Buy One Get One Free
If the circular price applied is a Buy 1 Get 1 Free type sale that adds free items according to the quantity purchased, this pop-up window opens showing the "New Quantity", product number, and description, that will be given free, as defined in Circular Pricing .
For a new product record the "Old Quantity" will always be zero, but if the purchased quantity on an existing product document detail is changed, then when this window opens, the "Old Quantity" will reflect the original free quantity given, and the "New Quantity" will be the adjusted quantity of the free item.
On the document detail notes for the free sales item, a comment is included that prints on the documents to indicate the quantity and the item that was purchased and the quantity given free.
Note: If the original sales item quantity is returned, then the second item quantity is no longer eligible for the free pricing.
Topic Keyword: RSAC03