Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Rebuild Product Description Index

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Rebuild Product Description Index

This utility provides the ability to rebuild the index file for product descriptions and can be accessed from the Utilities menu for Inventory Control operations.

There are two parts:


Select one of the following index files to rebuild:

Select Rebuild Description Index to rebuild the description file index for all products.

Select Maintain Alt. Descriptions to rebuild the multiple alternate descriptions for each product.
If Alternate descriptions are used, as activated in the Include System Generated Descriptions In Searches in the Company Inventory Parameters, this utility can be run for All Products including all sales and rental products, or for a single specific product number to Add or Delete the extra product descriptions.

Note: This option is suppressed if the flag to Include System Generated Descriptions In Searches is NOT set in the Company Inventory Parameters to utilize multiple alternate product descriptions.
 Only the Description Index can be rebuilt from this utility. Confirmation is required.

Topic Keyword: RSAG01