Change Hours for Payroll
Time Sheets -> Hours Management -> Change Hours for Payroll
The daily hours worked can be reviewed and modified n this utility using the same field prompts as outlined in Enter Hours for Payroll.
Records cannot be accessed for terminated employees.
These hours worked are updated by Enter Hours for Payroll by any Automatic Time Clock In/Out hours, and by hours entered through Enter Time Clock, and Update Time Clock Entries.
•If there are Time Clock hours included, the Time Clock Hours total is displayed on the right side on the screen, beside the Regular Hours Worked.
The Time Clock Hours total should equal the sum of the Regular Hours Worked plus the Overtime Hours Worked.
•A window is provided on the Regular Hours Worked field to view the Time Clock Entries. The Start Date and Times, End Date and Times, Hours, Store#, and Hourly Rate code are displayed, for the day.
In this window press <F9> to view the actual times when the Start and End records were entered and to see the time taken for Break.
A range of these daily time records can be printed from Print Time Sheet.
Any time sheet records that have already been authorized by the supervisor in Authorize Time Sheet Records, can no longer be changed here.
Time sheet records that are deleted also delete any corresponding time entries for that day in Update Time Clock Entries.
A deletion record is written to the Delete Log for function PRTH02, to track the operator code, date of the time record, and date of the deletion.
Topic Keyword: PRTH02