Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Status Code Actions By Group

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Product Status Codes -> UPDATE button -> Actions option -> Status Code Actions By Group

This utility lists current Product Status Codes and provides the ability to link actions that should be triggered when a rental product is updated to a new status code.
 Actions include:

Automatically generate a service Work Order for a non-bulk rental product that is updated to this Status Code at the time the item is returned or exchanged.
 The update Status Code in Exchange and/or Rental Return can be set in the Divisional Work Order Parameters to occur automatically or to trigger a prompt.
 Division and Location mapping can be defined in the Divisional Work Order Parameters so that the new W.O. gets created for the Service Division and Location instead of the source contract division and location.

An internal customer number can be defined in the 'Rental Return Work Order Customer' field of the Division Work Order Parameters that is assigned to the new service Work Order based on the document division.
 If no default internal customer number is defined for a division then the customer number and Site from the original Contract are also assigned to the Work Order.
 When the divisional internal customer is assigned to the new Work Order in place of the Contract customer, the contract site is not pushed to the W.O. either.

The source Contract# is written to the W.O. comment field for reference.

Note: In order to update the Status Code the relevant products need to be included in Auto Status Code Update By Product or in Auto Status Code Update By Group where a flag can be set to update the Status Code automatically or to prompt the operator to verify the new code.

Automatically close a Work Order when the service is completed on a Texada Web mobile device, if that W.O. was created from a Rental Return or Exchange for a non-bulk rental product with this Status Code when the W.O. was created, and if the W.O. is an Internal repair and the Status Code has been assigned a valid Repair Code.

Note: This auto-close feature applies to Internal Work Orders created for non-bulk products because they are included in Groups flagged to create a W.O. by Status Code as listed in the "Groups" window in this table, or to non-bulk products because they are in a Group that is configured to always create a W.O. on return or exchange.

Assign an Inspection Form to the Texada Web service Work Order that is created when a non-bulk product in the group is updated to this Status Code in an exchange or return.

Print a Service Check List when a bulk or non-bulk product in the group is updated to this Status Code in an exchange or return.
 The Product Check List prints to the default printer unless a different printer is setup in Check List Printers.

Set a time delay on the existing status of the bulk product at time of return or exchange, to automatically set the bulk product back to that original Status Code after this time allowance has passed.

Note: Because Product Status Codes are not changed for bulk products in the Rental Return or Exchange, the Time Delay set at the Group level in the Status Code Actions By Group only applies to Bulk products if the Product Status Codes is already assigned in Sales Inventory before the Rental Return or Exchange.

Note: Set a Time Delay field in the Group window is only accessible if the generate Work Order features is not activated for the status code.

Refer to the Overview in Product Status Codes for information on how to activate the automatic update status code and generate Product Check List processing.

The prompts in this utility are:


The sequence number tracks the Status Codes in the table.


All the current status codes list as setup in Product Status Codes.


The status code description displays.


Uncheck this box if a Work Order should not be generated automatically when a product is updated to this Status Code at Rental Return or Exchange.

Check this box if a service Work Order should be generated for any non-bulk rental product that is updated to this Status Code at the time it is returned to the shop on a Rental Return, or on Close Pickup Ticket or exchanged in Exchange by Contract or Exchanges By Customer.
 Relevant products can then be listed in Auto Status Code Update By Product or in Auto Status Code Update By Group to trigger the change to the Status Code.

Note: If the Create Work Order flag for a Group is already set to automatically or to prompt to generate Work Orders for non-bulk products in the Group at return or exchange, then this processing does not create an additional W.O. and Service Check List when the Status Code is changed.
 The Time Delay processing still applies for bulk rental products in the Group.


Window to assign actions for specific Groups when a rental product in the group is updated to this status code at return or exchange.


The sequence number tracks the number of Group records in the file.
 Multiple Groups can be listed.


Enter the Group code for this product Status Code or select it from the Group Search window.


The Group description displays.


This field is information only to indicate how the Create Work Order setting has been assigned in the selected Group, as follows:

By Status Code indicates that the Group is not flagged to automatically generate Work Orders for non-bulk rental equipment at return or exchange, and that it is the change to the Status Code that triggers the Work Order.
 A Work Order is created for any non-bulk rental that is changed to this Status Code at return or exchange and so to cause a change in the Status Code the product needs to be included in either Auto Status Code Update By Product or in Auto Status Code Update By Group.

