Cycle Billing Days
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Rental Rates & Pricing -> Cycle Billing Days
Cycle Billing Day Codes are used to determine when the contract should be billed.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Operations - Cycle Billing Days in order to access this table.
If the calendar has been setup in Calendar with the default Cycle Billing Day codes, then the correct Billing Day Code will automatically be assigned to the contract.
Typically, the codes are numeric, i.e. Day 1 is code 1, Day 2 is code 2, etc.
Note: If the customer does NOT have an account with your firm (On Account flag not set in Customer Information) then the Billing Code will not be automatically assigned to his contracts, since Cycle Billing Invoices are always charged On Account.
A Billing Day code can be assigned if required.
The Default Cycle Billing Day Code that has been assigned to each day of the year can be reviewed in the Review Calendar.
The codes were picked on either a monthly or 28 day basis, according to the setup in Calendar.
•When billing monthly, the software always assigns the code equal to the calendar day as outlined in The Monthly Billing Cycle. e.g. the 14th day of the month is always assigned code 14, the 20th day is always assigned code 20.
•When billing every 28 days, the code is assigned based on a 28 day cycle so that every 28 days, the cycle starts over again as outlined in The 28 Day Billing Cycle.
This results in a recurring pattern: if Tuesday is code 12, in 28 days Tuesday will be code 12 again.
(Code 12 will always fall on Tuesday).
•If your firm uses a combination of 28 day and monthly billing periods to meet customer requirements, refer to Default Billing Method in the Calendar to setup the billing day codes correctly, and activate the Respect Customer Cycle Bill Interval option in the Company Billing Parameters so that individual customers can be flagged ith their billing preference in Customer Billing Settings.
All contracts with the SAME cycle billing day code get billed for the same period of time in one cycle billing run.
For example, if billing monthly and code 14 was assigned to the 14th day of the month, then ALL contracts with code 14 get billed with the same Cycle Billing run for the same billing period. For example, Contract 140 (out Jan. 14th), Contract 277 (out Feb. 14th) and Contract 566 (out Mar. 14th) all get billed with the SAME Cycle Billing run - all were assigned Cycle Billing Code 14. They would be billed from the 14th of the last month to the 14th of this month - identical billing periods.
Special Case Billing Day Codes and Flat Rates:
The standard Billing Day Codes are codes 1 to 28 (for 28 day billing) and codes 1 to 31 (for monthly billing).
In Cycle Billing Edit the filter "All Billing Day Codes" only includes Billing Days from 1 to 31. It does not include special Billing Days such as 'F' Flat Rate or the Seasonal or Cylinder codes.
These Special Billing Day Codes must be billed as individual an Billing Day Code in Cycle Billing Edit.
Additional codes may be added for special cases, including:
This is an optional Billing Day Code such as NC, that could be useful for equipment out on a demo to clients, or out to staff.
This is an optional code such as CC, that could be used to identify contracts where customers pay immediately when billed each month.
This is an optional code such as SB, that could be used to identify equipment that is manually billed seasonally to enable seasonal billing to be generated by batch from Cycle Billing Edit.
e.g. heaters may be given a special 6 month rate that should be billed only twice a year.
Note: A unique alpha Billing Day Code can also be setup specifically for Seasonal contract and assigned in the Company Rate Parameters for "Seasonal Rates".
Then when a document is created and is assigned the Seasonal Cycle Bill Day Code, the rental equipment or Group added to the document will automatically default to the Seasonal Rental Rate.
Note: Because a contract with a Seasonal Cycle Billing Day Code, could also carry other rental products and because different seasonal periods can be defined, it may be necessary to run the seasonal billing code once a month at month end.
This is a reserved code that allows contract to always be billed at a designate rate, each time they are cycle billed.
In the Company Rate Parameters activate the Rental Rate Override Prompts For All Rates option, to prompt for a Flat Rate when the rate is over-typed on a Contract, Reservation, or Quote.
Note: "All Billing Day Codes" in Cycle Billing Edit does not include special Billing Days such as 'F' Flat Rate, which must be billed as an individual Billing Day Code.
Cylinder billing allows rental charges to be tracked and billed for containers accompanying sales items such as propane, air, water, etc.
Define a unique alpha Billing Day Code such as CY, to track contracts for billing the monthly rental of these cylinders or containers, and assign it in the Company Rate Parameters for "Cylinder Settings" in the Cylinder Contract Cycle Bill Day Code field.
Note: The Cylinder Billing day cannot be a number and neither the reserved code 'F' for Flat Rate, nor the code designated as the Seasonal Cycle Bill Day Code assigned in the Company Rate Parameters, can be used as the Cylinder Billing Day Code.
These additional Special Case Billing Day Codes can be entered as follows:
Enter code of up to two characters.
e.g. M
Enter the description for this code.
e.g. Monthly
For any Day codes defined by an alpha billing day code, enter the calendar day to be used as the first day of the billing cycle for calculations when determining the start of each 28-day period.
e.g. If Code M is set to day 1, when day code M is billed, it would be billed the first of every month, and each monthly billing period will run from the first of each month to the 28th, ignoring days 29,30,or 31
If Code C is set to day 23, when billing code C is billed, it would be billed on the 23rd of the every month and each monthly billing period will ignore days 20,21, or 22.
This is required for all billing day codes, except blank, 1 through 31, or the special codes designated for Flat Rate, and Seasonal or Cylinder billing,
Note: This column does not apply if the Monthly Bill Cycle Charge First 28 Days flag is not set in the Support Application Parameters.
Click the ACCEPT button, or CANCEL to abort and exit.
Note: Contracts assigned the special codes need to be tracked, and billed manually initiated when required.
Topic Keyword: RSBD01