Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Rental Return

Counter Menu -> Rental Return

Completing and closing the contract with the rental return, signifies the termination of the agreement between the customer and the rental store. At the time of contract completion, the customer is billed with an invoice for the remaining charges relating to the contract. This is done using Rental Return.
 This program recognizes the return of rental items, the return of damaged equipment, the sale of sales items, the return of sale items, and the disposal of the rental items. It produces an invoice which is posted with the Daily Close programs.
 It also initiates the transfer of equipment returned at a different location from the renting location.

Refer to Counter Procedures for a flow chart diagramming the equipment return process.

Customizable Return Parameter Settings:
 Because most rental firms have varying preferred business practices, Texada SRM provides a series of parameters to define and control the functionality of the software.
 Refer to Rental Return Tunable Parameters for a comprehensive list of these tunable settings, both company wide in Company Parameters and by division or store in the Division Parameters.

The prompts to enter a Rental Return by contract are:


Enter the contract # to be returned, or look it up in the Contract Search window.

Customer PO Warning:

The Customer P.O. Warning window is automatically triggered if the "PO Required" flag set to Yes/Warn, in the Customer Information so that when a Contract for that customer is billed in the 'Rental Return' or in Bill A Single Contract this warning dialogue box is generate to alert the operator of this PO requirement and to allow the PO# to be updated.

Off Rental Conflicts Found:

This information window is only triggered if there are overlapping off rental records for a time period on the contract.
 The display includes the conflicting detail number, product number and description, and a window to the specific off/on rent date and time details.
 The overlapping transaction is identified with the word *Error*.

Conflicting records will add to the accumulated off rent time in spite of any overlap and will be reflected in the rental charge.

If the rental return is dated prior to the on-rental date/time, the off rental hours will reflect the return date/time, and reduce the off rental hours on the contract accordingly. The contract off rental hours may then not match the total off rental hours accumulated in Off Rental Inquiry.

Note: If the rental charge is incorrect because of overlapping off rent periods, the product rental rate can be over-typed in the billing detail as required.

Outstanding Deliveries or Pickups Found:

The Delivery and Pickup Driver Status information window is only triggered if there are open delivery or pickup tickets associated with this Contract, that have been sent to Texada Web, WinRoute or OnDemand as activated in the Logistics configuration.

Return by Pickup Ticket Location:

If a Pickup Ticket for the Contract was assigned a specific Return Location in Create Pickup Ticket or Close Pickup Ticket then a One-Step Transfer to move the inventory to the new location was created at the close of the ticket.
 The Rental Return of the items on that Pickup Ticket are returned to the ticket's Return Location and cannot be changed.

The Pickup/Return Search window is generated if multiple Pickup Tickets exist for the Contract, so the relevant ticket with location can be selected for this return.

If the Return Location is updated on the Create Pickup Ticket but the Contract is returned before the ticket is closed in Close Pickup Ticket and before the One-Step Transfer could be executed, the One-Step Transfer to move the inventory to the new location is generated in the Rental Return.


The billing name on the contract is displayed.


The Division out from the contract is displayed.


The Location out from the contract is displayed.


The date and time out from the contract header is displayed.
 Individual products on the contract details may have different dates and times out. The billing is based on the product date and time.


The Purchase Order number from the source Contract displays and can be over-typed to update both the Contract and the resulting Invoice.

Note: If the charges for the returned items are added to an existing invoice the P.O. number on the existing invoice is not changed.


The comments from the Contract can be viewed in the Contract Comments window.



Accept today's date that is displayed as the default, or type in the actual return date for the contract.
 This date is used to determine the rental charges.

The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Rental Return - Date In, Header in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.

Date Range Control:

If the operator does not have date range override permission, the 'Date In' in the return will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control for RSCD.
 The date control feature helps prevent billing errors because of a data entry error.

If the date is over-typed, an override record is generated to track the date, contract #, clerk, Customer # and the change in date.
 Although no override reason is required, this audit information can be printed from Print Override Report.


Accept the time displayed or type in the actual return time.

The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Rental Return - Time In, Header in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.

If the time is over-typed, an override record is generated to track the date, contract #, clerk, Customer # and the change in date.
 Although no override reason is required, this audit information can be printed from Print Override Report.

Prorate Partial Days Time:
 If your firm does NOT prorate partial days (charge for parts of days used), anytime after the time out would be eligible for an EXTRA Day's charge. Check the value in Rental Classes for the prompt "Prorate Partial Days" to confirm how the software should charge for overtime based on parts of days (hours).

Grace Period Time:
 To give a grace, the operator can back date the time in.
 Or, a preset grace period can be set in Generate Calendar. There are two types of grace periods:

1.Minutes Grace: A number of minutes grace can be setup for each of the three periods, Day, Week and Month. The minutes grace used depends on the rate selected.
 i.e. Daily Rate allows Days Minutes, Weekly Rate allows Weeks Minutes, and Monthly Rate allows Months Minutes.

2.Overtime Grace Per Period: If the items are returned on the date due, but after the time due, and the number of minutes late is less than or equal to the minutes grace, the extra minutes are not billed.

Note: If rate changes have been made to products on the contract using the Update Contract Rental Pricing utility, the contract cannot be returned prior to the effective date of the rate change, as related billing adjustments could not be made as of the old rate structure.
 A warning is generated and the option is provided to print the rate change details to a report or to a spreadsheet, as outlined in Information Log.


Accept the default return division as the billing division for the invoice, or type in the correct division to which the invoice should be posted, or select the division from the window.
 The invoice will print this return division.

When a contract is returned to a different division, from the "Out" division, a portion of the revenue can be assigned to the returning division.
 This percentage can be setup as the Cross Store Check-In% of rentals for Return Location in the Divisional Return Parameters.
 The G/L account for posting the Cross Store Revenue is assigned in Rental Product Class.

Any invoice details or additional services added to the rental return invoice are posted with the return Invoice Division instead of the Contract "Out" division.

