Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Exchanges By Customer

Counter Menu -> Exchanges -> Exchange by Contract -> Customer option -> Exchanges by Customer

Counter Menu -> Counter Worksheet Details -> Product # window -> Exchanges by Customer

This exchange program can be used to enter multiple product exchanges for a customer across multiple contracts and different sites, in place of Exchange by Contract that exchanges specific equipment on a specific contract.

This feature can also be useful for rental firms that have long term equipment rentals, but want to encourage their customers to exchange the equipment at frequent intervals so that cleaning and maintenance can be performed regularly.
 Customers can bring in and swap old dirty equipment for fresh serviced equipment from various contracts at one time. Customers are not charged for the exchange and the original rates and discount incentives are maintained.

Customizable Exchange Parameter Settings:
 Because most rental firms have varying preferred business practices, Texada SRM provides a series of parameters to define and control the functionality of the software.
 Refer to Equipment Exchange Tunable Parameters for a comprehensive list of these tunable settings, both company wide in Company Parameters and by division or store in the Division Parameters.

Ship Exchange Feature:

Exchanges of rental equipment on a contract, generated in Exchanges By Customer can be flagged as requiring a Ship Exchange.
 This option provides the ability for a customer to request a replacement unit with the promise that the original equipment will be returned to the rental shop by a pre-determined number of days.

The original equipment is flagged off rent immediately to halt further billing, and then by returning it through Rental Return within the time allowance defined in the Rental Return Settings of the Company Contract Parameters.

The replacement equipment is added to the contract as a new detail line with rental rates as defined for the new equipment.
 All Time-Based discount incentives are initially carried over to the replacement unit.
 Pad Days are transferred from the old product to the new replacement product to maintain its eligibility in the Customer Discount Programs. The utility Contract Discount Program Pad Days can also be used to manually manage Pad Days.

If the customer is late returning the original equipment, then the "off rent" status of the original equipment is automatically cancelled and the customer must pay for the full period until it is returned.
 The replacement equipment is then considered a new rental and any Time-Based discounts accumulated from the original unit are not carried over to the replacement equipment.

The prompts to initiate a product exchange by customer are:


Select one of the following methods of reporting a product exchange:

Select Contract to switch to Exchanges By Contract to enter the exchange.

Select Customer to continue using this utility to report the exchange.

Note: Your preference will be the default the next time this option is utilized.


Enter the customer number or select one from the Accounting Customer Search window.


This defaults to the operator's location as defined in Operators, and if the operator setting is not set to Prompt for the location, then this default can not be changed.

If the operator has access and the default is not correct, enter the location to which the old equipment is being returned, or select one from the drop-down list.
 Only inventory locations can be entered, as flagged in Divisions.

If the return location differs from the contract location, then a transfer record is generated for the old equipment, as it is now at this new location.
 The transfer records can be viewed, printed, and posted in Inventory Transfers.
 A comment is written in the Transfer Notes field stating the source of the transfer as an equipment exchange with the corresponding exchange slip number.


Accept the current date and time for the exchange, or enter the correct exchange date and time.

This date and time will be used to determine when the Ship Exchange time allowance starts.

Note: If rate changes have been made to a product on the contract using the Update Contract Rental Pricing utility, that product cannot be exchanged prior to the effective date of the rate change, as related billing adjustments could not be made as of the old rate structure.


A Name Check List window can be triggered to control who can and cannot do business with your firm on behalf of this customer as outlined in the Name Check Select.
 The selected name from the Check List displays on the document header screen and prints on the document after the comment script.


If a name was selected from the Check List, the name displays and cannot be changed.

If no name was selected from the Check List, enter the name of the person requesting this exchange.


Enter optional comments that will print on the Exchange Slip.
 A maximum of 30 characters can be entered.

 Click the DETAILS button to access the product list paging screen as follows:


Enter the rental product number, or bar code, or window to look-up rental product numbers for this customer in the Product Search window which only returns products out for this customer.
 The product must be a rental item that is dated out on a contract for this customer prior to the Date/Time entered for the exchange, and the equipment cannot already be listed on a Ship Exchange.

 If the product number is a bulk item that is out on several contracts for the customer, a list of the rentals is displayed with the Contract#, product status (Out or F Off Rent) and the quantity. Select the record to be exchanged.

If the product quantity on the product detail is greater than one, then the total quantity will be exchanged.
 Partial product quantities cannot be exchanged.

The date and time out and due back on the contract for the original rental equipment, will be used to set the product requirement records for the new product, as displayed in Requirements Inquiry By Product/Group.

Note: This processing respects the operator restriction to Return Or Edit Contracts From Other Divisions as set in Operators.


If the old product is tracking meter or blade usage a window opens displaying the product number, description and the last meter reading.
 Accept this reading or type in the new Meter In reading as outlined in Update Product Meter Information.


The rental product description displays as entered on the original contract.


Enter the new product # which will replace the existing product, or search for it in the Inventory Search window.

The products in the search window can be restricted to the same Product Class, according to the Allow Exchange Across Classes setting in the Company Contract Parameters that controls whether the new and exchanged products must be in the same Class.
 If separate classes are permitted all products are displayed in the search window, but the product selected must belong to a Product Classes that has the same Billing Type and Hour/Shift for Meter Charge, in order to maintain consistent billing flow.

