Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Update Time Clock Entries

Time Sheets -> Time Clock Management -> Update Time Clock

Because this program can be used to add, review, delete, and modify Time Clock In/Out records, it is important to set role security in Menu Security and/or password security in Module Passwords.
 Time Clock Processing must be activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters.

Time Clock records entered manually in Enter Time Clock can be accessed here, as well as the time records generated automatically when the employee signs in and out of the software. Automatic time record processing is activated by employee in Operators by the Time Clock Checking flag.

If a Time In record is created in error, change the corresponding Time Out record to the same date and time to close the time entry without logging any payable time, or delete the entire record.
If a record is deleted here using <F7> a deletion record is written to the Delete Log for function PRTC10, to track the operator code, date of the time record, and date of the deletion.

Time Clock records must be closed or completed before payroll can be generated for the period.
 Once the Time Clock records are accepted by the manager in Time Clock Posting Report, they are automatically deleted and can no longer be accessed from UPDATE TIME CLOCK ENTRIES.

The prompts to access existing Time Clock entries for an employee are:


Employee level:
 The employee number and name of the Operator currently signed in are displayed and cannot be changed.

Manager level:
 Operators that require access to other employees' time records can be setup in Operators, to Allow Access to Employee #.
 Enter the desired employee #, or select an employee # from the window.


Accept the current year or over-type the preferred year.


Accept the current pay period, or over-type the preferred pay period, or press <F4> to view the pay periods and their ending dates in the Select Pay Period Ending Dates window.
 The pay period determines the starting date of the range of records displayed, according to the number of pays a year for the employee.


This window prompt only applies if the operator currently signed in, has Multi-Store Access set to 'Y' (YES) in Operators.
 Enter the desired store number, or ALL to include the Time Clock entries at all stores, or press <F4> to select a store/division from the window.

If the operator does not have Multi-Store Access, only Time Clock entries from the employee's home store, as determined in Operator Time Charge, display.


The Time Clock In and Out records display on the screen. Records can be modified in the window on the 'Y' column or press <F5> to add a new record.
 If a time record is entered here, no WO labor record is generated.
 The prompts are:


The sequence number tracks the number of the Time Clock entry.
 If sequence numbers appear to be missing, they could be allocated to Time Clock records from different stores.


Type Y (YES) to access the Time Clock Entry to make changes.
 If a time record is closed here, no WO labor record is generated.

Details Window:


The employee payroll number and name display.


The store number and division name of the selected Time Clock entry, display.


The date of the selected Time Clock In entry displays. This cannot be changed.


The time of the selected Time Clock In entry displays. This can be changed if required.


The date of the Time Clock Out entry displays. This can be changed if required.


The time of the Time Clock Out entry displays. This can be changed if required. The Date and Time Out must NOT precede the Date and Time In.
 Press <F4> to view all the Time Clock records for this date.
 Press <F9> in the window to expand the time record to view the actual times that the records were entered, and the Break information in that period.


The minutes taken for lunch or dinner Break display. This can be changed if required.
 Break time is NOT payable time.


The total hours worked less the break time, is displayed. This can be changed if required.


The rate code always initially defaults to the employee's regular hourly rate, as setup in Operator Time Charge as the "Hourly Rate Code" assigned Type 'R'.
 This can be over-typed if required, or window to view the hourly pay rates for this employee.


Type N (NO) to cancel the changes or addition to the Time Clock record.
 Type Y (YES) to accept the record.


This prompt appears only if changes are being made to an existing record.
 Press <ENTER> to continue.


Enter the reason code for adding or changing this time record, or select a reason code from the window as setup in Time Clock Reason Codes, as printed on Time Clock Audit Report with any comments.


Enter any notes or comments.

Note: If the date/time needs to be changed and the "overlapping" restrictions cause an INVALID DATE/TIME error, delete the time clock record and re-enter it correctly.


The date of the Time Clock In displays.


The time of the Time Clock In displays.


The date of the Time Clock Out displays.


The time of the Time Clock Out displays.


The total hours worked displays.


The store or division code for this time record displays.


The hourly pay rate code and description display.

Expanded Time Clock record

Press <F9> to expand the time record to view the actual times that the records were entered, and the Break information in that period.
 If a WO number has been assigned to the time record, this is displayed in the third line with the WO comment.


Press <F3> to accept the Time Clock Entries.

Note: If a time record is deleted here, any WO labor records generated from the Time Clock record are NOT deleted automatically as well.
 Use Time Clock Work Order Report to reconcile the clock records with the labor on the Work Orders.


Type Y (YES) to update the Time Sheet information that can be viewed in Change Hours which is used in the payroll calculation

Type N (NO) if the Time Sheet information should not be updated at this time.
 Manual adjustments should then be completed in Change Hours, to balance the hours.

Topic Keyword: PRTC10