Note: It is this invoice division that dictates whether the return is fed by multiple Pickup Tickets as previously explained.


Accept the default location displayed or type in the location to which the equipment is being returned, or select the location from the window.
 The location which defaults to the screen comes from Operators according to the operator currently signed into this workstation.
 The invoice will print the return location.

Return Location from Pickup Ticket:

If a Pickup Ticket was assigned a specific Return Location when generated for the Contract in Create Pickup Ticket or Close Pickup Ticket then the items to be returned are based on that Pickup Ticket and the ticket's Return Location is respected for the Rental Return and cannot be changed.
 The One-Step Transfer to move the inventory to the new location was generated in the Close Pickup Ticket.

Return Location from Texada Web In-Yard-Return:

If a Texada Web Pickup was completed and an item was returned through a Texada Web In-Yard-Return then the return location defaults to the In-Yard-Return location.

Location Transfer Confirmation Screen:

If the equipment is returned to a different location from the "Out" location, the operator is warned and prompted to continue. A transfer can be generated to move the inventory to the new return location.
 If products are to be transferred to a different return location, after the return has been completed an Inventory Post Transfer screen can be triggered to review and set the location transfers that need to be posted.

Refer to the Rental Return Tunable Parameters or to the Transfer parameters in the Company Contract Parameters for more information on controlling inventory transfers in the Rental Return.

For any product transactions flagged to POST, an inventory transfer record is written and can be viewed, printed and posted from Inventory Transfer Console. The transfer notes state that the transfer was create from a Rental Return and includes the contract#.

Any product records not flagged to POST will not be moved from their original location.

If the Return Location is updated on the Create Pickup Ticket but the Contract is returned before the ticket is closed in Close Pickup Ticket and before the One-Step Transfer could be executed, the transfer to move the inventory to the new location is included in the Rental Return Location Transfers.

Return Location impact on Auto-Work Order:

If a Work Order is automatically being created from the Rental Return, the Division and Location mapping for the new W.O. can be defined in the Divisional Work Order Parameters so that the new W.O. gets created for the Service Division and Location instead of the source contract division and location.
 If no mapping has been defined for this division, then the Division and Location assigned to the resulting W.O. default from the Return Location, unless that Return Location is not G/L type Division. Then the WO Division defaults from the source Contract Division and the WO Location only defaults from the Return Location.


When this field is blank a new invoice is created.
 A window is provided to view and select from eligible invoices to merge, as outlined in Add to Invoice Select.

A compatible invoice# with Hold status, will display under the following conditions:

1.If the option to generate a single invoice from multiple partial returns is activated by the Hold Invoice on Partial Return in the Divisional Return Parameters (for the Invoice Division), the Invoice number from a previous partial return from this contract, will display. Additional returns for this contract, can automatically be added to this Invoice.
 When the contract is fully returned and closed, the Rental Return program prompts to confirm the invoice date and to release the Hold flag, so the invoice can post in the next Daily Close. The default response to Take Invoice Off Hold can be set in Default Options For Screen for function RSCB03.

Note: To add returned products to a single invoice from multiple-returns, the products must all come from one contract. If a single invoice from multiple contracts is desired, then consolidate the contracts first from Contract Consolidation.
 The Return Location and Invoice Division must match the original return invoice.

2.If the option to Merge Rental Return Invoices With Current Invoices has been activated from the Company Billing Parameters, the first existing Rental Return invoice On Hold with the same customer/site combination and the same division displays.
 Refer to this option in Company Billing Parameters for further prerequisites.

When the billing period is complete (e.g. weekly) or the job is finished, the invoices can be released for posting from Release Invoices By Customer.

Any eligible invoice numbers already on hold for this customer can be viewed in the window. Only compatible invoices for this contract will display.

Note: When merging rental returns, a maximum of 900 product detail lines is permitted.


Accept the default salesman from the contract for the invoice, or select one from the window as setup in Salesman Codes.
 The salesman code cannot be changed if this return is adding to an existing invoice.

A flag in the Required Document Information in the Company Contract Parameters, can be set to make the salesman a mandatory field on all documents.


The default date of the invoice that is generated from the return, is controlled by the Invoice Date Based On setting in the Divisional Return Parameters.
 If that flag is set to use Return date, then the Date In for the return is used on the invoice.
 If the flag is set to use Today's date, then the current date is used on the invoice.
 This date can be accepted or over-typed with the correct date of the invoice.

The "Invoice Date" determines the date of the invoice, the due date of the invoice, and the date used to post the revenue to the General Ledger, whereas the "Date In" is used for calculating the chargeable rental amounts.
 Because they have different purposes, there is no problem with having different dates for "Date In" and "Invoice Date".

Date Range Control:

If the operator does not have date range override permission, the 'Invoice Date' for the return will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control for RSIH.
 The date control feature helps prevent data entry errors.


The option to Display Contract Notes can be set in the Divisional Return Parameters, to suppress or to automatically open this window displaying any existing Comments from the Contract.
 This is controlled according to the divisional flag for the return "Invoice Division".
 This is display only and these comments can not be changed here.

CONFIRMATION SCREEN to access Saved Worksheet:
 This screen only appears if an existing worksheet had been previously saved for this contract.

Click YES to re-access and continue with the existing worksheet.
 Click NO to proceed with the rental return without using the existing worksheet.


If a Saved Worksheet has not been re-opened, select one of the following options from the drop-down box:

Select A (Auto) - Return All Items and Invoice to automatically return all rental items and sell all sales items without further input from the operator.
 This is a FAST Return, but does not allow the operator to make changes. This should only be used by experienced staff.

Select N (No) - Display Items - Manually Select if a few of the items on the contract are being returned. The operator will be able to individually select which items and quantities are being returned.

Select P (Pickup Ticket) - Select items based on Pickup Ticket to return the products per a single Pickup ticket generated in Delivery / Pickup Sub-System.
 A Pickup Ticket Select window opens prompting:


The last Pickup ticket used for this contract displays.


