Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Copy Equipment Specifications

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Equipment Specifications -> COPY button -> Copy Equipment Specifications

Equipment Specifications can be copied from an existing code to another code, or to a new code.
 This is useful if the specifications are similar. Rather than re-typing the information, copy the detailed specifications to a new code and then edit the new specifications in Equipment Specifications.

The utility can be accessed from the Equipment Specifications screen, by clicking the COPY button at the bottom of the screen and proceeding as follows:
 The prompts are:


Enter the existing source Equipment Specification code or selected it from the Equipment Specification Search window.


Enter a new code that has not yet been used, or accept Auto-Assign to create a new Equipment Specification record, or select an existing Specification record from the window.


The original Equipment Specification description will be display.
 This can be over-typed as necessary to reflect the new specification record.


Click ACCEPT to create the new specification record or CANCEL to abort.

Update New Specification

Once the new specification record has been created, review and modify it as explained in Default Equipment Specifications.

Topic Keyword: RSDS04