Print Delivery Ticket
Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Delivery Console -> PRINT button -> Print Delivery Ticket
Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Delivery/Pickup Dispatch -> PRINT button -> Print Delivery Ticket
Counter Menu -> Contract Details -> Contract Summary and Totals -> when Delivery Ticket created -> Print Delivery Ticket
An existing Delivery ticket can be printed, using this utility that can be accessed from the Delivery Console or from the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch by clicking on the PRINT button.
Refer to Delivery/Pickup Ticket Overview for configurable print parameters and details on the feature.
The number of copies of the standard format delivery ticket to be printed, is controlled by a setting in the Company Contract Parameters.
If Crystal forms is used by this division, the number of copies to print can be set in Customer Forms.
The Delivery ticket lists the products for delivery with serial numbers and quantities. Space is provided for the driver to record the actual quantities delivered and for the customer's signature.
If multiple copies are printed, one can be left with the customer, and the driver can return the other signed copy to update the record in Close Delivery Ticket.
By closing the Delivery ticket, the equipment is put On-Rent and the time becomes billable.
If a Rental Value Limit applies for a customer, a comment prints on the Pickup ticket including:
•the value of rental equipment on this contract
•the value of rental equipment being delivered
Refer to Customer Information for more information about the Rental Value Limit feature.
The prompts to print the ticket are:
Enter the original contract number from which the Delivery Ticket was generated, or look it up in the Contract Search window.
The customer name from the source contract displays.
The site name or shipping name is displayed from the source contract.
The last Delivery Ticket number for this contract displays on the screen.
This is the Delivery Ticket number to be printed.
If the ticket is being printed from the Delivery Console a window is provided to select the delivery ticket for this contract.
The Delivery Ticket selection window displays the dates, and highest cost products with quantity for each ticket.
Click the DETAILS button to view all the products on a specific ticket.
Uncheck this box to print the equipment on the Delivery ticket even if it has already been delivered to the customer.
Note: Equipment that is already assigned on a Pickup ticket will no longer print on any Delivery ticket.
Check this box to print only equipment on this ticket that has not yet been recorded as delivered in Close Delivery Ticket.
Window to view and modify the comments and print flags for this pickup ticket as outlined in Document Comments.
This field is only enabled when the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
Uncheck this box if this document should not be emailed at this time.
Check this box to email this document in a single email as outlined in the Compose Email.
Check this box to print the last signed copy of this Delivery Ticket.
If no signed ticket is found, the last unsigned ticket will still print when the Signature Required prompt is unchecked.
Uncheck this box to print the last ticket.
This is useful if the signed ticket is not the final version of the ticket.
This option is only enabled if the Print Last Signed Ticket is checked.
Check this box if the printed ticket must have the signature.
An error is returned if no signed document is found and nothing is printed.
Uncheck this box if a signature on the ticket is not mandatory to print it.
If no signed ticket is found, the last unsigned ticket will then print.
A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.
This option only appears after a Delivery Ticket has been generated and if the Auto Close Delivery processing has been activated as outlined in Close Delivery.
Topic Keyword: RSCH25