Contract / Worksheet Summary and Totals
Counter Menu -> Contracts -> Contract Details -> Contract Summary and Totals
Counter Menu -> Counter Worksheet Header -> Counter Worksheet Details -> Worksheet Summary and Totals
The Totals Summary is displayed after the document Header and product Details screens have been completed.
The ESCAPE key returns to the Confirmation Screen, from which the operator can chose to return to the Header, the Details, the Totals, or to exit the document.
The information in the Contract Totals screen include:
The document type (e.g. Contract, Invoice, etc.) is displayed with the document number.
The customer number and name are displayed.
The total value of the rentals on this document is displayed.
The total value of the sales on this document is displayed.
The total value of the services on this document is displayed.
Additional services can be added to the Contract, Reservation, or Quote to be billed to the customer in the Contract Services window.
Some service charges can be setup to bill automatically such as Re-stocking Fees, EPA fees, and product or Group related charges. These services can be a flat rate or can be based on the amount charged for the associated product.
Refer to Services for more details on this feature.
Note: The prompt for Services when saving a Worksheet only appears if the feature is activated in the Counter Worksheet Parameters window of the Company Contract Parameters.
The accumulated Discount total given on this document displays.
Any Damage Waiver total displays.
The Damage Waiver can be added or removed from the document, using the button at the bottom of this screen.
The total Taxes due displays.
A window is provided to view the tax details as outlined in Taxes Charged.
The Total Charges displays.
The total weight of rental and sales products is displayed, only if the flag in the Company Inventory Parameters is set to display the weight, and Quote and Reservation weight totals also include any weights assigned to a Group on the document.
The weight of any negative quantities is not included in the weight total.
This box is checked if there is one or more active Credit Cards with valid Texada Pay payment information saved for this customer in the Customer Credit Card table.
Texada Pay Credit Card information can be captured in the Capture Card/Check on File utility.
The minimum security deposit calculated for the rental products on the reservation is displayed for customers that are not flagged as 'On Account' customers.
This is display only and is determined by the sum of the security deposit values as set in the Rental Information window for each Rental product on this document.
This is the total deposit amount already collected on this document.
A window is provided to view the deposit details as outlined in Deposit History.
Note: Only unposted same day TP Credit Card payments can be completely Voided in the Deposit History window for Canadian or U.S. currencies, in the event an order is cancelled before the deposit clears the clearing house.
Deposits can be taken on the Contract, or Reservation, or Quotes.
Note: The prompt for Deposits when saving a Contract or Reservation Worksheet only appears if the feature is activated in the Counter Worksheet Parameters window of the Company Contract Parameters.
Quotation Worksheets cannot take a deposit.
An Authorized amount can also be defined on a Contract Deposit where the amount is checked and declined or confirmed as available on the customer's card.
This Authorization feature applies for Methods of Payment types (M, A, F) on the Contract deposit which triggers a pop-up when the Contract totals are accepted, that asks whether this payment is to be a CHARGE or an AUTHORIZE transaction.
Authorization Without Texada Pay:
When AUTHORIZE is selected and Texada Pay is not activated the Scan Card window is triggered so the funds can be confirmed as available on the Credit Card.
No funds are ever actually transferred for a manual non-Texada Pay Authorization. The Authorized amount is written to the Deposit History as an AU (Authorized) transaction type.
This authorization check is for information only and when the Rental Return is complete regular payment is required from the customer to pay the Invoice.
Authorization With Texada Pay:
When AUTHORIZE is selected with Texada Pay the Select Card Type window is triggered to confirm the funds are available. The requested funds are held for a period of time and are automatically collected when the Rental Return is processed so they can be applied against the resulting invoice billing.
When the Authorized amount exceeds the invoice amount, a refund for the difference is required.
The Authorized amount is written to the Deposit History as an AU (Authorized) transaction type and if the money is still being held and is used at Rental Return, the deposit transaction is then converted to SA (Sale).
The Deposit will be assigned the same DBR number as the invoice and posted through Daily Close then.
If the authorization has expired no further update occurs and the customer will be required to make payment at that time.
Note: The duration of the authorization is controlled by the Financial Institution.
Deposit Default:
This default deposit amount is determined by one of the following based on the Deposit Settings flags set in the Company Contract Parameters:
•the sum of the security deposit values as set in the Rental Information window for each Rental product on this document and displayed above in the Security Deposit field
•the sum of the estimated rental charge for the products based on the Deposit Multiplier% set for this division in the Division Contract Parameters
•the sum of both the security deposits and estimated rentals
•blank so a value can be manually entered as required
Accept the default deposit amount or enter the correct deposit amount or leave this field blank if no deposit is being taken at this time.
