Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Dollar Utilization By Group

Reports Menu -> Utilization -> Dollar/Time Utilization -> Dollar Utilization Report by Group

This summary report is based on revenue versus costs and prints one line per Group with subtotals by Product Class or by Utilization Set.
 The DOLLAR utilization reports calculate revenue generate by day.

The calculation percent (where $ Revenue includes both invoiced revenue and accrued revenue from unbilled contracts) is:

     $ Revenue      * 100 = Utilization %
 Total Product Cost

It is based on the data snapshots as explained in the over-view of Dollar/Time Utilization Overview.
 The quantities, and percents are the averages of the snapshot values over the selected time period.

The prompts are:


Type ALL to accept all divisions in the output.

To generate output for a single division, enter space for the Head Office, or enter a specific division code, or select one from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select a range of divisions or to select divisions by accounting region as outlined in Division Select By Region.

Note: Divisional restrictions set by operator Access Values do not apply to this report.


Check this box to consolidate the divisions generating one report for all selected divisions.
 Uncheck this box to report the utilization information separately by division.


Leave this field blank to skip the Set selection field, leaving it blank in order to use one of the Product Class, or Product Group selection options instead.

To utilize the Set selection option choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Sets as setup in Reporting Sets report.

Enter a single specific Set code for the report, or select one from the Reporting Set Search window.

Type SEL to select a range of Sets or to select Sets by Owner to include in the report, as outlined in Select Reporting Sets.

If a Set selection was made, the Product Class, and Group selection options are skipped.


Leave this field blank to skip the Class selection field, leaving it blank in order to use the Product Group, or Product selection options instead.

To use the Product Class selection option choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all classes as setup in Product Classes.

Enter a single specific Product Class code for the report, or select one from the Product Class Search window.

Type SEL to make a selection of classes to include in the report, as outlined in Select Product Classes.

If a product Class selection was made, the Group option is skipped.


Leave this field blank to skip to skip the Group selection field, leaving it blank in order to use the Product Number selection option instead.

To use the Group selection option choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Rental Groups in the utilization report.

Enter a single specific Group for the report, or select it from the Group Search window.

Type SEL to make a selection of Groups to include in the report, as outlined in Select Groups.

One of Set, Class, or Group, must be selected.


Accept the default date displayed to start the report as of the beginning of the current month, or over-type it with the preferred date.


Accept the default date displayed to end the report as of the end of the current month, or over-type with the preferred date.

Note: The From/To Date range period can be across calendar year boundaries, but the full period cannot be for more than 1 year in duration.
 e.g. Apr 1 2018 to March 31 2019 is acceptable, but Apr 1 2018 to Apr 1 2019 is not.


This date is only used by the report and spreadsheet output to define the year start date to populate the four 'Year-to-Date Start' (YTD) columns for 'This Year' (TY) and 'Last Year'' (LY) with the Utilization and Revenue values.
 The other columns on the output reflect the From/To Date range selected for the reporting Period.

Select a calendar or fiscal Year-to-Date Start for the output:

Accept the default of the Calendar year start date based on the To Date entered above.

Select the Fiscal year start date, which is based on the earliest fiscal year start calculated from the To Date entered above.
 e.g. If your firms's last summarize for financial's was Nov 14, and the To Date for this report is April 1 2019, then the fiscal year start would be Nov 14, 2018.


Check this box to have repair & maintenance costs included in the item cost values.
 Uncheck this box to ignore any repair & maintenance costs in the cost calculations.


Check this box to only include tools that were active for the full report time frame. This would include only items that were purchased prior to the start date of the report and were not sold until after the end date of the report.
 Uncheck this box to include all tools, even if they were acquired or sold during the report date range.


Revenues are tracked through the Daily Close posting. Therefore revenue from open contracts is not normally included in the dollar utilization calculations.

Uncheck this box to calculate the revenue for this utilization report, based on only the invoices actually posted through the Daily Close.

Check this box to include accrued revenue calculated from open contracts.
 This is tracked through the Cronjob RSDU01 - Accrued Revenue by Product#, by Location, by Dates setup in Automatic Job Scheduling, that needs to be run daily to be accurate.


This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
 Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.


Click ACCEPT to proceed with the report, or CANCEL to abort.

 The 'TY' values on the output represent "This Year".
 The 'LY' values represent "Last Year".
 The 'YTD' values in the report represent the "Year To Date" values and are based on the Calendar or Fiscal year start date selected for this run.
 The other columns on the output reflect the values per the From/To Date range selected for the reporting Period.

This gives the user to ability to compare UTE % year over year.
 Period will depend on the dates selected when you run the report.
 YTD will be the year based on the dates used when you run the report.

Topic Keyword: RSDU06 (RSDU03 2511)