Generate Meter Count Sheets
Back Office Menu -> Cycle Billing -> Meter Count Sheets -> Generate Meter Count Sheets
This utility can be used to generate meter count sheets based on the next billing periods of Non-Bulk metered equipment.
These Meter Count Sheets can be used to track and setup billing of meter units for use in Cycle Billing.
Note: The 'Meter Count Sheet' billing process is disabled when the “Bill Current Meter” feature has been activated in the Company Billing Parameters.
Only Non-Bulk metered items that are out on a single contract, that are due for billing in the selected date range, are included on the report.
The report is sorted by location and lists the equipment number, description, and status of Out or Off Rent, with the contract number and the customer name for each item.
The Ship-To phone number from the contract prints, but if there is no Ship-To number, the Bill-To phone number prints, and if there is no Bill-To number, the customer's phone number prints.
Space is provided on the report to record the current meter reading.
When the new meter reading is determined it can be added in the utility Edit Cycle Billing Meter Amounts in preparation for the next cycle billing run.
The prompts to generate the worksheets are:
Leave this field blank to include all the standard billing day codes.
Check this box to select a specific Billing Day Code.
To use a specific code, enter the Billing Day Code or select it from the drop-down list.
Accept the current date as the starting date, or enter a preferred starting date.
Accept the date for one week from today, or enter a preferred ending date.
Check this box to include rental equipment currently flagged as off rent in the meter count sheets.
Uncheck this box to exclude of-rent equipment.
Check this box to delete existing count sheet records from the meter count sheets.
Uncheck this box to skip the delete option.
If Clear Existing Records has been checked, this flag can be used to further control which records are deleted.
Check this box to delete all records.
Uncheck this box to save any count sheet records that have been entered with a meter amount for an item that is out on exactly one open contract, so that item is not removed from the worksheet. Other records will be deleted.
This option to clear records but keep existing entries provides the ability to rebuild the count sheets with any new items rented since the last time, without losing any meter updates already entered.
A printer for the invoices can be selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
When finished, press ACCEPT to accept or CANCEL to abort.
The worksheets generated on from this utility can now be used to record the current Meter Reading for the rental products in the next billing run.
The billable meter counts for equipment on the worksheet can then be captured in Edit Cycle Billing Meter Amounts in preparation for the next Cycle Billing Edit run.
Note: Cycle Billing will NOT credit meter amounts for previous meter billings and the meter will not be updated if the product is on more than one contract.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Generate Meter Count Sheets screen include:
•Re-Print Count Sheets:
Click the REPRINT button to print another copy of the Meter Count Sheets as they were last generated from the Generate Meter Count Sheets utility.
The reprint will not include the date range in the report title as this filter information is not saved.
Topic Keyword: RSCD16A