Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Line Item Discounts - Time Based

Counter Menu -> Contracts / Reservations / Quotes -> 'Expanded Document Details' -> Discount % at over-ride with eligible Reason Code -> Line Item Discounts

Counter Menu -> Contracts / Reservations / Quotes -> 'Expanded Document Details' -> Discount % field window -> Time Discounts option -> Line Item Discounts

~ ~ -> View Document Information -> Details -> 'Expanded Document Details' -> Discount % field window -> Line Item Discounts

This pop-up window is triggered on a rental document when a rental product is given a discount, and the Reason Code given for that discount is for a Time-Based Discount.
 It can be used to update or capture the Time-Based discount details to apply.
 The Time-Based discount works with any Special Rate Discount setup for the product in Rate Discount for Products/Groups.

In billing and on the resulting invoice, the dollar amount billed is displayed in the Additional Discount Included window, instead of generating this Line Item Discounts calculation widnow.

The Time Based Discount does not show as part of the discount percent or dollar value on the product document detail line, but can be accessed from the window on the Discount % field.

The prompts are:


The description of the Time-Based Discount plan as defined in Time-Based Discounts, is displayed.


Any standard customer discount or document discount percent is displayed, including any Rate Discount for Products/Groups.


Accept the discount percent defined in Time-Based Discounts for this discount plan, or over-type the Max rate with the appropriate discount percent up to this maximum.
 If the operator enters a discount percent greater than the maximum, then the discount will revert to the Max value.

Note: The operator cannot change a Flat rate discount percent on the document.


Accept the number of days that this discount should apply as defined in Time-Based Discounts for this discount plan, or over-type the Max days with the appropriate number of days up to this maximum.

If the Max Days is zero, then there is no limit on the number of days that the operator can enter for the discount period.


The selected Over-Ride reason code which also matches the Time-Based Discount Code is displayed.


Click OK when the relevant Time-Based Discount information for this product detail is complete.

Topic Keyword: RSDSD02