Contract Details
Counter Menu -> Contracts -> Contract Details
Refer to Counter Worksheet Header for details on entering the document header and also for information about the company and division parameters that can be used to define how the product details are selected and reflected on the document.
Note: If your firm uses the Texada Web feature, any Contract details or services cannot be changed or deleted in SRM or from an API, once the Contract is flagged as a Texada Web 'In-Yard-Return'.
The screen information includes:
CONTRACT Header Information:
The Contract #, Customer # and Customer name are displayed.
LTD Rentals, Sales, Invoices, and the Average dollar amount values for this customer are also displayed if the Display LTD Figures feature is activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters.
PRODUCT Details:
Rental equipment and sales parts can be entered on the document as follows:
A sequence number is automatically assigned, to track the entries in the contract details file.
Enter the product number or first few characters of the product number or description, or use a barcode scanner to read and enter the product by the barcode number.
If an exact match is found the product will be added to the document.
If an exact match is not found, all products with a product number, product description, Vendor product number, serial number for a serialized sales part, or the serial number from a rental product fixed asset, that begin with those characters are listed in the product selection window, as outlined in Inventory Search.
Products flagged in Product Status Codes Menu as not available to rent, can not be entered on the document.
If the number is NOT known, several different options are provided to search for the product:
•DESCRIPTION Search - type in the first few characters of the description of the Rental item for which to search.
Use the first four or five characters only. If too specific (i.e. typing in the whole product description), the item may be skipped totally if the item was entered slightly different than expected.
Refer to the section in Inventory Search that addresses the Equipment Search Results options.
•GROUP Search - type in + followed by a Group number.
The products in that Group are displayed with the same information outlined in the section in Inventory Search that addresses the Equipment Search Results options.
•Alternate Utilities for Worksheet and Contracts
Window on the Product # field and select one of the following options:
oClick on Equipment Search to look for products using detailed selection criteria as outlined in the Inventory Search utility, using various filters including Group or Product Class options.
oClick on Kit Search to select items listed in a Kit.
A kit search provides a selection of items by first picking a kit. A kit is a list of items which rent together.
e.g. Sander and Grinder, Compressor and Air Hose.
Type in the description of the Kit for which to search.
Use the first few characters only. If too specific (i.e. typing in the whole description), the kit may be skipped totally if the kit name was entered slightly differently than expected.
The Kit list display as follows:
The kits and descriptions display.
The list of kits can be resorted in ascending or descending order by clicking in the column header.
To view the products in a kit, double click on the kit record, or highlighted it and click the SELECT button.
KIT ITEMS Details:
The products in the selected kit now display on the screen with Product Numbers, Group, Descriptions, Kit Quantity, Charge Status, Discount %, and Available Quantity, as outlined in Select Kit Items.
Power Kits
The Power Kit components assigned to any Primary Non-Bulk Rental Product on the Contract, are automatically added to the Contract.
These component item details cannot be deleted or modified. Components are not billable nor do they print on the Contract document.
For more details on the Power Kit feature refer to Power Kits.
oClick on Missed Rental/Sale to record a missed transaction, as outlined in Missed Rental Transactions.
This option only applies to the Counter Worksheet.
oClick on View Totals to view the accumulated totals for this document as outlined in Document Totals.
oClick on Contract Comments to access comments associated with this contract.
This option only applies to the Contract.
Comments can be edited and additional comments can be added with relevant print flags.
To add standard Marketing comments click on the MARKETING button, and select from the list.
Click on the DETAILS button to view the actual notes.
oClick on Exchanges by Customer to access the equipment exchange processing as defined in Exchanges By Customer.
This option in only offered in a new Worksheet before any items are selected.
The Product Availability window is triggered if the rental product has been assigned a Product Status Code flagged to not allow rental.
This information window is optional as outlined in Renting/Owning Discrepancy.
This information window is just a warning when a product with Seasonal Billing is added to a Contract defined as Seasonal in the Rental Period window if the Group does not have the optional seasonal periods defined.
After the product number has been selected and entered on the document, the description displays as it will print on the document.
If the operator has been given Security Role Permissions in the Document Access Fields to change product descriptions in document entry, this product description can be over-typed if required.
Over-typing the description does not make any changes to the product description stored in the Product file.
