Automatic Status Code Update By Group
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Product Status Codes -> UPDATE button -> By Group option -> Automatic Status Code Update By Group
This option can be used to list the product Groups for which the product status code should be changed when the equipment is returned on Rental Return or picked up on Close Pickup Ticket or exchanged in Exchange by Contract, Exchanges By Customer, or Confirm Exchange Pickup.
It is similar to Auto Status Code Update By Product and all the same conditions apply, including the Stop Auto Status Change For No Rent flag in the Divisional Return Parameters on non-bulk rentals with a current status that does 'not allow rental'.
The Status Code update action can be set by Group, to either occur automatically or to force the operator to Verify the update.
Note: If there is any conflict in the product Status Codes between the Group and a specific product, then the code and conditions for the product apply.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Automatic Status Code Update By Group screen include:
•Delete a Group Status Code Record:
Click the DELETE button to remove a Group record from this table, and select or enter the Group to be removed in the 'Delete Group' pop-up window.
Click DELETE button to complete.
Topic Keyword: RSAR05