When the optional Bank Deposit Worksheet prints during Daily Close 1, all money entered as a deposit will be included.
Deposit Refund:
If a contract is cancelled or voided, any outstanding deposit must be refunded in order to close or delete the contract.
A deposit refund can be entered as a negative dollar amount, usually in the same Methods of Payment that it was taken so that the same G/L Deposits Held account is updated by the change in value.
With Texada Pay if the 'Refund Existing Payment Only' control is activated in the Texada Pay configuration, a one-time refund can only be given if it is less than or equal to an existing deposit transaction amount.
Some clearing houses will not approve a refund unless the original payment has been processed and approved so if a refund cannot be processed immediately the operator is given the option to add the Refund Request to the TP Pending Refund Queue table to be re-submitted to the clearing house at a later time.
Cash Drawer:
If the operator signed in has been flagged to utilize the Cash Drawer in Operators, the associated drawer opens per the Cash Drawer command.
If a specific drawer has not been assigned to the operator, then the default drawer assigned for the document division in Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters, opens.
An audit record is written to the Cash Drawer Inquiry for function RSCH03, with the system generated reason of "Contract".
If the Prompt For Clerk flag has been set in the Company Security Parameters, the Clerk Confirmation window is triggered to capture the clerk code and also the password if required.
Cash Drawer Icon
This icon is only displayed if the signed-in operator has a specific Cash Drawer designated in Operators, or there is a division default in Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.
It can be used to force the Cash Drawer to open even if no deposit was taken.
Clerk and password security is respected, and a reason for opening the drawer can be entered in the Reason pop-up.
The reason and clerk security is captured and logged in Cash Drawer Inquiry for function RSOD02.
If a deposit amount was entered, enter the date the deposit was received. Generally, today's date is entered.
A parameter in the Company Contract Parameters controls the default deposit date. This can be over-typed as required.
Options include:
•When the parameter flag is left blank, the deposit date defaults to the contract date when a new contract is added, but defaults to today's date when additional deposits are added in Change Mode.
•When set to C, the deposit date always defaults to the Contract date.
•When set to D, the deposit date always defaults to the current Date.
•When set to N, No date automatically displays, and the clerk must enter the correct date for each deposit.
Enter the payment method or select how the dollar amount was taken from the options outlined in Taking the Payment Options and Explanations.
The payment method is based on whether the Texada Pay feature has been activated and the currency of the Customer.
Capturing the Debit Card/Credit Card/Cash Payment Options:
Depending on the payment method one of the following windows will be triggered:
Calculate Change
Scan Credit Card
Select Card Type
Deposit Request
Click the EMAIL FOR DEPOSIT button to email this document to the customer requesting a deposit payment on the Contract. This is useful when the customer is not present.
The Email For Deposit window is generated where a single address can be selected or entered to receive the email document request and the deposit amount required.
If the Texada Pay feature is not enabled, a warning is triggered and a Marketing link is generate when the user clicks OK to provide more information on Texada Pay.
Contact Texada Services to activate this feature.
This option only appears if the Delivery/Pickup Ticket Sub-system has been activated in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters, and is only enabled if the operator has Security Role Permissions to Create Delivery Ticket In Contract as set in the "Document Field Access" window.
A flag in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters sets the preferred default response for this prompt for operators that have permission to Create Delivery Ticket In Contract.
This option is also disabled for Seasonal Contracts because "Off Rentals" conflict with the seasonal billing process.
For detailed information about this Delivery Tickets refer to Delivery / Pickup Sub-System.
Check this box to generate a Delivery ticket for the driver, listing all the products just entered on this contract and setting the status for both sales and rental products to Off Rent.
If this is a new contract all products will be included on this first delivery ticket with the total original quantities.
If an existing contract has been re-accessed and additional products have been added to the contract, only these new products will be listed on a new Delivery ticket and given the off rent status.
Note: If the Cycle Bill Items from Contract feature has been activated in the Divisional Contract Parameters any sales parts on the Delivery Ticket are not auto-sold, instead they are put off rent until the delivery is confirmed by Close Delivery Ticket.
The Delivery ticket number is a combination of the contract# and the sequence number of the ticket and provides space for the customer to sign on receipt of the equipment.
e.g. For the second delivery ticket generated for Contract 1399, the ticket number assigned would be 1399-002
The clerk code is also tracked with the ticket.
The Delivery Ticket Details window is only triggered if the delivery services are to be charged by the ticket, rather than for the whole contract, as setup in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters.
If the delivery services are NOT charged by the ticket, then the 'Activate External Transport?' prompt is triggered instead.
This Contract Delivery & Pickup Information window is triggered on creation of a Delivery Ticket if an external Transport Supplier is delivering the products to the customer site, to confirm and update shipping addresses.
