Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Depreciation Classes

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Accounting Tab -> Inventory -> Depreciation Classes

The Depreciation Class is used to determine the rate of depreciation and the residual percentage.
 Only one depreciation class can be assigned to each Fixed Asset Tag.

Classes can be maintained in the Depreciation Classes window in the "Inventory" parameters on the Accounting tab of the Configure System Settings.
 An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Accounting - Depreciation Classes in order to access this table.

When the Calculate Depreciation utility is run, the depreciation per product is calculated according to the rate.
 After printing, if the depreciation report is accepted, the depreciation program updates the Fixed Asset Tags. Generally the depreciation amount is NOT posted automatically to the General Ledger, so a General Ledger Journal entry is required to update the depreciation in the General Ledger.

Note: The percentage of rental revenue depreciation method works differently, and can post directly to the General Ledger in the Daily Close.
 Refer to Depreciation Methods for further details.

If your firm does want the depreciation to post in summary to the General Ledger, by division, this can be activated in the Company Posting Parameters.
 An extra column and window appear in the Depreciation Classes screen so the correct default G/L accounts can be assigned for these postings.
 The postings are generated from Print Depreciation Report.

Declining Balance - Code D

Use several classes to achieve several different rates of depreciation. In Canada, the classes are setup according to the table below. For yearly depreciation, set # Of Depn to 1 (1 depreciation run per year.) For monthly depreciation, set # Of Depn to 12 (12 depreciation runs per year).

EXAMPLE:  Yearly Depreciation
CLASS DESCRIPTION                            METHOD  RATE%  #DEPNS
----- -----------                            ------  ------ ------
 8    Revenue Can. CCA Class  8 (over  $200)    D     20.00    1
10    Revenue Can. CCA Class 10 (over  $200)    D     30.00    1
12    Revenue Can. CCA Class 12 (under $200)    D    100.00    1

EXAMPLE:  Monthly Depreciation
CLASS DESCRIPTION                            METHOD  RATE%   #DEPNS
----- -----------                            ------  ------  ------
 8    Revenue Can. CCA Class  8 (over  $200)    D     20.00    12
10    Revenue Can. CCA Class 10 (over  $200)    D     30.00    12
12    Revenue Can. CCA Class 12 (under $200)    D    100.00    12

Straight Line - Code S

In the United States, use one class per year per rate. (Some firms use the Year as the Class code, i.e. 93, 94, 95.) Set the # Of Depn to the total number of times per year the item should be depreciated.
 For yearly depreciation, set # Of Depn =1.
 For monthly depreciation set # Of Depn =12.

----- -----------                            ------ ------  ------ ---------
 1    5 years  - yearly Depn - no residual     S    20.00       1
 2    5 years - monthly Depn - no residual     S    20.00      12
 3    5 years - monthly Depn - 10% residual    S    20.00      12    10.00
 4    4 years - monthly Depn - 10% residual    S    25.00      12    10.00
 5    2 years - monthly Depn - 10% residual    S    50.00      12    10.00

Note: Using the Straight Line method, the Depreciation Base To Exclude Residual flag in the Company Posting Parameters can be used to control whether the depreciation and the alternate depreciation calculations are based on the full cost of the equipment, or on the cost of the equipment less the residual.

Percentage of Rental Revenue - Code %

Refer to examples in Depreciation Methods.

Percentage of Rental Revenue NO POST - Code #

Refer to examples in Depreciation Methods.

Flat Rate - Code A

When a Flat Rate method is selected on the Fixed Asset Tag, the DEPRECIATION AMOUNT PER UNIT, must also be entered on the tag. This amount times the quantity on the tag is the depreciation amount charged. Residual % still applies.

MACRS Depreciation- Code M

Refer to examples in Depreciation Methods for the rules applying to "MACRS".
 MACRS table can be defined in MACRS Depreciation.

 To setup the Depreciation Class table the fields include:


The sequence number is automatically assigned to track the records in the file.


Enter the Depreciation Class.
 Use up to 5 characters.


Describe the Class.
 Use up to 20 characters.


Enter the method of Depreciation which applies to this Class or select one from the drop-down list as setup in Depreciation Methods.
 Choices include:

D - Declining Balance
 S - Straight Line
 A - Flat Rate
% - Percentage Depreciation of Rental Revenue - Post
 # - Percentage Depreciation of Rental Revenue - No Post
 M - MACRS Depreciation

Note: Any Depreciation Class that is based on either of the "Percentage of Depreciation" methods (Codes % or #), cannot be used in the Alternative Depreciation on an Asset Tag.

Changing the Depreciation Method on a Depreciation Class:
 When an existing Depreciation Method is changed on a Depreciation Class such as from Straight Line to Declining Balance, a warning is triggered that the YTD values on the relevant Tags will be reset to Zero so that the calculations for the new Method are not skewed by the calculations from the old Method.
 If this reset is not accepted the Method cannot be changed.
 If this is accepted, the 'YTD Number of Depreciations' and the 'YTD Depreciation Dollars' for all Asset Tags assigned this Depreciation Class are reset to ZERO when the Method is changed on the Class, and a spreadsheet is generated listing the products and tags affected.
 This reset of values applies to both 'Standard' and 'Alternate' depreciation calculations that have been assigned the Depreciation Class on the Asset Tag and will be impacted by the change in method.
 Depreciation History on the tag is not changed.
 A record is written to the Audit Log for the category of 'CLASS DEPRECIATION METHOD' recording what was changed.