Enter the Pickup ticket number to be returned.
 Only products on the ticket that have been identified as picked up in Close Pickup Ticket will display.


Click ACCEPT to accept and exit, or click CANCEL to abort.

Multiple Pickup Tickets Feature with default P:
 The option to always default the Rental Return process to select products from Pickup Tickets can be activated by the Allow Multiple Pickups To Be Closed At One Time flag in the Divisional Return Parameters.
 This feeds the Rental Return with products from multiple Pickup tickets.
 For more information about this feature refer to Delivery/Pickup Sub-System.

The Select Pickup# window opens displaying any closed pickup ticket numbers for this contract.

Check the 'Select' box beside each ticket to be billed in this return.
 Uncheck the 'Select' box beside tickets that should not be included in this return.

Click OK when the selection is completed.

Return code 'lower case' p (Pickup Ticket) - Select items based on Pickup Ticket is displayed and cannot be changed if this rental return is based on a Pickup Ticket that has been assigned a Return Location in Create Pickup Ticket or Close Pickup Ticket.
 Only the products on that ticket are eligible to be returned.

This return code applies if there is only one Pickup Ticket for the Contract and that ticket has a Return Location, or if the contract has multiple Pickup Tickets and a ticket assigned a Return Location was selected from the Pickup/Return Search window above.

Select W (Worksheet) - Enter a List of Items to Return to use the return worksheet to enter the products and quantities to be returned as outlined in the Rental Return Worksheet.
 If a saved Worksheet is detected for the contract, the operator is prompted to re-load it on the screen.

This worksheet is also used to receive items flagged for return from the Texada Web - In Yard Return API, when activate in Logistics.
 When the "In-Yard" return is performed on the Texada Web mobile device, the inventory records are assigned to the operator's location, as configured on the Operator file.

Note: If the worksheet is aborted the product list is only saved if the list was built by the Texada Web - In Yard Return API.
 Any manually added products remain as out on the contract and are not saved on the worksheet.

Select Y (Yes) - Display Items - Assume Returned if all or most of the items are being returned. The operator will be able to individually select which items and quantities are not being returned.


This window only appears if the option to Prompt for Return Slip is set for this division in the Divisional Invoice Parameters.

Some firms have their counter staff issue return slips when equipment is returned, then after it has been checked for abuse, staff checks in the equipment using the Rental Return. The Return Slip number becomes a cross reference for these firms. Generally, these firms have a custom invoice print program which prints the Return Slip # on the invoice as well as the contract number and invoice number.


If the company security parameter is set, a valid clerk code with verifying password must be entered as outlined in the Clerk Confirmation window.

If the flag to prompt for the clerk code is not set in the Company Security Parameters, then the current operator signed in will be assumed and the pop-up window will be skipped.

PPSR Discharge Date Update

If "Return All Items" was Yes then the update Discharge Dates for the Personal Property Security Register (PPSR) request is triggered when the "Activate Contract Detail Additional Options" feature is activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters and there are any non-bulk rental assets flagged to be returned on this Contract that have an associated PPSR record logged in the Contract Detail Additional Options.
 This is the date the asset was removed from the PPSR portal and this is important to record to ensure upkeep of the online PPSR register.

If "Return All Items" was No and the PPSR feature applies then the PPSR Discharge Date Update pop-up is triggered for individual products when the Return flag is changed to Yes.

Click No if the Discharge Dates do not need to be updated at this time and the dates in the Contract Detail Additional Options should apply.
 Click Yes to update the Discharge Dates in the PPSR Product Information window as the products are being returned.

Note: If the 'PPSR Discharge Date' is left blank when the Contract is closed, the date can still be added in Change mode in the Contract Detail Additional Options window on the appropriate Contract detail line.

An audit record in written to the Audit Log in the "PPSR Changes" category for RSCD04C, to track the date and time that the Discharge Date was entered, with the message, operator, contract#, and customer#.

Off Rent Warning

If the enhanced Off Rental processing has been activated in the Support Application Parameters, and one of the rental items on the contract has been put Off and On Rent, and the On Rental date/time is later than this Rental Return date/time, then a warning is displayed on the screen. The warning message identifies the rental product and the Off Rent transaction number, and advises the operator to check the inconsistency of these dates before completing the rental return.

Discount Denied Warning

A warning is triggered if the customer has invoices that are past due making him ineligible for his discount program Customer Discount Programs.

Off Rent / Rate Adjustment Date Conflict Warning

The Off Rent / Rate Adjustment Date Conflict warning is triggered to alert the operator that the billing calculations may not be accurate because a product on the contract was off-rent at the time a rate adjustment was implemented.
 In order to calculate the correct billing, before the product is returned the off-rental transaction must be closed as of the date and time of the rate change.

Meter Reading window

If there are rental products being returned on the contract that track meter readings where the count increases (e.g. hours or km), or track blade usage where the units used decrease (e.g. diamond blades), a window opens to capture the current count information.

Note: This window is not triggered if the Rental Return is based on a Texada Web In Yard Return where the meter count has already been captured, and the operator does not have role permission to 'Modify In-Yard Meter In Returns' as controlled in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window of the Security Role Permissions.

Meter Update & Charging for Billable Units:
 The meter count is updated based on LTD units in the Update Product Meter Information window.

To calculate the billable units, the meter units used less the meter allowance based on the rental rate level, is the number of meter units billed at the meter rate for that rental rate level.
 If the meter units are less than the meter allowance allowed for the rate level, there is no meter charge.
 Meter charges can be billed by the Unit or by the Shift as determined by the Rental Product Classes.
 Meter allowance and meter rates can be setup by rate level in the rental rate file for each product, accessed in the Rental Inventory in the Rate window.
 Meter usage billing takes into account any previously billed meter usage when returning metered items.