The Print and/or Email Delivery Ticket window is triggered to capture delivery details and a notice is sent to the external transport contractor that transport is required.
The Transport Supplier feature is activated in the Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters.
If On Demand or WinRoute is utilized by this division as setup in the Logistics tab of the Software Integration, the Delivery and Pickup Time window opens to capture the expected delivery time frame.
Uncheck this box if a Delivery ticket is NOT required, and these products should not automatically be placed Off Rent.
A Print Contract Default value can be set in the 'Counter Document Default Flags' window of the Divisional Printing Parameters that can be over-typed on each document.
Uncheck this box to skip printing this document at this time.
The contract can also be printed from Print Contracts.
Check this box to print this document now.
The number of copies to print in the standard contract format can be controlled in the Company Contract Parameters.
If Crystal forms is used by this division, the number of copies to print can be set in Customer Forms.
For Jasper forms documents, the quantity to print can be set from the pdf print window.
For information on the printed contract appearance refer to Print Contracts.
This field is only enabled when the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration, and the default value respects the Print Contract Default defined in 'Counter Document Default Flags' window of the Divisional Printing Parameters.
Uncheck this box if this document should not be emailed at this time.
The contract can later be emailed from Print Contracts if required.
Check this box to email this document in a single email as outlined in the Compose Email.
If the document is to be printed or emailed then the prompt to print extensions appears when this screen is completed.
A Print Extensions Default value can be set in the Divisional Contract Parameters that can be over-typed on each document.
Click YES if extensions are to be printed, so that the estimated rental charge prints on the contract.
This is useful for customers paying cash. It is generally not desired for customers On Account, since the customers may confuse the contract with the invoice and pay both.
Click NO to omit the estimated rental charges on the hardcopy document.
The Trade Discount percent displays, as setup for the customer.
The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Contract - Trade Discount, Totals in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.
If the discount percent is overridden, the override is automatically written to a report Print Override Report.
For tighter security, a password and a reason can be required in order change a discount.
Passwords may be setup to better control when rates are overridden.
If Reason Codes On Override has been activated in the Company Security Parameters the operator will be prompted for a reason code to explain why the rate was overridden as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.
Trade Discount percents are given on equipment rentals, taxes, and the damage waiver, when the invoice is paid by the Discount Date according to the Terms code. Specific Product Classes, and Rate Code levels can be flagged to disallow Trade Discounts.
The Due Date, Discount Date, and Discount amount are printed on the bottom of the contract.
For more information on this discount feature refer to the Trade Discounts.
Window to access the document comments screen.
Multiple comment lines and/or marketing comments can be linked to a document, each with a print flag, as outlined in Document Comments.
Customer follow-up comments can be reviewed and updated as explained Customer Follow-Up.
Additional records can also be entered.
Window to view and maintain subcontractor pickup and delivery costs by product as outlined in Delivery Pickup Subcontractors.
If a Deposit was taken on the document the Print Receipt pop-up is triggered for the payment only if the 'Prompt for Payment Receipt' feature is activated in the Company Customer Forms Configuration settings.
If the contract was printed and if a Purchase Order for a sales part, re-rent item, or service, has been generated directly from this contract, the P.O. print options are:
•If the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is NOT activated in the Company Email Configuration the option to print the new P.O. is provided by the YES and NO buttons in the Confirmation pop-up.
•The Selection Required window is triggered to provide print and email options, if the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
The P.O. can also be printed or emailed later from Print Purchase Orders.
Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details on this product ordering feature.
The Delivery ticket lists the products for delivery with serial numbers and quantities.
Space is provided for the driver to record the actual quantities delivered and for the customer's signature.
The number of copies of the standard delivery ticket format can be controlled in the Company Contract Parameters.
If Crystal forms is used by this division, the number of copies to print can be set in Customer Forms.
If multiple copies are printed, one can be left with the customer, and the driver can return the other signed copy to update the record in Close Delivery Ticket.
By closing the Delivery ticket, the equipment is put On-Rent and the time becomes billable.
If a delivery ticket was generated, the option to print it is provided as follows:
•If the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is NOT activated in the Company Email Configuration the option to print the new Delivery Ticket is provided by the YES and NO buttons in the Confirmation pop-up.
•The Selection Required window is triggered to provide print and email options, if the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
Delivery tickets can also be printed from Print Delivery Ticket.
This Print and/or Email Delivery Ticket window is triggered on creation of a Delivery Ticket when the Transport Supplier feature is activated in the Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters, to capture shipment information to include on the notice sent to an external transport contractor when transport is required.
