Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Print Contract Packing Slip

Counter Menu -> Document Reprints -> Print Contract Packing Slip

Contract packing slips can be useful for party rental firms, for delivery staff to assemble the order.
 The Reservations for the day can be converted to contracts on the night (or several days) before the actual Date Out of the Reservation, and the Packing Slips can then be printed by Date Range.

When printing the contract, the Print No Charge Items flag can be set in the Divisional Printing Parameters. This means the contract, which the customer signs, is not cluttered with no charge items. For example, the contract would print the Marquee, but not the Side Walls, Pegs, Poles etc. However, the Packing Slip would print all contract items, so that your staff would know to how many to deliver and pick up.

The packing slip looks similar to the contract.
 It prints both the Bill to and Ship to addresses, the contract date and return date, and delivery information.
 It prints the product #, description, Bin, and quantity ordered.
 It has two blank lines beside quantity ordered for PICKED and CHECKED for your staff to manually write in their initials or a check mark.

Each packing slip prints on a single sheet of blank paper, so that the packing slip can be left with the assembled order, when completed.

When printing the packing slips, a contract number range, and a date range can be selected, so that a single packing slip, or all packing slips by date can be printed.
 The packing slips can be printed in product # order within Product Class, or in Bin number order.

Note: This document does not use Forms Control

Topic Keyword: RSCH17