There are two methods of calculating the units eligible for billing:

oThe 'Standard Meter Billing' calculates meter units used, allowed, and charged, based on the entire period of the contract rather than on the individual billing period, and recognizes prior period unbilled units.
 Standard Meter Billing usage takes into account any previously billed meter usage when returning metered items.

oThe 'Enhanced Meter Billing' only bills the meter usage going forward based on over utilization in the individual billing period, regardless of prior billings.

Refer to Company Billing Parameters for setup and an explanation of the differences in the billing approaches.

Note: If a metered rental asset is being returned using the Pickup Ticket method to populate the return screen product list, then the meter-in count reported when the pickup ticket was closed also defaults to the rental return.

Fast Track option:

The product billing details screen is skipped if your firm uses "Standard Taxing" and is configured to use "Fast Track Rental Return" in the Company Contract Parameters and there is at least one item selected to be billed on this contract.
 (i.e. user did not select "Return All Items" = N")
 When the product billing details screen is skipped the Rental Return - Invoice Summary is immediately displayed for review, with the ability to return to the Product Billings Details if any corrections are required.
 This Fast Track Rental Return option is useful if the return is being done from a Worksheet where the products have already been selected.

Product Billings Details for the Rental Return option:

This product billing details screen is always triggered if your firm is NOT configured to use "Fast Track Rental Return", or if no products have been selected yet for this return.
 The prompts include:


The outstanding products on the contract will display.

Click on the EXP/CON button or press <F9> to expand and see the details.


The description of the outstanding products on the contract will display.


Select one of the following options from the drop-down box:

Select D (Damage Code) - Return Item as Damaged to assign a return code to the rental product being returned on the contract. Return Codes are setup in Rental Return Product Codes and can be used to flag equipment that is being returned because of damage or other specific reasons.
 After the product selection to be returned is accepted, a Damage Inventory Return Codes screen displays and the Return Code can then be assigned.
 Damage Return Codes do not apply to sales parts.

Select M (Missing) - Bill Rental and Sell Qty if this rental product should be billed for the rental period out, and also billed for the sale of the rental product on the same invoice.
 The disposal transaction is useful if the customer has lost the item, or wants to purchase it.

Note: Missing Codes do not apply to Sales parts and cannot be assigned to Rental products that have been flagged as No Sale in the Make/Model and Re-Order Information information.

Return/Sell Rental Product:

The quantity returned, sold and/or still out on the contract can be entered in the resulting Return/Sell Rental Product window.

Select N (No) - Do Not Return or Sell Item if this Rental or Sales item should remain OUT on the contract.
 It will not be billed and will not be returned to stock.

Using No as the default:

The value in the "Return" field defaults to N (No) if the prompt on the Rental Return header screen to "Return All Items" was set to N (No) - Display Items - Manually Select for this contract.
 All Rental and Sales items will remain OUT on the contract, unless specific items are selected to be returned by typing Y (Yes) in this "Return" column.

Note: Sometimes the Rental Product displays N and the field is disabled if the product is Off-Rent and needs to be On-Rented again in Off Rent By Contract before the item can be returned and billed.

Select P (Partial) - Split to Multiple Products if this sales product is setup as a Primary sales part in the "Re-Order window" Sales Inventory, and a the customer is returning part of a package.


If a partial quantity of a rental item is to be returned, enter a "Y" in the "Return" column, but change the returned quantity to the correct amount.

Example: 3 tables went out on the contract, but only 1 is returned.
 Type Y in the "Return" column, but over-type the quantity returned from 3 to 1. The remaining 2 tables will still be outstanding on the contract, so that they can be returned later.


If a partial quantity of a sales item (NOT identified as a Primary sales part) is to be returned, leave the Y in the "Return" column, but change the returned quantity from zero to the correct amount. The customer will be charged for the quantity used (not returned).

Example: 10 sheets of sandpaper went out on the contract, but the customer only used 7 and is returning the 3 unused sheets.
 Select Y in the "Return" column, but over-type the returned quantity from zero to 3. The 7 sheets of sandpaper used will be billed. (Sales items returned are automatically put back on hand in Sales Inventory.)

A setting in the Rental Return Settings in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to control whether special prices from a contract are re-priced according to the quantity and the special price structure, when the actual quantity sold is reduced on the Rental Return.

Select S (Status) - Update Status to change the product status code of a Non-Bulk Rental product.
 This feature can be activated in the Division Return Parameters.

When the return details are accepted, a screen will display the Old status Code. The operator can then select a new code, or reject the code change as outlined in Updating Product Status Codes.
 Depending on the new status the product can temporarily be tagged as not available to be rented allowing time for service, or the new status can even cause a service Work Order to be generated as outlined in Status Code Actions By Group.
 For more detailed information on the various actions that can be triggered by status codes refer to Product Status Codes Menu.

Note: Status Codes do not apply to sales parts.

Select Y (Yes) - Return Item to return and bill a Rental item on the contract, or to Return or Sell a Sales item quantity.

Using Yes as the default:

If the prompt on the Rental Return header screen to "Return All Items" was set to Y (Yes) - Display Items - Assume Returned, all items will be marked Y (Yes) in the "Return" column.
 Rental items will be set to be returned, and sales items will be set to be billed.
 To leave selected items OUT on the contract, change the value in the "Return" column to No.

PPSR Discharge Date Update

The option to update the 'Discharge Date' for the "Personal Property Security Register" (PPSR) record is only triggered when the "Activate Contract Detail Additional Options" feature is activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters and a non-bulk rental product that has an associated PPSR record logged in the Contract Detail Additional Options. of the Contract is being flagged to be returned.
 This is the date the asset was removed from the PPSR portal and this is important to record to ensure upkeep of the online PPSR register.

Click No if the Discharge Date does not need to be updated at this time and the date in the Contract Detail Additional Options should apply.
 Click Yes to update the Discharge Date in the PPSR Product Information window.

