Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Off Rentals By Contract

Counter Menu -> Off Rentals By Contract

An off rental occurs when it is required to "stop the clock" on a specific rental item on a contract.
 This often happens if a customer calls to report a breakdown of equipment, or asks to have the equipment picked up, or if there is inclement weather.
 By "stopping the clock" on the equipment, the customer is charged only for the time before the clock was stopped, and after the clock is re-started.

This same principle is also achieved by a Rental Return, but because the equipment has not been returned to the yard yet, the Rental Return is inappropriate.
 By using the off rental instead, the equipment can be located at all times. To achieve an off rental the status of the rental item is automatically changed from O = OUT to F = OFF RENTAL.

This utility can set all or specific items on a contract off rent.
 This option can also be used to put the items back on rent, or even to do the off rental and on rental in one step.
 For information on the settings that can be used to customize this processing to your firm's business practices, refer to Off Rent Tunable Parameters.

Products that have be flagged in Texada Web as In-Yard Returned are given an F Off-Rent status until they are returned,

Rental Products on Contracts that are flagged for 'Seasonal Billing' can be put "Off Rent" but zero hours will always be calculated to eliminate conflicts with the seasonal billing calculation.
 This includes the "Off Rent" hours generated by Delivery and Pickup Tickets. Counter Worksheet / Contract Tunable Parameters.

To identify existing off rental transactions, use the Off Rental Inquiry or the Off Rental Report.

Note: When a product is given a Flat Rate on a Contract, it bills that rate every interim billing and even if it is "Off-Rent" it will attempt to bill it in Bill a Single Contract where it can be edited if not required.
 The exception being, it will not bill an "Off-Rent" Flat Rate rental in Cycle Billing as this executes a batch billing run that is less convenient to edit.

The prompts are:


Enter the contract # or look it up in the window, as outlined in Contract Search.

Note: Cylinder contracts generated from Cylinder Entry specifically to track cylinders, bottles, or containers as they are delivered and returned, cannot be put off rent.


The contract date and time out will display, as a guideline to determine the off rent date and time.


Leave this field blank when generating an On Rent transaction only.
 Accept today's date to Off Rent the equipment, or type in the correct date that the off rental period should commence.

Note: If today's date is later than the Date Range Control for RSFR then the last date in the acceptable range becomes the default.

Date Range Control:

If the operator does not have date range override permission, the 'Date Off' and ' Date On' will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control for RSFR.
 The date control feature helps prevent data entry errors.


Accept the current time to Off Rent the equipment, or type in the correct off rent time.
 The status of the equipment is updated to F = OFF RENT and the Show Off Rentals as Available flag in the Company Security Parameters applies.


Leave this field blank if the items on the contract are still Off Rent.
 Enter the correct date to close the Off Rental transaction putting the equipment back On Rent.
 Only equipment which was off rent will be eligible.

Date Range Control:

If the operator does not have date range override permission, the 'Date Off' and ' Date On' will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control for RSFR.
 The date control feature helps prevent data entry errors.


This field is skipped if the items on the contract are still off rent.
 Enter the correct time to put the equipment back on rent.

The status of the equipment is updated back to O = OUT and the difference between the Off Rental Date/Time and the On Rental Date/Time as recorded as the Downtime.

Seasonal Contract:
 Updating "On-Rent" for a Seasonal contract will issue a warning that Off-Rental hours are not calculated on Seasonal contracts, and will calculate Off-Rental hours as zero.


Uncheck this box to skip printing the off/on rental document.
 Off rentals can be re-printed later using Print Off Rental.

Check this box to print the off rental.
 This document be used as a pickup copy for the Driver or it can be faxed to the customer. A copy can be attached to the original contract, as a reference.
 This field is skipped if the transaction is for an On Rental.

The Off-Rent document should be printed on the same paper as the Contracts/Invoices.
 It shows the contract #, Bill to and Ship to Addresses, and telephone #. It lists each item off rent, with the date/time out and date/time off rent.
 When the document is printed after the equipment has been put back On Rent, the "Date/Time Off" and the "Date/Time On", display the full off rental period.
 The "Days Off" column displays the number of days for which there was no charge for this off rental. When the Enhanced Off Rental processing is used, this is calculated by the Reason Code percent.
 Each item off rent is assigned a separate off rental #.

