Edit Cycle Billing Meter Amounts
Back Office Menu -> Cycle Billing -> Meter Count Sheets -> Edit Meter Count Sheets
This utility can be used to enter the new meter readings for Non-Bulk metered rental equipment that have been identified on the Generate Meter Count Sheets, in preparation for billing meter usage in Cycle Billing.
The new meter reading also immediately updates the count and LTD in Rental Equipment.
Note: The 'Meter Count Sheet' billing process is disabled when the “Bill Current Meter” feature has been activated in the Company Billing Parameters.
The edit report lists the equipment number, description, and current meter reading, and the location address in the Expanded record.
Additional non-bulk metered equipment can be added to the edit list.
Space provided to record the current meter reading for billing, and a window opens to update the LTD reading.
Entering the new meter count respects the rules explained for updating meter usage and meter roll-overs in Add Rental Products.
Note: Cycle Billing will NOT credit meter amounts for previous meter billings and the meter will not be updated if the product is on more than one contract.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Edit Meter Count Sheets screen include:
•Re-Print Count Sheets:
Click the REPRINT button to print another copy of the Meter Count Sheets as they were last generated from the Generate Meter Count Sheets utility.
The reprint will not include the date range in the report title as this filter information is not saved.
Topic Keyword: RSCD16D