Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Deposit Taken History

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Account Inquiry -> Deposits window -> Outstanding Contract/Reservation/Work Order/Sales Order Deposits -> Deposit Remaining window -> Deposit Taken History

Counter Menu -> Add Deposits -> Contract/Reservation/Work Order Deposits -> Accumulated Deposits window -> Deposit Taken History

Counter Menu -> Reservations menu -> Log Reservation Deposit Reminder Calls -> Accumulated Deposits window -> Deposit Taken History

Counter Menu -> Counter Worksheet Details / Contract Details / Reservations / Miscellaneous Invoice -> Summary and Totals -> Accum Deposits window -> Deposit Taken History

Order Entry Menu -> Sales Order Details -> Summary and Totals -> Accum Deposits window -> Deposit Taken History

Order Entry Menu -> Sales Order -> DEPOSITS button -> Deposit Taken History

Work Order Menu -> Work Order -> " Summary and Totals" -> Accum Deposits window -> Deposit Taken History

This window displays the deposit history entries for the document.
 Each deposit taken is recorded separately, along with the date of that deposit, payment method and description, amount, authorization number, and type of deposit.
 Deposit types include:

SA - Sale

CR - Credit/Return

AU - Authorization Only (positive dollar amount)

VO - Void Authorization (negative dollar amount)

VO - Void TP Credit Card payment (same day cancelled order)

Click EXP/CON or press <F9> to view Transaction Type, Card #, and Card Name where applicable, for each deposit record.

 The 'Void' column is only provided when Texada Pay is activated and is visible on the document "Summary and Totals" screens where deposits can be cancelled or voided, including Contract Summary and Totals, Reservation Summary and Totals, Sales Order Summary and Totals and the Work Order "Summary and Totals".
 This 'Void' checkbox is enabled for TP Authorization Only type AU transactions and for unposted TP Credit Card payment type SA transaction captured on the same day as outlined below:

Void Texada Pay Credit Card Payments for Customer Documents:
 To Void a Texada Pay card payment or deposit without the card being present:

otransaction must be a Credit Card payment either On-File, Terminal scanned or Manually captured

otransaction must be for Canadian or U.S. currency

oVoid trx must be on the same day as the payment or deposit was captured

opayment or deposit cannot be posted in SRM

oTP Banking or Check or any non-Texada Pay method of payment cannot be Voided

oDeposit utilities accessed from Add Deposits do not provided 'Cancel' option

If a payment transaction needs to be cancelled but cannot be Voided, then a reversing payment or deposit is required to adjust the amount paid on the document, to correct the posting in SRM and to update the clearing house information.

Actions that occur when a Texada Pay Credit Card transaction is successfully Voided:

ototal deposit amount will be updated on the document

orecord Type in Deposit History will be updated from SA (SALE) to VO (VOID)

othe expanded Deposit History record will be updated to 'Voided Authorization'

oon an Invoice the Voided payment will disappear and payment required updated to Cash or On Acct

ono G/L posting will be written for deposit/payment or reversing Void trx

oaudit record is written to the Texada Pay Payment Log and Texada Pay Payment Log - Inquiry by customer

Cancel Texada Pay Authorizations on Contract:
 When an Authorization (AU) transaction is entered on a Contract Deposit and Texada Pay is activated the Transaction type is changed to SA (SALE) when the deposit is used on the Rental Return.

When an Authorize-Only (AU) Texada Pay Credit Card transaction is captured in place of a Deposit on a Contract, it can be cancelled only if this 'Accumulated Deposit History' window is generated from Contract Summary and Totals screen.
 Check the Cancel box to immediately Void the Credit Card transaction authorization without the card being present.
 The AU code type is changed to VO and in the expanded record Voided Authorization is displayed.

Refer to Capture Customer Payment Options for details on this the Contract Deposit Authorization feature.

Topic Keyword: RSDPVIEW