Overdue Contracts and Cycle Billings
Back Office Menu -> Cycle Billing -> Overdue Contracts and Cycle Billings
This report lists all contracts that are overdue as of the Cut-off Date selected.
It includes any contracts that have one or more rental products that have missed cycle billing.
The report can be printed for one division, or all divisions.
It prompts for cycle billing period (default 28 days) and uses this as an offset to the cut-off date, when examining the billed through date on the contract details, to determine which products are overdue for billing.
This will leave only overdue contracts to be printed on the report, including problem contracts with missed dates, that have not been billed.
Note: All Cash contracts will be included if the Cycle Billing Period and the Billing Day Code are set to blank.
The prompts are:
Accept today's date or enter a preferred cut-off date.
For firms that do a lot of Cycle billing, use a cut-off date of a month ago to exclude this month's contracts that will be taken care of by the next Cycle Billing.
Select one of the following account types for the customers as flagged in Customer Information:
•Cash to list only customers flagged as Cash only.
•On Account to list only customers flagged as charge On Account.
•Both to include all customers.
Check this box to include all divisions in the report.
Uncheck this box to select a single division.
If the report is being run for a single division, enter the division of contracts to be included in the report, or select it from the drop-down list.
Accept 28 days or enter the correct cycle billing rental period in days.
The number of days entered as the Cycle Billing Period is used with the cut-off date when examining the billed through date on the contract details, to determine which products are overdue for billing.
Note: To pickup all cash contracts, leave this field blank.
Accept ALL to include contracts with all billing day codes or enter a specific billing day code for the contracts, or select one from the drop-down list.
Leave this field blank to generate the report for only the over-due contracts for cash customers, according to the Cycle Billing Period.
If Cycle Billing Period is also blank, all cash contracts are reported.
Select one of:
•Select Summary to print the "Overdue Contract Summary".
The summarized report lists by division, showing Contract #, Customer Name, Telephone #, Ship to Name, Ship to Tel, Date Due, Deposit, Cycle Billing Day Code and Date Last Billed.
If a contract has a product that is Off Rent, the contract will be flagged with an "F" in the column on the right of the Last Billed date.
•Select Detail to print the "Unbilled Contracts Report".
The detailed report lists the Contract #, Customer Name, Telephone #, Reference, ID, Deposit, Date Out, Date Last Billed, and Date of Next Billing, as well as each product number, description, quantity out and date due back.
This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.
Click the ACCEPT button to generate the report or spreadsheet, or click CANCEL to abort.
Topic Keyword: RSCH40