An audit record in written to the Audit Log in the "PPSR Changes" category for RSCD04C, to track the date and time that the Discharge Date was entered, with the message, operator, contract#, product# and customer#.


The current quantity outstanding for the product on the contract will display in the "Out" column.


The action of the value in this "Returned" column, is directly impacted by the value in the "Return" column, as follows:

If the item is marked N in the "Return" column, the quantity returned is zero and nothing is billed. The item remains out on the contract.

Note: When a Logistics system such as Texada Web is enabled in the Software Integration parameters to track driver tickets, then any items on an open delivery or pickup ticket cannot be returned until the ticket is closed by the API or cancelled.

If the item is marked Y in the "Return" column, the following applies:


If a rental item is marked Y in the "Return" column, then return quantity will initially be equal to the OUT quantity, assuming all is to be returned. To make a partial return (return 1 table and leave the other 2 tables still out), over-type the returned quantity to be the actual quantity returned.
 The returned quantity becomes the quantity billed.


If a sales item is marked Y in the "Return" column, then the return quantity is zero, assuming all to be sold and billed.
 To return an unused quantity to inventory, over-type the zero with the quantity returned unused.
 This amount will NOT be billed to the customer.

A setting in the Rental Return Settings of the Company Contract Parameters controls the default for Sales Items on the Rental Return.
 Often sales items will accompany rental items on a contract. Some firms will deliberately send MORE quantity than may be required. e.g. send 10 pieces of Sandpaper with every Sander.
 Then any sales item not used by the customer can be returned to inventory.

oIf your firm does this a lot, this parameter should be set so the return quantity does not automatically default to the remaining Out quantity so counter staff must accurately input the quantity to be BILLED.

oThe default Sales Items on return should only be activated if all sales quantities should regularly be billed. The sales quantity OUT on the contract will be the sales quantity BILLED during the Rental Return.
 Any sales item not used can still be returned to your inventory by having counter staff manually override the quantity "Returned".

If the sales item is a Primary sales part and is marked P (Partial) in the "Return" column, enter the unopened quantity of the primary part to be returned to stock. The following "Secondary Product Returned/Billed" window then opens for the Operator to enter the Secondary product quantities sold and returned to stock.
 The prompts are:


The original Primary product number and description from the contract display.


The Secondary sales part number and description display.


The number of units of the secondary product that convert to/from a single primary product, display.


The converted remaining quantity that could be returned to stock as the secondary sales part is displayed.
 This is calculate from (the original primary sales quantity out on the contract, less the primary sales quantity returned) times the transfer to unit conversion quantity.
 This can be over-typed with the actual number of units being returned to stock as the secondary product #.


The remaining quantity of the secondary product displays as sold, to be billed. This can also be over-typed with the actual quantity sold to the customer.
Note: The sum of the "Secondary Qty Returned" and the "Secondary Qty Billed" must equal or be divisible by the "Secondary Product Transfer Qty" (i.e. equal to complete packages of the Primary part).


The following fields display the resulting Primary Product summary for the contract:


The quantity of the primary sales part that was originally out on the contract displays.


The number of unopened packages of the Primary product that was already entered on the previous screen, as the primary quantity to be returned to stock, displays.


The quantity of the primary sales part to be converted to the secondary sales part displays.
 This is the sum of the "Secondary Qty Returned" and the "Secondary Qty Billed" divided by the "Secondary Product Transfer Qty".


The remaining unopened quantity of the primary product displays. This is the quantity that can be left out on the contract, or sold and billed now as complete packages of the Primary sales part #.


Click ACCEPTto accept and exit, or click CANCEL to abort.


This is the quantity charged to the customer.
 For rentals, this will be the quantity returned.
For sales items, this will be the quantity used.

Sales Quantity on Contract CONFIRM SCREEN

If the quantity to be Billed (sold) plus the quantity to be Returned does NOT equal the original quantity Out, this window opens. The difference in quantity is displayed, and the operator is asked to confirm the quantity still out on the contract.

Click YES if this difference in quantity is still out on the Contract. The Contract will remain open with this quantity still Out.
 Click NO if this quantity is not still out. The window will close. Re-enter the correct quantities Returned and Billed.


This is the unit rate or price before discount.

The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Rental Return - Unit Price, Detail in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.
 This applies to both the sales price and the calculated rental rate in this field.


The unit rate each will appear on the screen.
 A window is provided on this field to view the Rate Calculation details.

To alter this rate, over-type it with the correct unit rate each.
 To make the item No Charge, type 0.
 If the rate is altered, an audit record is written that can be viewed in Print Override Report.

A note will display in this rental calculation window if the maximum rental cap has been reached for the product per unit.
 Special Weekend and Overnight rates will be applied for eligible products and rental periods, if setup to optimize the rates in the Divisional Rate Parameters.

Flat Rate Contracts:
 If the Contract has been assigned a Flat Rate for the total rentals and a Billing Day Code of 'F' in the Contract Summary and Totals, then the Contract is meant to be billed in the Cycle Billing Edit process at the Flat Rate as many times as required, and when it is closed in Rental Return the "Each" for each rental will be a zero charge.

Fore more information on this feature refer to the Allow Flat Rate option in the Company Rate Parameters.


The List Price each will appear on the screen.

To alter this price, over-type it with the correct price each.
 To make the item No Charge, type in 0.
 If the price is altered, an audit record is written that can be viewed in Print Override Report.

Note: If only a partial quantity is sold, a flag in the Company Contract Parameters can be set to cause any special prices based on quantity sold, to be re-priced according to the special price structure, if the actual quantity sold is reduced on the Rental Return.


The calculated meter charge displays, which can be manually over-typed to bill on the invoice as required.
 A window is provided to view how this meter amount was calculated, as outlined in Meter Billing Calculation.

Expand Product Detail

Click the EXP/CON or press <F9> to view the following information:


The discount percentage selected on the contract will automatically display.
 A change in the amount billed can be made by entering a discount percent.
 e.g. Enter 10% as 10.00 decrease on the unit charge.

