Product Status Codes Search
Search window -> Product Status field -> Product Status Codes Search
There are two levels of Status Codes listed in the following windows:
•STATUS CODES - user defined codes that can be assigned to products to set the "ready to rent", "available to transfer", "allow depreciation" and/or "available" status.
Search Results:
The status codes are listed as setup in Product Status Codes with the related warning message that is displayed when a product is not allowed the action.
The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading.
Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.
To select a value from the displayed list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.
•RESERVED CODES - pre-defined codes that are used automatically by the system and cannot be selected manually.
Search Results:
The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading.
Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.
Reserved Codes include:
C - On Contract
D - On Delivery
F - Manual Off-Rental
I - On An Inventory Transfer
L - On A Car Rental Lease
O - On A Sales Order
P - On A Pickup
R - On A Reservation
S - On A Saved Worksheet
W - On A Work Order
X - On A Pickup Exchange
CP - On A Closed Pickup
AVAIL - class re-rent is yes or check group availability is no.
Reserved codes cannot be selected and can be viewed for information purposes only.
Reserved codes are also used in the Product Inquiry Sort Order
•CURRENT CODES - this inquiry is only provided when this window is triggered for a non-bulk asset from the "Status Code" field displayed in Rental Inventory.
Search Results:
This inquiry displays all the system-assigned-reserved codes currently assigned to the non-bulk rental product, where status codes are updated whenever any information changes for a non-bulk product that could affect statuses.
Current Status Codes can be updated by running RSPF132 from the Automatic Job Scheduling.
Status Code Rules include:
- If the asset quantity is zero then only user-defined status code or AVAIL will exist.
- If a product has an off-rental status (F, D, P, CP, X) then it will not have a contract status (C) as becomes redundant.
- If a product has an AVAIL status only user-defined status codes apply and all other system reserved status codes will be ignored.
- If Class re-rent flag or Group availability flag is changed the status table is updated for all products in the given class or group.
- If the Class is re-rent or the Group availability flag is NO the status code A displays.
Topic Keyword: RSARSEL