Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Price Codes

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Rental Rates & Pricing -> Price Codes

Price codes can be setup at the product, Group, or Class level, to achieve the following:

oset prices at separate stores or divisions

ogive price breaks to preferred customers

odefine seasonal sales pricing for date period

ogive special prices based on quantity purchased for high volume sales

osell used rental equipment at a discounted price

osetup promotional flyer pricing as outlined in Product Special Pricing


The codes can be maintained in the Price Codes window in the "Rental Rates & Pricing" parameters on the Operations tab of the Configure System Settings.
 An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Operations - Price Codes in order to access this table.
 Changes to the Price Code values can be viewed in the Price Code List Changes window on the Update Product List Price utility.

Special Prices by Division or Customer:

A Price Code can be assigned at the division level in Divisional Rate Parameters and/or at the customer level in Customer Information or in the "Associated Customers" window in the Details of each Price Code record, so that each time an order or sale is entered in Sales Orders, Sales Order Invoices, Counter Worksheet, Contracts, Miscellaneous Invoices, Credit Invoices, Cylinder Entry, Reservations, or Quotations, the correct price based on the special price and/or on quantity purchased will automatically apply according to the date, division and customer.
 Credit invoices for returned stock, also respect the special prices.

Note: When the Multi-Tiered Pricing feature is activated special pricing can be further controlled on multiple levels for specific customers as outlined in Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing.

No Discount on Special Pricing:

The Customer's Sales discount percent per the document header is not automatically applied if the Sales part or the Group assigned to the Sales part is eligible for Special Pricing setup in the Price Codes.
 The discount can still be added manually to the product detail if required.

Special Pricing Prohibited on a Product:

If a Sales part is identified in the Re-order window of Sales Inventory to Disallow Discounts, then any special price code giving a discount on that sales part will be disregarded. The price can still be over-typed on the Contract or the Invoice if required.


Use a date range to set when the special prices apply.
 Decide which products are eligible for the special prices.

Special Pricing can be based 3 different calculations:

Discount Off List

Flat List Price

Markup From Cost

Special Price examples could include:

Example 1: ABC Construction is assigned Price Code 1 - which allows 20% Discount off List price for the following items:

 Red Shot       1000 or more
 Propane        100 lbs or more
 Sanding Belts  5 or more

Example 2: Atlas Construction is assigned Price Code 2 - which allows greater discounts off List Price for the following items:

 Red Shot  20% off list for 1000 to 1999,
   35% off list for 2000 and over

 Propane   20% off list for 100 to 199 lbs,
   35% off list for 200 and over

Example 3: Northern Construction pays 30% mark up from cost on all parts ordered.

Example 4: Redway Construction always gets a set List price for 100 lbs.

 Propane   $39 instead of $45

Note: For "Flyer Specials" refer to the Product Pricing for more information, and for specific "Circular Specials" refer to the Circular Pricing.

The prompts to setup special price codes are:


In Change or Lookup mode, leave this field blank to return all existing Price Code records or to narrow the list of existing Price Codes, filter the record results by entering a full or partial sequence of characters from the Price Code or the Price Code Description.

Add Price Code
 After reviewing an existing list, to setup a new record click the ADD button at the bottom left of the screen and enter the new Price Code values in the pop-up screen as follows:


Enter a number or letters for the Price Code. Use up to 5 characters for the Price Code.
 Having multiple Price Codes allows for different price structures to be used for different customers.

Note: If a blank Price Code is setup, it will apply to all customers that do not have a specific Price Codes assigned.


Enter a definition for the Price Code.
 e.g. ABC Discount, Spring Garden Sale, Redway Propane Pricing


The type of price code determines how the price will be calculated.
 Select one of the following options for a default value from the drop-down list.
 The Type can be changed on the specific product and group pricing records.

 Leave this field blank or select Unassigned to force the operator to select a Type when the product and group pricing records are entered.

 The list price in the Product File will be discounted by the specified discount percent.

 Set the list price to be used in place of the regular list price from the Product File.

 The average cost in the Product File will be used to calculate the list price based on the specified percent markup.

M/D %

This field only applies for Price Codes using M = Markup and D = Discount Off List.

