Cancel Contract Exchange
This is a maintenance utility that can be added to an Additional Options menu as it is not on a standard menu.
Product exchanges can only be cancelled and reversed if the old exchanged product was flagged a NOT available in Exchange by Contract, or in Exchanges By Customer, and the exchange has NOT yet been confirmed in Confirm Exchange Pickup, and there have been no Ship Exchanges or subsequent exchanges done on the product detail line.
The product#, Out status and Off Rental flag, are reset on the contract. The availability and on contract status are updated for the product.
Any inventory transfers that were generated if the exchange location differed from the contract location are also reversed, as can be viewed, printed, and posted in Inventory Transfers.
A comment is written in the Transfer Notes field stating the source of the transfer as a reversal of an exchange with the corresponding exchange slip number.
A record tracking the cancelled exchanges is written to the deletion log and can be viewed in Delete Log listed under function RSEX11.
The prompts are:
Enter the contract number or up in the Contract Search window.
Enter the exchange transaction number for the product or look it up in the Exchange Transaction Search window
The original product number and description display.
The new product number and description display from the exchange.
The date and time of the exchange display.
Click ACCEPT to continue or CANCEL to abort the reversal.
Topic Keyword: RSEX11