Review Depreciation History
Inventory Control Menu -> Depreciation -> Calculate Depreciation -> HISTORY button -> Review Depreciation History
Once the Depreciation Report is printed and accepted in Print Depreciation Report the depreciation records are stored in history.
These records are in the same format as Review Depreciation Calculation and can be accessed by clicking on the HISTORY button in Calculate Depreciation.
These depreciation history records can be adjusted here if required. This is useful when loading startup inventory information with existing depreciation amounts.
This depreciation history is used by the program Recalculate Asset Tag Depreciation Amount.
Depreciation history can also be reviewed from the window on the Depreciation field, on the product's Fixed Asset Tag, in Rental Inventory.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Review Depreciation History screen include:
•Print Depreciation History:
Click the REPORT button to generate the report, as outlined in Print Depreciation History.
A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Topic Keyword: RSAH01