Alternate Language Descriptions:
If your firm utilizes the Alternate Language feature as activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters, and the document is for a customer flagged to receive documents in the alternate language, then the product descriptions will display in the associated alternate language on the screen, as they will print on the document.
For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording of the text can be customized for two languages in the Document Field Labels table.
For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.
The Account Review Required warning is triggered if the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature has been activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings and the customer has insufficient Damage Waiver or Insurance to cover the Replacement Cost of the rental equipment as defined in Rental Inventory.
The rental product cannot be rented by this customer.
The Account Review Required warning is triggered if the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature has been activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings and the customer has insurance, but the policy is due to expire within 30 days as defined in the Insurance Information.
This does not prevent the rental product from being rented by this customer at this time, but a follow up reminder is written to Customer Contact Information for that customer.
A window to view the View Equipment Specifications is provided on this field.
A divisional setting in the Divisional Inventory Parameters can be set to automatically pop-up a window to view Sales Product History on document entry, displaying the customer's posted sales activity for this Sales part.
If the automatic display of sales history is suppressed this information can still be viewed on the product detail line on the document by windowing on the Unit Price field, and again in the resulting Special Pricing table.
Status O for OUT displays for both Sale and Rental products on the worksheet.
Other system controlled status codes that could apply on existing contracts, include:
S = SOLD -if the sales item has been sold on an invoice
R = RETURNED -if the rental item has been returned
F = OFF RENT -if the rental item is currently off rent
(i.e. clock is stopped but equipment is not yet returned)
Enter the quantity of the product to be assigned to the document.
The Allow Overrides on Location Quantities flags in the Company Security Parameters controls whether products can be over-booked on the document.
For sales items, more quantity can optionally be entered than the customer may require.
For example, if 10 pieces of sandpaper are put out with a sander, any unused quantity can be returned during Rental Return.
e.g. return 2 unused sheets and charge for only the 8 sheets used.
Note: In Change mode, once a product has been billed, the Quantity cannot be changed.
Worksheet - Zero Quantity:
Sales Product Class or Rental Product Class can be set to allow or prevent zero quantities on the Counter Worksheet. If an item still has a zero quantity when the worksheet is converted to a contract then that line item is omitted from the new contract.
Non-bulk rental products and serialized sales parts must always have a quantity of 1 or -1, regardless of the Product Class flag.
This feature only applies to the Contract, and can be used to fill a contract quantity requirement when insufficient quantity is at the Contract-Out location, but quantity is available at other locations within the same Contract designated Inventory Region.
Click NO if the product quantity should not be transferred to the Contract-Out location to fill this contract.
Click YES to move the required quantity to the Contract-Out location to fill this contract and to create a one-step Internal Transfer to update the location information.
Note: If a transfer is created and the item is deleted or the quantity is changed on the Contract, the transfer is not automatically reversed or updated, and needs to be manually transferred back to the source location if required.
Refer to Inventory Region for more information on this feature.
In Divisional Inventory Parameters a flag can be set to generate a warning if a Non-bulk Rental Product is entered, whose "Owning Division" on the Fixed Asset Tag, differs from the Worksheet division.
If the flag to restrict Non-Bulk Allowed On One Contract/Worksheet Only is set in the Company Security Parameters then a warning is thrown if this non-bulk rental product is already on another open Contract or Worksheet, and the equipment cannot be added.
If rental of this product meets or exceeds the customer's Rental Value Limit as set in Customer Information, this Exceeded Rental Value Limit pop-up is triggered.
The rental product cannot be rented by this customer.
Note: This rental limit only includes rental products with an assigned replacement value.
If the Warn When Product Due for Maintenance feature is activated in the Company Contract Parameters, and the equipment that is being added to the contract is scheduled on a maintenance record that is assigned a Repair Maintenance Code with a Warn/Block flag, a message is displayed on the screen to warn the operator about pending maintenance or to block the rental accordingly.
Multiple warnings could be triggered if the product has multiple records pending in the Maintenance Schedule.
•The operator must accept or acknowledge the Warnings and enter a valid clerk code to continue.
A Password may also be required if the requirement is set in the Company Security Parameters.
•When a Maintenance pending Warning is triggered in Contract entry, a record is written to the Over-Ride Report with the clerk who confirmed it.
A Block does not prompt for clerk code or write an over-ride record as no rental occurred.
