Create Credit Invoice From Existing Invoice
` Counter Menu -> Miscellaneous Invoices -> CREDIT INV button -> Create Credit Invoice From Existing Invoice
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Account Adjustments -> Credit Invoicing -> Credit Invoices -> CREDIT INV button -> Create Credit Invoice From Existing Invoice
This utility can generate a credit invoice based on an existing standard invoice number.
It does not apply to Sales Order Invoices or Work Order Invoices.
It can be accessed from the CREDIT INV button at the bottom of the Miscellaneous Invoices or from the Credit Invoices header screen.
The option is provided to include or exclude Credit Lines.
If Credit Lines are included they are added as positive amounts on the resulting credit invoice.
The CREDIT INV button on the invoice screen is only active when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to Create Credit Invoice from Existing as setup in Security Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.
This program respects any security controls set for the clerk code/password, and the field ticket requirement.
The date range for Credit Invoice is controlled by the dates assigned to module RSCM in Date Range Control.
If the credit invoice was created by accessing this utility from the button on the Miscellaneous Invoices screen, then ** Standard Invoice ** displays on the screen, and the invoice posts through the standard Daily Close 1 and Daily Close 2.
If the credit invoice was created by accessing this utility from the button on the Credit Invoices screen, then ** Credit Invoice ** displays on the screen, and the invoice posts through the separate A/R Daily Close 1 - Credit Invoices and Daily Close 2 - Credit Invoices posting programs.
Resulting Credit Invoice:
The number of the credit invoice will be the same as the "source" invoice with a C suffix.
e.g. original invoice 192702 would create 192702C
This utility will copy the existing invoice customer information, Ship To, tax, products, time periods, service, etc. crediting all charges back to the customer.
A window is provided to add Comments to the new Credit Invoice.
If additional products are added to the invoice the current rate structure calculation is applied.
If the source invoice was create from billing a contract, then the contract number will become the Ref Contract# on the new credit invoice so that it will be linked to the billings inquiry for the contract and rental rates will reflect the source contract rates.
This Reference Contract# does not print on the invoice but it is used and displayed in the following areas:
Credit Invoices
Update Invoice Information
Document Inquiry
Billings Inquiry
Topic Keyword: RSCM02