default printer, click on the WINDOWS PRINTER button as outlined below.
 This option does not apply to Open Client sessions.

Email as PDF: triggers an email with an attachment of the report or document in PDF format.
 The operator is prompted for the subject and address information as outlined in Email A File.

If the email is aborted or cancelled, the output is still generated as a PDF document.

Note: Associated documents such as 'Safety Sheets' are not emailed as they are stored on the Client.

Excel Spreadsheet Output:
 Each report can be output to a document or to a spreadsheet.
 Documents respect the Printer Selection, but when a report is output in a spreadsheet format using the Excel option, the Printer Selection is always ignored.
 Instead spreadsheet output prompts whether to email or display on the screen, according to the Prompt to Email Spreadsheets flag set in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
 When the spreadsheet is to be emailed, the operator is prompted for the subject and address information as outlined in Email A File.

Other (Select Printer): allows the operator to select from any of the print devices setup on the server and is geared more to Linux networks.

oDivision: selects the division source for the Divisional Printers selection for firms using the "Operators by Division" feature.
 Blank for Head Office uses printers setup in System-Wide Printers instead of divisional printers.

Note: This option only applies to firms using the "Operators by Division" feature, and does not display if "Operators by Division" is not activated.

oPrinter: provides the ability to view and select from the available print devices in System-Wide Printers or according to Division in Divisional Printers.


Click ACCEPT to accept the changes or CANCEL to abort and exit.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Printer Selection screen include:

Select a Default Windows Printer:
 To confirm or change the default printer, click on the WINDOWS PRINTER button.
 This button is only available to Windows or MFC Clients.

The Choose Windows Printer window for this workstation opens to select a printer.
 The prompts include:


The printer currently selected for report output is displayed.
 Click on the drop-down box at the right of the Current Printer, to view and select from the available print devices for this workstation.


A specific Slip Printer can be designated from the Windows printers for each terminal.
 For details on setting up the Slip Printer, refer to Slip Printer Set-Up.


The port for the selected printer is displayed.


The current SRM default printer for this workstation, displays.
 If the Current Printer is changed, a prompt appears providing the option to flag this new printer now as the SRM default printer for this workstation.
 This does NOT change the Windows operating system printer, and so does NOT change the default printer for other applications used at the workstation.

Set the Margin Sizes for the Paper:
 Click the MARGINS button to set margin sizes, fonts, and paper sizes, for the selected printer.


In the Select Printer to Edit window, select the printer from the drop-down list and click on the EDIT button.

The default font size for compressed print is 14. This is used for compressed print reports, as well as for contract and invoice details, etc. This value can be increased to 15, or 16 depending on the printer, but if it is too large, the line will wrap around and you will have to set it back until it fits on one line.
 There are also three different font types from which to select. These can be chosen from the drop-down selection on the "Font" field.

Duplex printing can also be enabled for the selected printer if required from the Duplex Printing tab.

Set the Settings for the PDF printing:
 Click the PDF SETTINGS button to set the margins, spacing, fonts, and paper sizes, for the check and statement printing in the PDF Check and Statement Formatting.
 This button is available on Open Clients, and on Windows Clients for a printer selection using PDF format.

Topic Keyword: PRINTER5