Always Create indicates that a W.O. will always be automatically generated when a non-bulk rental product in this Group is returned or exchanged, per the Create W.O. flag assigned to the Group, regardless of Status Code.

Prompt To Create indicates that the operator will be given the option to create a W.O. when a non-bulk rental product in this Group is returned or exchanged, per the Create W.O. flag assigned to the Group.

Note: Additional Work Orders will NOT be created, nor will a Check List be printed because of a Status Code change, for non-bulk products in Groups that are already set to prompt for or to automatically create Work Orders.


This feature is only used by Texada Web service Work Orders when Texada Web is activated in Logistics.

Enter the optional Inspection Form that should be assigned to the Work Order that is automatically created, or selected one from the Inspection Form Search window.
 The Inspection Form assigned, can also be updated from the BULK CHANGE utility.


If a Product Check List is to be print for bulk or non-bulk products in this Group that are Exchanged or Returned, enter the Check List number or select it from the Check List Search window.
 The Check List assigned, can also be updated from the BULK CHANGE utility.

Note: This field is disabled if the Group has already been set to prompt for or to automatically create Work Orders.


The Time Delay field in this Group window only applies when the Create W.O. field has not been checked for the Status Code.
 The Time Delay assigned, can also be updated from the BULK CHANGE utility.

If a time is set for a non-bulk product, then the system tracks when the product was updated to this Status Code on a return or exchange, and will automatically set the item back to the original Status Code after this time delay allowance has passed.
 If a time is set for a bulk product, the Status Code must already exist for the product and then the system tracks when the product was returned or exchanged to calculate the time delay allowance.
 This is executed by the background transaction processing.

The time is recorded with hours and minutes so 2.5 hours should be entered as 0230.

Records with no expiry time delay can be viewed in Status Code Actions In Limbo as the status of these items will not be changed back automatically.
 If an item's Status Code is changed anywhere in the system, the record in Status Code Actions In Limbo will become irrelevant and will automatically be deleted.

Bulk rental items with a time delay set can be viewed in Bulk Item Delay Records.
 When the time delay expires, the records are removed from this list.


Click ACCEPT to accept the records and exit the Groups window.


This feature is only used by Texada Web service Work Orders for Internal repairs when Texada Web is activated in Logistics, and is only enabled if the 'Create W.O.' checkbox is checked.

Uncheck this box if Work Orders completed as Internal Repairs on the Texada Web app should not be automatically closed and instead must be closed in SRM's Work Order utility.

Check this box to automatically close an Internal Repair W.O. when the service on a non-bulk rental product with this Status Code, is completed on a Texada Web mobile device, if that W.O. was created from a Rental Return or Exchange.
 The Status Code must be assigned a valid Repair Maintenance Code in the "Settings" window.
 The Rental Product Class must be assigned a valid Repair Charge Code.


The Texada Web Auto Close Settings include:


A valid Repair Code is mandatory to auto-close a W.O. to an Internal Repair.
 A drop-down box is provided to select from codes setup in the Repair Maintenance Codes table.


The Repair Customer is optional.
 Enter your firms standard "Repair" customer code or select it from Customer Search, or leave this field blank to use the customer defined on the Work Order that has defaulted from the source Contract, on the Repair.


Click OK to accept the settings.

Texada Web Work Orders will not automatically be closed under the following conditions:

This is not a Maintenance W.O.

The W.O. has multiple Repair Codes

The W.O. has been billed

There are unposted A/P/ parts associated with the W.O.

There are any back-ordered parts on the W.O.

There are any cost of zero parts and the sales product is not flagged as zero cost type or % of sale type

The W.O. posting type is not Internal

The product being serviced is not a non-bulk rental

The product being serviced is not in a Rental Class assigned a valid Repair Charge Code


Click ACCEPT to accept the records and exit the Status Code Actions by Groups window.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Status Code Actions By Group screen include:

Update the Group Action Values:
 The BULK CHANGE button accesses the Bulk Update utility that can be used to updated the Inspection Forms, Check Lists, and/or time Delay values for each Group.

Using the 'Update Existing Records' option, if one of the three values are left blank in the update parameters, then the option to clear the existing value or leave the value unchanged is provided. This gives the tool the ability to assign new Inspection Forms, without changing either the Check List or the time Delay value.

Topic Keyword: RSARC01