•In order to proceed to rent a product that is flagged to Block because of pending maintenance, the operator signed in to the session must be assigned a Security Role Permission that is flagged to Allow Override Of Maintenance Block.
For complete details on the setup and use of the warn, block, and buffer applied with this feature, refer to Maintenance Due Causing Warn/Block on Rental.
If this product has been linked to a P.O. a window is provided in Change mode to view the associated Purchase Order details, as explained in Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview.
SERIAL # window:
If the item is a serialized sales item, the quantity entered must be 1.
On contracts or when the worksheet is converted to a contract the Select Serial Number window will open and available serial numbers from this location are displayed for selection.
If the serialized sales part is flagged to enter the serial numbers at "Time of Sale", the operator can select an existing serial number, or can add one at this time.
Note: Each serialized item sold must have its own sequence number (line detail) on the document to allow the serial # to print properly on the contract and invoice.
•Sales Part:
Accept the price per unit, or over-type with the correct price to be charged per unit.
A window is provided to view and select from any Special Price codes setup for this product in the Special Pricing Search window.
Within the Special Pricing window, a second window is provided to view Sales Product History for this customer for this product.
Promotion pricing for sales items can be setup in Circular Pricing Maintenance to define special pricing for sales items for mailings, flyers, or newspaper inserts.
If there is any current valid circular pricing setup for the sales item, then after the quantity is entered on the document, the Select Circular Pricing window automatically opens to display circular pricing options, and the operator can select the appropriate pricing.
Restrict Price Over-Ride:
The ability to restrict operators from over-riding the Unit Price can be set at the Class level in the Additional Options of the Sales Product Classes.
When this override restriction is set for a Class only operators with a Security Role that allows the "Price Override of Restricted Sales Class Products" permission in the 'Document Field Access' settings, will be able to over-type the Unit Price in the document.
•Rental Product:
If the Prompt for Rates on Contract flag is set in the Divisional Rate Parameters then the rates window is always triggered as outlined in Rental Rates.
If the rental of this equipment causes the customer to exceed his Rental Value Limit the Exceeded Rental Value Limit warning is displayed.
Accept the rental rate per unit for the period, or override the rate with the correct rate. This is the amount before the Discount.
A zero Rental rate amount is acceptable for a rental period, but the zero value must just be re-typed to confirm it in the Unit Price field of the Contract.
Rental Rate Over-Ride Security:
A flag in the Company Security Parameters can be set to prevent operators from changing the rates on the document.
If this amount is over-ridden, the override will be automatically recorded, so that management can produce a report using Print Override Report.
If the Company Rate Parameters for Rental Rate Override Prompts for All Rates is NOT set, then when a rate is over-ridden all rates for this product detail on this document are automatically over-ridden proportionately.
When rates are over-ridden this query is triggered if the parameter for Rental Rate Override Prompts for All Rates is activated in the Company Rate Parameters.
Select one of the following:
oClick on Over-Ride All Rates For This Product to change all rates proportionately for this product on this detail line.
oClick on Over-Ride This Rate Only to change only that one rate and base rate level.
oClick on Flat Rate Rental to always charge this Flat Rate per unit, every time this product is billed.
This Flat Rate then prints on the document detail in place of the standard product rate structure.
Note: When a product is given a Flat Rate, it bills that rate every interim billing and even if it is "Off-Rent" it will attempt to bill it in Bill a Single Contract where it can be edited if not required.
The exception being, it will not bill an "Off-Rent" Flat Rate rental in Cycle Billing as this executes a batch billing run that is less convenient to edit.
When the rental rates are over-ridden for 'All Rates' or for 'This Rate Only' for a metered product on a document and the Prompts for Override of Meter O/T parameter is activated in the Company Security Parameters, then the operator is prompted whether the meter rates for the same rental rate level should also be changed by the same ratio as the rental rates were changed.
When a product is given a 'Flat Rate', the option to over-ride Meter Rates does not apply.
e.g. If a rental rate is lowered the system calculates the percentage it is lowered such as a 10% reduction. Then when the operator selects to also reduce the meter rates, the system will lower the meter rate associated with that rate level by that same 10 %.
Note: The other product details on the worksheet are NOT affected by these rental rate or meter rate changes, nor is the main product rate file updated.
Zero Rate:
A zero Rental rate amount is acceptable for a rental period, but the zero value must just be re-typed to confirm in the Unit Price field of the Contract.