There is no restriction exchanging a Metered product from or to a Non-Metered product.


If the Prompt for Product Returned in Exchanges flag in the Company Security Parameters has NOT been activated, the original product is automatically considered returned after the exchange is accepted and no return confirmation is required.
 If this prompt is activated, the following prompts to control availability of the old product appears after the "New Product" is entered:


The exchanged product number is displayed.


Click NO if the exchanged product where XXXXX is the Old Product number, and has NOT been returned to the shop. After the exchange transaction is completed this product will display a status of E (Exchanged), until it is confirmed returned in Confirm Exchange Pickup.
 Unconfirmed exchanges are marked with an * in Contract Exchange Inquiry/Report.

Click YES if the exchanged product has been returned and is either ready to rent or to be serviced.

Note: Only unconfirmed exchanges can be reversed in Cancel Contract Exchange.

Exchange Restrictions:
 Products flagged not to rent or depreciate in Product Status Codes Menu, can not be exchanged onto a contract.
 Replacement and exchange products must use the same rental conversion factor in order to maintain consistent product quantities.
 The customer must also have sufficient insurance or Damage Waiver to cover the Replacement Cost of the new product, when the Use Damage Waiver Per Item Value Limits feature has been activated in the Company Standard Waiver Settings.


Products with a status code flagged not available to rent as defined in Product Status Codes, can not be exchanged onto a contract, and a warning message is displayed.

If there is insufficient quantity available of this replacement product or the replacement product has a current status of 'O' for Out or 'F' for Off Rent, then a warning is generated.
 If the operator has the ability and does proceed with the exchange to this product, an availability over-ride record is written for RSEX06C to Print Override Report.


If the new product is tracking meter or blade usage a window opens displaying the product number, description and the current meter reading.
 Accept this reading or type in the correct Meter Out reading as outlined in Update Product Meter Information.


The rental product description displays as entered on the original contract.


This feature is only available for non-bulk rental equipment.

Uncheck this box if the exchange is immediate, and the original equipment is returned.
 The new equipment will replace the old equipment on the same contract detail line at the original rates.

Check this box to add the replacement non-bulk rental product to the contract as of the exchange date, and to trigger a Ship Exchange on the original non-bulk equipment that is not actually back yet, putting it off rent to prevent further billing.
 The contract is updated to show two detail lines, with the original equipment off rent and the new equipment out on rent at this new date with the current rental rates defined for this product.

The original equipment must then be returned through Rental Return within the time allowance defined in the Rental Return Settings of the Company Contract Parameters in order to preserve the Time-Based discount incentives carried over to the replacement unit, and to preserve the off rent status of the replaced equipment.
 The Expected Return Date is displayed.

A comment is written in the contract Notes of the original exchanged product detail, stating the Ship Exchange Due Date and the replacement product number.

This processing is activated for non-bulk rental equipment, when a value is set in Maximum Number Of Days For Ship Exchanges in the Rental Return Settings of the Company Contract Parameters.

Note: The Ship Exchange Rental Return date is the actual date that the return is entered. The rental return cannot be backdated to force a Ship Exchange into an acceptable date.

Expanded Product Detail Record

Press <F9> or click the EXP/CON button to expand the product detail record to view the contract number and site description.


When the equipment exchanges are entered for this customer, press <F3> to accept the list or click ACCEPT.


Click YES to accept and process the product exchanges.
 Click NO to return to the product detail paging screen to make changes or additions to the exchange records.
 Click QUIT to abort the exchanges listed on the screen.


When the replacement "New Product Number" is a Re-Rent product as defined in the Rental Product Class, the Purchase Order Information screen is triggered to capture the required PO information if the operator has "Document Field Access" permission to the "Contract - Change Linked P.O." in the Security Role Permissions.
 No P.O. is created for the re-rent product if the operator does not have role permission.

Refer to Contract/Purchase Order Link Overview for details on product eligibility, rules, and configuration of this feature.


This prompt only appears if the exchange was accepted, and any of the contracts are from a division that utilizes the Document Detail Sort Sequence feature as setup in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.

Click YES to re-sort the product details on the contracts according to the preferred sort sequence for the contract division.
 Click NO to leave the details in the same order as they were entered.

Note: The equipment on the Exchange Slip is sorted by product number.


This window is triggered if any non-bulk rental products were returned, that belong to a Group that is flagged to generate a Work Order at return or exchange, and the equipment as been flagged as available, as outlined in Create Work Orders For Returned Equipment.

Any resulting Work Orders can be printed after the exchange is completed.


If the Update Product Status Code in the "Product Exchange Settings" is activated in the Divisional Return Parameters, the Product Status Code window displays showing the old Status Code and the new Status Code.
 The operator can accept the new code, select another code, or reject the code change.


This window is triggered if a bulk rental product was returned, that belongs to a Group that is flagged to set an availability time delay to allow for service after return or exchange, as outlined in Bulk Item Time Delay.


Click YES to print the Exchange Slip for the customer.

Click NO if a copy of the Exchange Slip is not required at this time.
 The Exchange Slip can always be printed later from Print Customer Exchange Slip.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Exchange screen include:

Output Exchange Details to an Inquiry or Report:
 Click the HISTORY button to view exchanges as outlined in Exchange Inquiry/Report.

Topic Keyword: RSEX06