Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Print External Branch Transfers

Inventory Control Menu -> External Branch Transfers Menu -> Inventory Transfer to External Branch -> PRINT button -> Print External Branch Transfers

After the transfer has been entered in Inventory Transfer to External Branch, it can be printed from this option.
 The Pick List prints on a separate page from the Transfer ticket report.
 The Pick List can be used by the delivery staff to assemble the equipment, and then it can be sent with the equipment as a packing slip.

The prompts are:


Leave this field blank to print all transfers being shipped, or enter a transfer #, or select a starting transfer number from the Transfer Number Search window.


Leave this field blank to print all transfers, or enter in a transfer #, or select an ending transfer number from the window.


Leave this field blank if transfer numbers have already been selected in the From/To Transfer# fields, or type in a starting date.
 All transfers in the selected date range will print.


Leave this field blank if transfer numbers have already been selected or type in an ending date for the range.


Check this box to print the pick list on a separate page, that can be also used as a shipping list.
 Uncheck this box to skip the pick list.


A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.

Topic Keyword: RSBX10