A window is provided on the Unit Price field of each rental product detail to access the rate and billing information for that specific rental transaction including date/time out and date/time due, rate structure, and billing details, as outlined in Rental Period Calculations.
This window opens automatically to confirm the rental dates and rates, if the document Date Out is prior to today's date.
This pop-up confirmation screen is triggered if changes were made in the Rental Period Calculation window that may have changed the Rate being charged for this period.
Click YES to recalculate the rental rate based on the revised information.
Click NO to accept the displayed Unit Rate and close the window.
Operator Over-Ride Security:
For tighter security, a password and a reason can be required in order change a discount.
Password control may be setup for RSCH02 in Module Passwords to better control when rates are overridden.
If Reason Codes On Override has been activated in the Company Security Parameters the operator will be prompted for a reason code to explain why the rate was overridden as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.
Enter the Reason code for the change in the rate or select it from the drop-down list.
The extended amount is total charge for this item before taxes. It is calculated by this formula:
Override Extended:
As an option, the extended amount may be overridden for sales items.
This is convenient for firms that make deals at the counter for a specific price instead of using the percentage discount feature.
Example: $0.43 each or 3 for $1.00
This option can be set in the Company Security Parameters to allow Override Extended.
Any override is tracked automatically with Print Override Report.
Meter Reading Update window:
The Update Product Meter Information window appears only for non-bulk metered rental products on a contract, or when the worksheet is converted to a contract.
The Meter Reading OUT defaults from the Current Meter Reading but this can be over-typed if required. This is the meter reading for which billable units will be tracked on this document.
For information on tracking Meter correction, rollover or replacement on equipment refer to Update Meter Prompt/Meter Hours.
Purchase Order Information window:
This window is triggered if the sales product, or re-rental equipment on this detail line belongs to a Product Class that is flagged to allow a Purchase Order to be created directly from the contract, to capture the P.O. information.
Note: This window is suppressed and a P.O. is not created if the specific product has been flagged to Stop P.O. in the Make/Model and Re-Order Information (Rental Assets) or the Inventory Re-Order Information (Sales Products) window.
Click CANCEL to close this window if a P.O. should not be created to order this product or service at this time, or enter the P.O. information as outlined in Purchase Order Information.
Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details on this feature.
Accessing the Notes, Taxes, Discount Fields and Print flag:
Each product entered on a document has individual tax and discounts fields. The tax and discount amounts are determined by the tax and discount information for the customer and division entered on the Header screen.
On the Counter Worksheet, if the Header information has not yet been completed, then the values default from the Customer# to Clone as defined for the operator's division in Divisional Contract Parameters.
Note: If the tax codes or discounts on the Header are changed on an existing document, any new items added to the document will use these codes, but any existing items will keep the codes originally assigned to them.
Existing items may need to be changed individually where required.
To view and access the tax, discount, and print fields, on the Product detail paging screen, click on the EXP/CON button or press <F9> on the product detail line.
Window to access the notes field for the product, as outlined in Product Notes.
The Prompt for Contract Detailed Notes in the "Document Settings of the Divisional Contract Parameters controls whether the worksheet detail notes window opens automatically for Rentals, Sales, Both, or Neither.
There are three approaches to taxing:
•Standard Tax window:
The two standard tax codes default to the document by customer or by division, according to the Rules as outlined in Tax Maintenance Overview.
If the operator has role permission, the tax codes can be over-typed or selected from the drop-down list, if required.
Note: The Tax Code NTX over-rides any other code at any level.
•Enhanced Tax window:
The taxes and exemptions to be applied are displayed as explained for Enhanced tax processing in Taxes and Exemptions.
If the operator has role permission, the tax codes can deleted in the window and the exemptions can be modified as required.
•Vertex Taxing:
Because Vertex Tax Software calculates the tax amounts and allows for any exemptions, Tax Code 1 is always interpreted as Y and Tax Code as NTX as all taxes are combined in the Tax 1 value.
This flag controls how this product detail prints on the document.
Select one of:
•Select Y (Yes) to print this product detail on the document.
•Select N (No) to prevent this product detail from printing on the document, however any extended amount and taxes are still included in the totals.
•Select P (Hide Price) to print this product detail record, but not to print the Unit Price, Extended Price, or any Rental Rates on the product detail.
The extended amount and taxes are still included in the totals.
The discount percentage displays.