 The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Rental Return - Rental Discount, Detail for rentals, and Rental Return - Sale Discount, Detail for sales, in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.

Discount Exceeds your Allowable Limit:

This warning is triggered if the operator has been assigned a Security Role Permission with a cap on the Maximum Discount% for Rentals and/or Sales, and the percent manually entered as an over-ride, exceeds the defined limit.
 The option to get over-ride approval from an operator with permission to assign this high a discount rate, is provided:

Click NO to abort the discount over-ride and to revert back to the previous discount value (even if the previous value exceeds operator maximum).

Click YES to trigger the Discount Authorization window for over-ride approval and operation verification.


The discount dollar amount is displayed.
 This is calculated as (EACH amount * DISC % * BILLED quantity).


This is the total charge for this item.
 It is calculated as [EACH amount - (EACH amount * DISC %)] * BILLED quantity.
 (The discount is taken off the EACH amount before multiplied by the quantity.)

As an option, the extended amount may be overridden when entering the contract. This action is controlled in the Company Security Parameters.
 If overridden during Contract entry, and the quantity remains the same during the Rental Return, the software will maintain the overridden extended amount.
 An example would supplies sold at $0.43 each or 3 for $1.00, where the extended is overridden to $1.00.


The tax code selected on the contract detail is carried forward to the invoice.
 If the operator has role permission, the tax code can be modified, and a window is provided to selected valid tax codes.


The tax code selected on the contract detail is carried forward to the invoice.
If the operator has role permission, the tax code can be modified, and a window is provided to selected valid tax codes.


This field only displays if this product is a Primary sales part, that has been converted to a Secondary sales part to accommodate a partial return.
 The total amount to be charged for the Secondary sales part displays. This value cannot be changed.


The status O = OUT or F = OFF RENT will display.


The type R = RENTAL ITEM or S = SALES ITEM will display.

Note: The following fields in the expanded product detail only apply to rental items, and not sales parts.


If this item has never been billed before, the DATE LAST BILLED will be blank. Otherwise, the ending date of the last billing will display.


If this item has never been billed on this contract before, the ACCUM INV'S amount will be zero, otherwise the accumulated charges (before discounts) for this item will display on the screen.


If this item had downtime recorded on it, i.e. equipment was put off rent then put back on rent later, the number of non-chargeable hours will display. These off rental hours apply to the elapsed time between the DATE/TIME OUT and the BILL DATE/TIME.


The original meter out reading from the contract displays.


This is the original date equipment went out.


This is the original time the equipment went out.


This the ending date of the billing period.
 A window is provided to view the calendar.

The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on 'Rental Return - Bill Date, Detail' in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.

If the return is based on a Texada Web In Yard Return, the Date and Time In default from the In-Yard-Return and cannot be changed if the operator does not have role permission to 'Modify In-Yard Meter In Returns' as controlled in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window of the Security Role Permissions.


This is the ending date of the billing period.

The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Rental Return - Bill Date, Detail in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.

 Window to view any maximum rental amount per the contract for this product unit. This item will NOT be billed above this maximum Rental Cap per unit and a note will display in the rental calculation window when the cap has been reached.


The meter units used is calculated from the earlier window prompting for meter usage.
 This can be over-typed if required.


If there have been no previous billings this is the total calendar hours automatically calculated by the software between the DATE/TIME OUT and the BILL DATE/TIME.
 If there have been previous billings the "Hours Out" on a contract is calculated from the accumulated billed hours on the contract (up to the billed through date) plus the new hours from that date to the new billing date.


The rate code (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) selected by the software automatically displays.

The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Rental Return - Rate Code, Detail in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.

The Rate Code is selected as follows:

1.Using the Calendar set in Review Calendar, the software calculates the billable hours as the total HOURS OUT, less the OFF RENT HOURS.

2.To determine which rate applies, it examines the rental rates for that item. It reads each rate (from lowest rate code to highest) to determine which rate applies to the billable number of hours.

Product Rental Rate Search Window:
 Window to view the rental and meter rate structure for this product, as stored on the contract. The rate level can be changed.
 The rate list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading.
 Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.


The rental rate for the Rate Code selected will appear.
 For example, if the Daily Rate Code was selected, the Daily Rental Rate will display.

The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Rental Return - Rate, Detail in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.


The UNIT RATE is the total charge each (before discount).
 For example, if the Daily Rate was selected, and the billable hours is 2 days, the UNIT RATE will be 2 * Daily Rate.
 A window is provided on this field to view the Rate Calculation details.

If the contract had been previously billed, the software subtracts the accumulated charges from previous billing from the total charges to equal the NET UNIT RATE for this billing. This is viewable in the window.

If the customer had been billed in advance and the equipment was returned early, the software will automatically calculate the credit rental amount, if applicable.


The calculated meter over-time charge displays.

Window to view how this meter amount was calculated, as outlined in Meter Billing Calculation.


When done with the list of items on the rental return, click ACCEPT.


The Rental Return - Invoice Summary is only displayed if the Display Invoice Summary option has been activated company wide from the Company Contract Parameters.

CONFIRMATION SCREEN for Rental Return Action:

Click the TOTALS button to view the accumulated totals summary of rental, sale, services, discounts, Damage Waiver, and taxes, as outlined in Document Totals.
 This option is not available if the Invoice Summary is utilized.

Select Process Rental Return to proceed with the return and generate the invoice.

Select Return to Details to return to the product detail paging screen to make further changes.

Select Save to Rental Return Worksheet to save the list of items as a Worksheet for this contract, that can be re-accessed and processed later.

Select Abort Rental Return to cancel this return. This will exit the rental return details screen and any entries made to the product details will be ignored.

DISCOUNT CONFIRMATION SCREEN for Additional Discounts Included:

If this customer is eligible for any discount plans has setup in Customer Discount Programs, the discount plan description and total discount will be displayed.