This Close Delivery pop-up confirmation window only appears if a Delivery Ticket has been generated and if the Auto Close Delivery feature has been activated in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters.
The option to immediately bill the Sales parts from the contract, or to forward bill the Rental equipment from the contract can controlled in "Document Settings" in the Divisional Contract Parameters.
The billing process can be set to automatically sell eligible sales part when the contract is completed or the Delivery Ticket is closed, or to manually bill rentals in advance similar to Cycle Bill A Single Contract.
If the date of the invoice does NOT fall within the allowable Date Range, the Auto-Bill Sales Date Error is triggered.
If an invoice has been generated automatically, the invoice number for the auto-sale is displayed for reference.
Note: A flag in the Sales Product Class can be set to prevent products in that class from being sold immediately on the contract, so that confirmation of the sale is required in the Rental Return.
Re-Open a Closed Contract:
Once a Contract has been closed if a service is added, changed or deleted, or a product has been added and deleted, the operator is prompted whether to re-open the contract.
The contract is automatically re-opened with no warning if any products are added and saved on the document.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Contract Totals screen include:
•Link a File to this Document:
Click the ATTACHMENTS button to review and set any File Attachments associated with this document.
The link to an attached document will be passed on to any resulting documents created by converting the contract to an invoice.
A green check mark is displayed beside the button if attachments exist for or are associated with the document.
•Capture a Credit Card or Check information for future Payment Transactions:
The CAPTURE CARD button is only visible if the Texada Pay processing is activated.
This action does not take the payment, it only captures the card or check information to store on file for later payments.
Click the CAPTURE CARD button to access the Capture Card/Check on File window and scan or enter Credit Card or standard check information to be saved in the Customer Credit Card table for use to complete future payments.
•Key Performance Indicators:
Click the PERFORMANCE button on the document totals screen to report on the issues in each document, as outlined in Performance Question by Document.
This button is only visible on the document if there are active Performance Questions for the document date setup in Performance Questions.
•Flat Rate Rental:
The FLAT RENTAL button is only active if the Allow Flat Rate utility is activated in the Company Rate Parameters.
Click this button to view and set the flat rate rental charge amount for the contract, to apply on each cycle billing invoice.
The total amount charged for rental equipment on this document is displayed.
If the contract is to be charged a flat rate for all rental products, enter the new rental total to bill on interim cycle billings.
The Product details screen is displayed, so that the operator can review the distribution of the rental charges and make the appropriate changes to the Flat rate billed items.
The Billing Day assigned to the Contract is changed to 'F' for Flat Rate, and will then always be excluded from the regular Cycle Billing Edit unless the run is specifically generated for 'Billing Day Code' F.
The Contract will be Cycle Billed at the Flat Rate as many times as required.
Note: When the contract is closed in Rental Return, it will be returned at zero rental charge even if it has never be billed on an interim billing.
•Recalculate Delivery/Pickup:
The CALC DEL/PICK button is only active when a new contract is entered, and can be used to re-calculate the automatic delivery and pickup service charges if they have been over-ridden.
•Damage Waiver:
Damage Waiver applies only to rental charges, and will be billed on every monthly invoice for rental items that are eligible for damage waiver as defined in the Rental Product Class and if the document division is flagged to Charge Waiver in the Divisional Contract Parameters.
If the document is not covered by a waiver charge and should be, it can be added now.
Click ADD DMG WVR button if damage waiver applies to this contract.
oIf the contract is eligible for only one waiver rate, the charge to bill is calculated and immediately displayed in the Damage Waiver amount field for the document.
oIf the contract is eligible for multiple waiver rates at the customer, division and/or company level, select the appropriate rate in the Waiver Codes Selection window.
Click DEL DMG WVR button if a Damage Waiver has been calculated but should not be applied to this document.
Note: If the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature is activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings, then the Damage Waiver flag set in Customer Information is enforced, so that this button is only enabled for customers with Damage Waiver set to 'Optional' in Customer Information.
•Signature Capture:
The operator requires role permission to send eSign emails as set in the "Document Field Access" window of the Security Role Permissions.
Click the eSign button at the bottom of the screen to email this document to the customer requesting a signature on the Contract. This is useful when the customer is not present.
The Select an Email Address window is generated where a single address can be selected or entered to receive the email document request for signature.
Once an email is requested the eSign button displays as disabled.
The document email for the signature request is sent when the totals screen is closed to ensure any changes made to the document are reflected in the email.
Any Safety Sheets associated with this contract are included in the 'eSign' email.
If the eSign feature is not enabled, a warning is triggered and a Marketing link is generate when the user clicks OK to access more information on this signature feature.
Contact Texada Services to activate this feature.
Topic Keyword: RSCH03