Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Time Clock Start Time

Time Sheets -> Time Clock Management -> Enter Time Clock -> Time Clock Start Time


The employee payroll number and name display.


Time In record:
Accept the employee's home store as assigned in Operator Time Charge or select the actual store/division where the employee worked for this Time Clock entry.

Time Out record:
This is the store determined by the last Time In record and is display only.


Time In record:
This field defaults to today's date .
 This cannot be changed if the employee has been set NOT to Allow Date Override in the "Time Clock Settings" window in Operator Time Charge.
 If the employee has been set to Allow Date Override the field can be accessed and the date can be over-typed.

Time Out record:
The original Time In date displays and cannot be accessed or changed.
If a Time In record has been created in error, enter a corresponding Time Out record for the same date and time to close the time entry without logging any payable time.


Time In record:
This field defaults to the current time.
 The time can be rounded forward or back to the quarter or half hour, according to the Time Clock Parameters setup in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters.

This time cannot be changed if the employee has been set NOT to Allow Date Override in the "Time Clock Settings" window in Operator Time Charge. Corrections can be made in Update Time Clock Entries.
 If the employee has been set to Allow Date Override the field can be accessed and the time can be over-typed.
 If it is over-typed the rounding feature does not apply.

A window is provided to view any existing closed Time Clock Entries for the same day for this employee.
 In the window press <F9> to expand the time record to view the actual times that the records were entered, and the Break information in that period.

Time Out record:
The original Time In displays and cannot be accessed or changed.
 If a Time In record has been created in error, enter a corresponding Time Out record for the same date and time to close the time entry without logging any payable time.


Time In record:
This field does not apply yet and is not displayed if this is a Time In record.

Time Out record:
This field defaults to today's date.
 This cannot be changed if the employee has been set NOT to Allow Date Override in the "Time Clock Settings" window in Operator Time Charge. Corrections can be made in Update Time Clock Entries.
 If the employee has been set to Allow Date Override the field can be accessed and the date can be over-typed.


Time In record:
This field does not apply yet and is not displayed if this is a Time In record.

Time Out record:
This field defaults to the current time.
 The time can be rounded forward or back to the quarter or half hour, according to the Time Clock Parameters setup in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters.

This time cannot be changed if the employee has been set NOT to Allow Date Override in the "Time Clock Settings" window in Operator Time Charge. Corrections can be made in Update Time Clock Entries.
 If the employee has been set to Allow Date Override the field can be accessed and the time can be over-typed.
 If it is over-typed, the rounding feature does not apply.

A window is provided to view any existing closed Time Clock Entries for the same day for this employee.
 In the window press <F9> to expand the time record to view the actual times that the records were entered, and the Break information in that period.


This field only applies if the employee is set Operator Time Charge to prompt for a WO in the Time Clock records.

This can be optional or mandatory according to the individual employee settings.
 Enter the appropriate WO number or select one from the window.
 This labor will be billed to the WO customer.

Note: If split billing is required, use Work Orders to adjust the billing accordingly.


Enter Y (YES) to accept or / to cancel the Time In record.

Topic Keyword: PRTC01