Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Create Delivery Ticket

Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Delivery Console -> CREATE button -> Create Delivery Ticket

Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Delivery/Pickup Dispatch -> CREATE button -> Create Delivery Ticket

Counter Menu -> Contract Details -> Contract Summary and Totals -> Create Delivery Ticket

Delivery tickets are usually generated when the contract is completed in Counter Worksheet or in Contracts.
 Delivery tickets can also be created for a contract, using this utility that can be accessed from the Delivery Console or from the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch by clicking on the CREATE button.
 No date is attached to the Delivery Ticket, but when the ticket is closed in Close Delivery Ticket a date for the confirmed delivery can be entered, to determine the date to start billing the customer.
 If the Delivery Ticket is created and closed immediately using the Auto-close option, the billing start dates will be as of the dates on the contract.

Products are Off Rent and are not available during the duration of the ticket, but when the ticket is closed the availability status for Off Rent equipment respects the flag whether to Show Off Rentals as Available as set in the Company Security Parameters.

Note: Delivery tickets cannot be generated from the Worksheet or from the Reservation until the document is converted to a Contract.
 Delivery tickets also cannot be generated for Seasonally Billed Contracts, as "Off Rentals" conflict with the seasonal billing process.

Refer to Delivery/Pickup Ticket Overview for configurable print parameters and details on the feature.

The prompts to generate a Delivery ticket are:


Enter the contract # or look it up in the Contract Search window.
 The customer name from the source contract displays.


This flag defaults from the contract and indicates whether there should be a charge for delivery on this ticket.
 This can be changed here and then service charges can also be added.

A Charge by Delivery: Yes/No comment can be printed on the ticket indicating whether there is a charge for each delivery, or a single delivery charge per contract.
 For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording of the text can be customized for two languages in the Document Field Labels table.
 For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.


Standard default comments can be setup in the window on the Default Comments field in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters as outlined in Delivery Ticket Comments. These comments are added automatically to delivery tickets created for that division. Comment lines can be deleted or edited.

Window to view and enter comments on the Delivery ticket.
 These can be deleted or modified and additional comments can be added as outlined in Document Comments.


Window to select and add any Service Charges for additional delivery costs, as outlined in Select Contract Services.


Multiple external documents or images can be associated with this document as outlined in the File Attachments window.
 When an attachment is added to a Delivery Ticket, the attachment name is prefaced with the ticket number when the ticket is created.

This field is disabled if there is no attachment directory defined in Company Miscellaneous Parameters.


Check this box if this delivery ticket is to be handled by an 'External Transport' service.
 Tickets flagged to be serviced by an external transport are not reflected in the Texada Web "Delivery/Pickup Dispatch" queue, but they can still be returned through the Texada Web "In-Yard Return" process.

Uncheck this box if an 'External Transport' service is not being used for this ticket.

Note: This checkbox defaults to being checked if the document division is setup to use an 'External Transport' in the Transport Supplier Information window, and defaults to blank if the division does not use an 'External Transport'. The checkbox can be changed as required.


Check this box to default the deliver flag to yes for all products that currently have an Out status on the contract.
 Uncheck this box to default the deliver flag to no.

This default can be over-typed for specific products in the resulting Product Details list.


Enter the driver code or select a code from the drop-down list as setup in Drivers.

This is an optional field if On Demand or WinRoute services are activated for the division.


This window only appears if Company Security Parameters is set to require operator confirmation as outlined in Clerk Confirmation.

Product Details The product details from the contract that are still Out, display by sequence number, with the product#, description, quantity, and default Deliver flag.

The deliver flag can be checked or unchecked as required to select products to be included on this Delivery Ticket.

When the Transport Supplier feature is activated in the Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters, the weight of the products on the ticket is tracked and is included in the shipment information sent to the Transport Supplier.
 The weight total can be adjusted in the Print and/or Email Delivery Ticket window before the email notice is sent to the Transport Supplier.

When complete, click ACCEPT to accept the selection and exit the details window.
 Confirmation is required as outlined in Confirmation Screen.


If On Demand or WinRoute is utilized by this division as setup in the Logistics configuration, the Delivery and Pickup Time window opens to set the delivery time frame.


The option is provided to print the new Delivery Ticket.
 A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

If the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is NOT activated in the Company Email Configuration the option to print the new Delivery Ticket is provided by the YES and NO buttons in the Confirmation pop-up.
 The number of copies of the ticket to be printed, is controlled by a setting in the Company Contract Parameters.

The Selection Required window is triggered to provide print and email options, if the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.

The ticket can also be printed or emailed later from Print Delivery Ticket.


This Contract Delivery & Pickup Information window is triggered on creation of a Delivery Ticket when the Transport Supplier feature is activated in the Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters, to send a notice to an external transport contractor that transport is required.
 This window can be used to confirm and update yard and customer addresses for shipping.


This Print and/or Email Delivery Ticket window is then triggered to confirm the weight and dates, and to trigger the email to the Transport Supplier.


This option only appears after a Delivery Ticket has been generated and if the Auto Close Delivery processing has been activated as outlined in Close Delivery.
 When a Delivery Ticket is created and closed immediately using the Auto-close option no confirmation date for the delivery is required, so the billing start dates for the rentals will be as of the dates on the contract.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Create Delivery Ticket screen include:

Use a URL to View Directions to Site:
 This button is only available if the URL direction and map information has been entered in the Mapping Tools fields of the Address Tools.

Click the SHOW MAP button to launch your firms preferred locator site in a standard Web browser such as Internet Explorer, as outlined in Map Location.

Topic Keyword: RSCH52