This can be overridden, but the Discount Amount field cannot.
Enter a 10% discount as 10.00
The Calculate Detail Discount window is provided to view and update the discount percents given on this product detail.
Discount Security:
The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Contract - Rental Discount, Detail for rentals, and Contract - Sale Discount, Detail for sales, in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.
Discount overrides on kit items in the Select Kit Items window are controlled by the separate 'Permit' flag set on Contract - Rental And Sale Kit %, Detail, and once a kit is accepted if there are kit defined discounts on an item the discount can no longer be adjusted.
Discount Exceeds your Allowable Limit:
This warning is triggered if the operator has been assigned a Security Role Permission with a cap on the Maximum Discount% for Rentals and/or Sales, and the percent manually entered as an over-ride exceeds the defined limit.
The option to get over-ride approval from an operator with permission to assign this high a discount rate, is provided:
•Click NO to abort the discount over-ride and to revert back to the previous discount value (even if the previous value exceeds operator maximum).
•Click YES to trigger the Discount Authorization window for over-ride approval and operation verification.
Discount Over-Ride Tracking:
If the discount percent is overridden, the override is automatically written to a report Print Override Report so that management will be aware of when discounts have been given by a counter clerk.
For tighter security, a password and a reason can be required in order change a discount.
Password control may be setup for RSCH02 in Module Passwords to better control when rates are overridden.
If Reason Codes On Override has been activated in the Company Security Parameters the operator will be prompted for a reason code to explain why the rate was overridden as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.
Enter the Reason code for the change in the rate or select it from the drop-down list.
Time-Based Discounts on Reason Code:
If the Reason for the discount is to give a Time-Based Discount, a window to specify the discount plan details is generated as outlined in Line Item Discounts.
Note: The Time Based Discount does not show as part of the discount percent or dollar value on the product document detail line, but can be accessed in the Line Item Discounts window on the Discount % field.
Special Rates Discount:
Any Special Rate Discount setup for the product in Rate Discount for Products/Groups is included in the discount percent along with any standard rental discount.
The Calculate Detail Discount window is provided to view and update the discount percent.
Note: If there is a 'Special Rate Discount' given on the product for this customer or division, it cannot be removed on the document, and the total discount percent cannot be reduced to less that the Special Rate Discount percent.
Discount Not Allowed:
This warning is triggered if the operator or division is applying a valid Special Rate Code on this product and the flag on the Special Rate Code is not set to allow Rental Disc.
No Discount On Lower Rate Over-Ride:
In the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters a flag can be set to disallow the discount if the rental rate is over-ridden to less than the regular rental charge.
However the discount % can still be re-entered manually, if the lower discount is actually valid.
This does not apply to sales discounts.
No Discount On Special Pricing for Sales Parts:
The Customer's Sales discount percent per the document header is not automatically applied if the Sales part or the Group assigned to the Sales part is eligible for Special Pricing setup in the Price Codes.
The discount can still be added manually to the product detail if required.
Customer Discount Programs:
Additional discount incentive programs can also be setup in Customer Discount Programs and assigned to preferred customers in Customer Information.
If a customer is not eligible for his Discount Program because of over-due accounts at the time an invoice is created, a warning will be triggered on the screen after the document header information is completed, to alert the operator.
Rental Product Class Discount Control:
A flag in the Rental Product Class can be set to control whether rental products in a specific class should not be given customer or standard discounts.
Note: This flag is handled differently for Kit items to allow for package pricing as outlined in Kits, and does not apply to Time-Based Discounts, or when a split billing invoice is generated.
The discount amount is calculated as the Unit Price each multiplied by the Discount%.
This amount cannot be overridden.
Note: If changing the discount % does not yield the desired Extended Amount, set the discount percent to 0.00 and change the Unit Price amount to the desired amount.
The sort values used in the sorting sequence of the product details, are displayed in the third detail line.
This field appears with the potential discount amount, only if the customer and product are eligible for a Trade Discount.
Trade Discount percents are setup in the customer record, and are given on equipment rentals only when the invoice is paid by the discount date established from the Terms code. Specific Product Classes, and Rate Code levels can be flagged to disallow Trade Discounts.
Once the Trade Discount is disallowed on a product detail on a contract, reservation, or quotation, it will NOT be reinstated even if the restricting factor is changed. To re-instate a Trade Discount, the product detail line must be deleted and re-entered.