Note: A warning is triggered if the customer has invoices that are past due making him ineligible for his discount program.


This window is triggered if any non-bulk rental products have meters to capture the meter usage, as outlined in Update Product Meter Information.


Comments inherited from the Contract display.
 Comments can be deleted and additional comments can be added.
 Each line of comments can be checked or unchecked to print on the resulting invoice.


This Create Work Orders For Returned Equipment window is triggered if any non-bulk rental products were returned, that belong to a Group that is flagged to generate a Work Order at return or exchange.

Any resulting Work Orders can be printed after the invoice is generated and printed.


This Rental Return - Damaged Inventory screen is triggered if the equipment on the return has been identified in the product details screen with a D - Damaged in the Return column.
 Products can be assigned a Return Code and a service location can be selected.

When the product selection with Return Codes and locations is accepted an One-Step Transfer transaction is written moving the equipment to the service location.


When the Activate Customer Survey Processing is enabled for a division in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters and a survey is setup in the Customer Survey Configuration, then Contracts can be flagged in the Customer Satisfaction Survey window in document entry to generate a Customer Satisfaction Survey and email it to the eligible Customer Contacts at the time the Contract is closed in Rental Return.
 This Compose Email prompt is triggered and can be accepted to send the survey email, or aborted as required.
 If the Survey email is sent, the Survey html code is added to the email below any additional manual notes that have been entered in the body, and after the email has been accepted to send.


If the equipment has been identified in the product selection screen with an S (Status code change) in the Return column, then the Updating Product Status Codes screen appears so the product status code can be reviewed and changed.
 The verify screen displays the Old Code and the New Code. The operator can accept the new code, select another code, or reject the code change.

Any change to the Product Status Code is tracked in Status Code Change History.

This Updating Product Status Codes screen also appears if the product has been flagged in Auto Status Code Update By Product or Auto Status Code Update By Group to update and to verify the product status code in the rental return.
 This processing can be activated in the Divisional Return Parameters.

The Stop Auto Status Change For No Rent flag can be set to prevent the product Status Code from being updated in Rental Return, and Exchange by Contract when the non-bulk rental product has a current status that does 'not allow rental'.

Note: This update screen is suppressed, if the non-bulk rental product has also been sold using Return code M in the rental return details.

CONFIRMATION SCREEN to Process Status Code Update:
 Select one of the following options:

Select Process Details to accept the status code changes on the screen, exit the screen, and to proceed with the rental return.

Select Return to Details to return to the details to make further changes.

Select Abort Changes to abort and exit the status code update screen without making any changes.


This Bulk Item Time Delay window is triggered if there are any bulk rental products being returned that belong to a Group that is set to utilize the Time Delay feature in the Status Code Actions By Group to allow for down time for routine service at return or exchange.


If the equipment is returned to a different location than the "Out" location, this screen lists the products, locations, and quantities, to confirm the location transfers.
 This screen does not appear if the contract is returned to the same contract Out location, or if the flag to Suppress Inventory Transfer Screen has been selected in the Company Contract Parameters.

If the Return Location was updated on the Create Pickup Ticket but the Contract is returned before the ticket is closed in Close Pickup Ticket and before the One-Step Transfer could be executed, the transfer to move the inventory to the new location is included in the Rental Return Location Transfers.

If the Suppress Inventory Transfer Screen has been activated company-wide and the Return Location is different from the Out Location, then transfers will automatically created or not created, based on the Inventory Transfer Default that can also be set in the Company Contract Parameters.

Note: This transfer screen is still generated when the rental product is flagged as M (Missing) to Bill Rental and Sell Qty, if the Out location on the Contract is different from the In location of the Invoice, in order to generate the revenue charges to the correct division.

 The revenue postings for bulk and non-bulk items, taxes and damage waiver, are all posted to the contract OUT division.
However, if Split Billing has been activated by the Cross Store Check-In% of Rentals For Return Location in the Divisional Return Parameters, then the rental revenue for Non-bulk items goes to the product Owning division per the Fixed Asset Tag (regardless of the contract OUT division), with the split portion going to the IN division, which is the Invoice division. Revenue for Bulk items, Damage Waiver and Taxes still post to the contract OUT division as normal.
 Any additional charges like a rounding charge, etc. are posted to the return IN division which is the Invoice division.

When rental products are returned to a different division, from the "out" division, a portion of the revenue can be assigned to the returning division. This percentage can be setup in the Divisional Return Parameters.
 The GL account for the Cross Store Revenue is assigned in Rental Product Class.

The prompts are:


Each record is listed with a sequence number.


The product # displays.


The product description displays.


Check this box for any product transactions that need to be transferred.
 An inventory transfer record is written and can be viewed, printed and posted from One-Step Transfers.
 The transfer notes state that the transfer was create from a Rental Return and includes the contract#. This transfer process only posts the related divisional changes in the G/L for the Inventory Asset accounts.
 The invoice will print the return invoice division.

Uncheck this box for any product records that should not be moved from their current location.
 This can be useful if a transfer to a service yard has already occurred.


The location of the product when the Contract went out displays. This can be over-typed for bulk products.
 The current product locations and quantities can be viewed in the drop-down box on this field.

Note: For any Non-Bulk Rental products, this From location is set to the current location record (RSIL) for the product and cannot be changed.


The new location that the product is to be transferred to displays.
 This can be over-typed or select a location from the window.


The quantity to be returned displays. This quantity can not be changed.


If any products were previously identified with a return damage code, a D is displayed.
 Window in this column to view the quantities, codes, and the locations to which these products are to be transferred as identified earlier in the Rental Return - Damaged Inventory window.
 An inventory transfer record is generated to the location identified in the rental return header information if different from the Out division, and then a second transfer record moves the product to the end location according to the damage code location.


the Click ACCEPT to accept and exit, or click CANCEL to abort.