Enter the most common percentage for this Price Code.
 This is a default and can be over-typed when assigning the price codes to the products if necessary.


Enter the date when this price code becomes effective.
 This allows special pricing to be entered in advance in preparation for the promotional or seasonal sale.


Enter the date when this price code expires.

An expiry notification report/email warning can be generated as outlined in Automatic Reporting, at five, thirty, sixty and ninety days prior to expiry, on the expiry date, and also for any previously expired price codes.

Detail List of Existing Price Codes

The Code, Description, Type, Markup/Discount%, From and To Dates are listed as outlined above along with a 'Details' column to setup the relevant Products, Groups, Classes, and associated Customers as follows:


Window in the Details field to view and update the:

Product Special Pricing

Group Special Pricing

Class Special Pricing

Associated Customers


Click ACCEPT to accept the information.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Price Codes screen include:

Delete Price Codes:
 The DELETE button is only active when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to delete price codes.
 The role permission is setup in Security Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.

Select the record and click the DELETE button to delete a Price Codes so that all related special pricing records are also removed.

Note: If it is currently in use, the Price Code cannot be deleted until it has been removed from all customers listed in the Associated Customers window on the Details field of the Price Code record.

Note: After clicking one of the REPORT, COPY, REBUILD, or IMPORT buttons before proceeding with the action a message is triggered, to warn that any special prices that have been partially added but not completed may be lost, to allow the operator to abort if required and to save the data first.

Print Price Codes:
 Click the REPORT button to generate the following:

oPrint the Price Code list in summary, detail or by Customer, as outlined in Price Code List.

oIf the Enable Multi-Tier Pricing feature has been activated in the Company Rate Parameters, the option to print the Tier 1 Pricing Report is also provided.

Copy Price Codes:
 Click the COPY button to copy the prices from one Price Code to another, as outlined in Copy Price Codes.

Rebuild Pricing Tables:
 This utility need only be run under the instructions of Texada Support if the pricing table index has become corrupt.
 Click the REBUILD button to regenerate the pricing tables that are used to determine the prices on the documents, from the special pricing records.

Export Pricing Tables:
 Click the EXPORT button to output the pricing data for existing Price Codes to a spreadsheet as follows:

Price Code File Structure Requirements:

The existing price code values are exported to a spreadsheet with the column structure defined below.
 When appropriate changes are made to the spreadsheet it can be saved to a tab-delimited txt file in preparation for importing.
 The column requirements include:

oLine 1: - Heading

Col A = * (which indicates header row not data row)

Col B to I = optional description

oLine 2 and on: - Data

Col A = blank

Col B = Price Code (must exist)

Col C = Pricing Level (must be one of P/G/C)

- P = Product Special Pricing
 - G = Group Special Pricing
 - C = Class Special Pricing

Col D = Product#/Group#/Class# (must exist and be valid per type in Col C)

Col E = Type of Price Code (must be one of L/M/D)

- L = Flat List Price
 - D = Discount off List Price
 - M = Markup From Cost

Col F = M/D % (blank when Col E = L)

- Discount or Markup percent to be used.
 e.g. If 20% discount or markup then the value would be entered as 20

Col G = Base/List Price (display only as this is a system calculated value)

- The base from the product file on which the new price is calculated

Col H = List Price

- This is the price that will be charged per unit when the volume quantity is sold on a document

Col I = Quantity

- Enter the minimum quantity that applies for this price level

Import Pricing Tables:
 Click the IMPORT button to move the tab delimited txt file with the price changes to the server using the Select A File To Upload utility, and then import the updated pricing tables to the existing Price Codes.

Import Errors/Success:
 When an error occurs the information will be written to an error file and this information will be output on an error report. The record in error will not be added to the table.
 If there are no errors the number of successful records is listed in an information box.

Price Table Updates from Import:

oIf the price level is 'P' then the product price record would be added to the Product Special Pricing table

oIf the price level is 'C' then the class price record would be added to the Class Special Pricing table

oIf the price level is 'G' then the group price record would be added to the Group Special Pricing table

oIf a record already exists in the corresponding table for the Price Code, product/group/class, Price Code Type and quantity, then the list price and M/D% in the existing record is updated, otherwise the valid records are added to the table.

Topic Keyword: RSCO01