For more information on this discount feature refer to the Trade Discounts.
This window is only enabled in the product detail on the Contract when the "Activate Contract Detail Additional Options" feature is activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters for the document division. Additional product details related to the PPSR can be captured in the Contract Detail Additional Options.
This window can also be automatically triggered when the contract detail line is accepted, if the pop-up option is flagged in the Additional Pop-Up Windows of the Divisional Contract Parameters.
This Select Maintenance Rental Period Hours window is only triggered for non-bulk rentals to capture the actual rental usage for calculating when maintenance is due, if the Rental Product Class for the non-bulk product is flagged as 12 or 24 Hours in the Maintenance Rental Period field.
KITS and SSL Selection Windows:
Product selection windows for any Kits or SSLs that are associated with the rental or sales product are automatically generated.
Related items can be selected to be included on the contract as outlined in Select Kit Items and Select Suggested Sales Items.
Availability Checking on Kit/SSL Items added to a Document:
The Kit/SSL Enforces Document Location Override Restrictions flag in the Company Security Parameters controls whether quantity overbooking is enforced when Kit or Suggested Sales List items are added to a document.
Click ACCEPT after the inventory selection list is completed.
The product details can remain in the sequence that they were entered, or they can be re-sorted to display on the screen and to print on the document in a preferred order.
Refer to Document Sort Preference for more information about this divisional controlled feature.
This Delivery And Pickup Service Codes on Document dialog pop-up window is triggered only if a rental product on this document belongs to a Group with associated Type D services for Delivery or Pickup setup in the Group Service Codes, and the document has been flagged for Delivery and/or Pickup on the document header.
Refer to Group Delivery/Pickup Type-D Service Overview for information on this feature.
If the Service Code selected for Delivery or Pickup is designated as 'Type $', this code over-rides any "auto" assigned delivery/pickup including the 'Type D' ranked charges, to allow a customized service charge amount to be manually entered for special delivery situations, such as distance to the customer site, as outlined in the Custom Delivery & Pickup Charge or Custom Delivery or Pickup Charge pop-up window.
The document summary totals screen is displayed as outlined in Contract Totals screen.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Contract Details screen include:
•Delete Product Details:
Only Sales and Rental products that have a Status of 'O' indicating that they are Out on the Contract can be deleted, and only if they have no accumulated billings.
Any accumulated billings can be viewed in the "Rental Period Calculations" window on the Unit Price field.
Individual Components from a Power Kit also cannot be deleted, as they are linked to a primary non-bulk rental.
Because of these restrictions on what products can be deleted from a contract, this requires an extra level of security against contract product deletions that doesn't apply to quotes or reservations.
In the Contract Details screen, click the DELETE button or press <F7> to open a Delete Product window displaying a list of products on this contract that are eligible for deletion. These are the only products on the contract that can be deleted.
Click on the sequence number of the record to delete to highlight it and click the DELETE button at the bottom of the screen.
Confirmation is required.
When a product detail line is deleted from a Contract and the Add to Delete Log for Contract/Invoice Details is set in the Company Security Parameters, then an audit record is written to the Delete Log for RSCH02 to track the operator and date of deletion.
If this contract detail has generated a Purchase Order to order any sales products, re-rental equipment, or services, a warning is generated reminding that follow up may be required and the link to the contract is removed on the P.O. detail.
Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details on this feature.
•Link a File to this Document:
Click the ATTACHMENTS button to review and set any File Attachments associated with this document.
The link to an attached document will be passed on to any resulting documents created by converting the contract to an invoice.
A green check mark is displayed to alert the operator when there are any associated attachments.
•Document Signature:
A "note page" icon is displayed to alert the operator when the document has been signed and the signature can be viewed in the File Attachments by clicking on the ATTACHMENTS button.
Note: Signed document attachments cannot be deleted.
•Record a Product Substitution:
Click the SUBSTITUTION button to log the details in the Substitution Transaction window.
This is a "down rent" action and is useful when a rental product is not available and so a rental product of greater value is put on the document but with the rates of the lesser rental product that was originally requested.
This button is not visible on the screen if the operator currently signed into the session does not have the Security Role Permission flagged to 'Create Substitution in Contract' in the "Document Field Access" settings.
This button is only enabled in ADD mode when focus is on the 'Product Number' field of the Contract Detail.
Topic Keyword: RSCH02