CONFIRMATION SCREEN to Process Transfers:
 Select one of the following options:

Select Complete Rental Return to proceed with the return and generate the invoice.
 Any location transfers are written to One-Step Transfers where they can be viewed, printed and posted to the G/L.

Select Return to Inventory Transfers to return to the Inventory Transfer details to make further changes.

Select Reset Inventory Transfers to return to the Inventory Transfer details and also to reset the From and the To locations back to the original Contract Out and return locations.

Select Abort Rental Return to cancel this return. Any entries made on the screen will be ignored.


This processing only appears if the Field Ticket feature has been activated in the Company Invoice Parameters.
 Accept the default ticket or over-type it, and set the optional approval flag as outlined in the as outlined in the Field Ticket Required window.

When a Field Ticket is generated from Rental Return a comment is written in the contract notes, referencing the Field Ticket number and date.

CONFIRMATION SCREEN to set Product Sequence:
 The product details on the contract, can remain in the sequence that they were entered, or they can be re-sorted to display on the screen and to print on the document in a preferred order.
 This can be activated or suppressed in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.
 The prompts are:


The sort sequence preference for this division as determined in Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters displays.


Uncheck this box to leave the details in the same order as they were entered.
 Check this box to re-sort the product details in the preferred sort sequence as displayed above.


This prompt appears only if the invoices is the results of a rental return and the final products have been returned from a partial return contract, and the Hold Invoice for a Partial Return flag in the Divisional Return Parameters has been set to generate a single invoice and place it on Hold for a partial return.

Uncheck this box to leave the Invoice on Hold and to prevent the Invoice from posting.
 The flag can later manually be changed in Hold/Release Current Invoices to release the invoice.

Check this box to release the Invoice for posting in the next Daily Close.
 The current DBR# will be assigned.


The Invoice date as assigned when the Invoice was generated from the first partial return displays.
 Accept this date, or type in the correct invoice date.
 This is also the posting date of the invoice.


The invoice has now been generated for the items billed from the contract. The invoice number and customer number display at the top of the screen and all the items billed are listed, as outlined in Invoice Details.

Some firms allow additional details and other charges to be added to the invoice at this time (e.g. sell lost or broken rental items to the customer), however the product details generated from a cycle billing or a rental return cannot be deleted from the resulting invoice.

The ability to access existing invoice details at all in Miscellaneous Invoices is controlled by the operator flag Cannot Change Invoices in Operators.

Each product detail and service generated from the contract, posts the revenue to the division of the contract.
 Any additional items and services added to the Invoice post the revenue to the Invoice division.
 Divisions can be viewed and changed in EXPAND MODE on the second detail line.

The invoice is completed as outlined in Invoice Services and Totals.

Correcting Mistakes on the Invoice:
 The invoice can be viewed in Miscellaneous Invoices however product details on an invoice created from cycle billing or a rental return cannot be deleted from that invoice and only the following fields can be modified if the operator has role permission as setup in Security Roles and an audit record tracks any price changes:

Rental Rate Each controlled by Invoice - Cycle Billed/Returned Rental Unit Price

Rental Discount controlled by Invoice - Cycle Billed/Returned Rental Discount

Sales Each controlled by Invoice - Cycle Billed/Returned Sale Unit Price

Sales Discount controlled by Invoice - Cycle Billed/Returned Sale Discount

Notes controlled by Invoice - Cycle Billed/Returned Notes

If further adjustments or corrections are required a reversing transaction can be entered, and then the correct product detail can be re-entered.

If the invoice has already been posted with the Daily Close, the Customer's Account and the General Ledger have been updated.
 A credit invoice can be issued using Miscellaneous Invoices for the same customer, same products, same rates/prices, with the same quantities but with NEGATIVE amounts.
 This will create a credit invoice and credit back any taxes.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Rental Return screen include:

Reversing a Rental Return:
 Click the REVERSE button at the bottom left of the screen prior to selecting a contract, to initiate a reversal by 'Contract' or by 'Invoice' as outlined in Select Reverse Method.

Note: If product meter usage charges were credited when the Rental Return Invoice was reversed, the meter usage count is not updated in the Meter History.
 The Current and LTD meter count can be updated manually if required.

This button is only active when the Security Role Permissions assigned to the Operator, is flagged in the "Deletions" window to allow Reverse Rental Return by Contract and/or to Reverse Rental Return by Invoice either as creating a Credit invoice or by Deleting the old invoice before posting.

Note: When the operator has permission to use only one of the reverse options then the Select Reverse Method pop-up is skipped and clicking the REVERSE button opens the only accessible reverse method for that operator.
 Refer to Select Reverse Method for information on the differences in these two utilities.

Rental Return Across Contracts:
 The FIFO return approach as outlined in FIFO Rental Return can be accessed from the standard Rental Return screen, by clicking on the FIFO RETURN button.

Print the Rental Return Worksheet:
 Before selecting a contract number, click on the PRINT WORKSHEET button to print a return worksheet as outlined in Print Rental Return Worksheet.

Choose the Contract from an In-Yard Return:
 Click on the IN-YARD RETURN button to access the In-Yard Return Search window to select the Contract from a list of any items that were checked-in on a mobile device such as the Texada Mobile 'In-Yard Return'.
 Products that have be flagged in Texada Web as In-Yard Returned are assigned an F Off-Rent Status.

Note: If your firm uses the Texada Web feature, any Contract details or services cannot be changed or deleted in SRM or from an API, once the Contract is flagged as an 'In-Yard-Return'.

This button is only available when Texada Web has been activated in Logistics and is only enabled when focus is on the Contract# field.

Choose the Contract by Pickup Ticket:
 Click the PICKUPS button to access the Pickup Ticket Search window.
 Products that have be flagged with a Status of Open, Driver Completed or Closed on a Texada Web Pickup Ticket are listed and a Rental Return can be initiated directly from a selected record.

This button is only available when Texada Web has been activated in Logistics and is only enabled when focus is on the Contract# field.

Topic Keyword: RSCD04