Note: If the Method is being changed to MACRS a reminder is triggered to run the MACRS Accumulated Depreciation utility after applying change to the Method on the Class.


This is the description of the Depreciation Method for this Depreciation Class.


Enter the annual depreciation rate.
 10% should be entered as 10.0000

For the % methods - "Percentage of Revenue", this Rate is the percentage of the rental revenue per rental.

The Rate field does not apply to the "Flat Rate" method as the depreciation amount per unit is entered on the Fixed Asset Tag of the equipment.
 The Rate field does not apply to the "MACRS" method either, as the different yearly rates are setup in the MACRS Depreciation Table in the "Inventory" parameters on the Accounting tab of Configure System Settings.


Enter the total number of times per year the depreciation should be run.
 Enter 1 for yearly, 12 for monthly depreciation.

This does not apply to "Percent of Rental Revenue", or the "MACRS" methods.

Note: Two types of depreciation can be tracked for each Fixed Asset, standard (or book value) and alternate depreciation. Alternate depreciation can be used for tax or management purposes. The number of times depreciation is run per year for a product, should be the same for both types of depreciation. This is because once disposal of rental products is completed in Allocate Bulk Disposals, they are removed from the depreciation run, whether standard or alternate.


When the Book Value equals the Residual Amount, depreciation will no longer be calculated on the product.

Leave this field blank if a residual does not apply.
 To enter a residual of 10%, enter 10.0000.

The Residual percent does not apply to "MACRS" method.

Note: Using the 'Straight Line 'method with a residual percent, the Depreciation Base To Exclude Residual flag in the Company Posting Parameters controls whether the depreciation calculation is based on the full cost of the equipment, or on the cost of the equipment less the residual.


This prompt only applies if the feature to Post Depreciation to the G/L, has been activated from the Company Posting Parameters.

Depreciation Postings:
 When the Depreciation report is accepted, transactions are automatically posted to the G/L when rental equipment is depreciated in Print Depreciation Report per the default accounts assigned in this window for each Depreciation Class.

oThe debit for the depreciated amount is posted to the 'Depreciation Expense' account.

oThe credit for the depreciated amount is posted to the 'Accumulated Depreciation' account.
 This 'Accumulated Depreciation' part of the posting will be reversed if the asset is sold.

Sale of Asset Reversing Depreciation Postings:
 Depreciation postings are also generated by the sale of Non-Bulk Rental Equipment on an invoice.
 The reversing accumulated depreciation transactions post and print as part of the invoice on the AR Sales Journal or Rental Journal Transactions report from Daily Close 3.

oThe reversing debit is posted to the 'Accumulated Depreciation' account for the accumulated depreciation amount on the Fixed Asset Tag.

oThe credit for this depreciated amount per the Fixed Asset Tag, posts to the 'Inventory Asset' account as assigned in the Product Class, but is included with the Book Value amount from the sale that is also being credited to the 'Inventory Asset' account.
 i.e. (Book Value INVENTORY VALUE + ACCUM DEPR from Tag) which would equal the Inventory Purchase amount

Note: This automatic posting process does NOT apply to Alternate depreciation.

Depreciation Accounts window:
 This window on the Depn Accts field is enabled when Post Depreciation to G/L is activated in the Company Posting Parameters, and can be used to define the G/L posting accounts for this Depreciation Class, as follows:


Enter the G/L expense account to be debited for the inventory depreciation amounts for this class, or select it by searching in the window by account # or by account description.
 The transactions are generated from Print Depreciation Report and post in summary by division.


Enter the G/L depreciation account to be credited, for the inventory depreciation amounts generated from Print Depreciation Report which posts in summary by division, or select it from the window.
 This "Accumulated Depreciation" account needs to show on the Balance Sheet so this should be a Liability or contra-Asset type account.

This account is also debited to reverse the accumulated depreciation amount per the Asset Tag when a Non-Bulk rental product in this Depreciation Class is sold.

Note: The Depreciation Reversal Utility will fail if the GL accounts are invalid and the feature to Post Depreciation to G/L is activated in the Company Posting Parameters.


Purchase Rental Equipment for 1000.00
Depreciated it for a total of 200.00 so that Book Value is reduced to 800.00
Then sell the asset for 1500.00

 Postings for Purchase:
 Debit Inventory Asset Account: 1000.00 (Purchase Cost)
 Credit Accounts Payable: 1000.00

 Postings for Depreciation:
 Debit Depreciation Expense: 200.00 (Depreciation total)
 Credit Accumulated Depreciation: 200.00

 Postings for Sale:
 Debit Accounts Receivable: 1500.00 (Sale Price)
 Credit Revenue Account: 1500.00

 Debit COGS Prod Class Expense: 800.00 (Book Value)
 Credit Inventory Asset Account: 800.00

 Debit Accumulated Depreciation: 200.00 (Reverse Depreciation with remaining Inventory Cost)
 Credit Inventory Asset Account:  200.00

Topic Keyword: RSDF01