Note: The Time can be suppressed, and not printed on the Off Rental.
 This is controlled by the Print Time In Document Details setting in the Divisional Printing Parameters.
 If the Time is suppressed, the wording of "DATE/TIME OFF" and "DATE/TIME ON" on the Off Rental documents, should be changed in Document Field Labels to something more appropriate, such as "DATE OFF", "DATE ON" for standard and Crystal Forms.
 For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.


This field is only enabled if the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.

Uncheck this box to skip emailing the off/on rental document.
 Off rentals can be emailed later using Print Off Rental.

Check this box to generate an email to send the off-rental document to the contact address defined for the customer/site on the contract.


Uncheck this box if only a few items are to be off/on rented.
 Check this box if most or all of the items are to be off/on rented.

Specific items can then be included or excluded by modifying the Off/On Rent flag in the details.

Note: Products flagged for Ship Exchange cannot be put off rent.

Off Rental Conflicts Found
 This warning window opens only if an off rental record already exists that overlaps this time period, as outlined in Off Rental Conflicts.
 It is an information window only and does not prevent the operator from entering a conflicting record.


This prompt only applies if the Off Rental Reason Codes required feature has been activated in the Company Contract Parameters.

Enter a valid Off Rent reason code that has been assigned to this contract, or select one from the drop-down list.

Only reason codes previously assigned to this contract when the document was entered or assigned in Contract Reason Codes can be selected, and the drop-down list will be empty if off rent is not permitted for this contract and no reasons have been assigned.


Window to access the contract comments screen.
 Multiple comment lines and/or marketing comments can be linked to a document, each with a print flag, as outlined in Document Comments.

Note: These comments and notes can be flagged to print on the Contract, but they do not print on the Off-Rental document.

CLERK Confirmation

If the Prompt For Clerk flag has been set in the Company Security Parameters, the Clerk Confirmation window is triggered to capture the clerk code and also the password if required.
 If this security feature is not used and a clerk code is not entered, then the current operator signed in will be assumed.

Product Details:


For Off Rentals, each item on the contract will list with a separate sequence.
 For On Rentals, only items previously put off rent will list by sequence number.

Note: Products flagged for Ship Exchange cannot be put off rent.


The product numbers will display.


The product descriptions will display.


This field reflects the type of Off Rent, On Rent, or Off/On Rent action defined in the transaction header.
 The check box value defaults from the All Items selection and can be over-typed as required for individual products.

Check this box to generate the corresponding off and/or on rental transaction for this item.
 Uncheck this box to exclude this item from the off/on action.


If the product being put off rent is tracking meter or blade usage, a window opens displaying the product number, description and the meter information. The Meter History transactions can be viewed in a window on the LTD field and the Meter Reading Out displays as of the time the product went out.
 Enter the current meter reading at the time of the Off Rental. The the units used are calculated.

Refer to Update Meter Prompt/Meter Hours for complete details on meter replacement and rollover.
 The LTD and current meter reading and date in Rental Inventory are updated.


The current quantity on the contract will display. This amount will be off rented.
 Accept this quantity to off/on rent it, or over-type with the correct off rental quantity.

In an off rental, if the quantity is over-typed, with a lesser amount, this is considered to be a partial off rental, and the product quantity can be split into two parts.
 Click YES to split the product quantity.
 A second detail line will be automatically added to the contract for the quantity NOT off rent.


This is the date of the original Date Off Rent transaction for information purposes.


The Insured flag is displayed for information only, as set in the Make/Model and Re-Order Information for the product.

Note: This flag is not related to the customer's Insurance Information.


Enter any Off/On Rental Comment or Note for this product.
 Off Rent comments are not carried forward to the On Rent transaction.

Expanded Record

When putting a product back On Rent, click the EXP/CON button to view the second detail line with the days, weeks, and total hours off rent.


Click ACCEPT to complete the transaction, or CANCEL to abort.

Confirmation Screen

Select one of the following options:

Select Process Details to create the off/on rental transactions.

Select Return To Details to return to the product details screen to review and to make further changes.

Select Abort Changes to exit without saving the off rental.


A list of the products is displayed by product number with the description, quantity and Off Rent transaction number.

If the option to Print Off Rental was previously selected, the off/on rental document will now be generated or emailed.
 This Off Rental will not reprint later if it is out on rent again.

When the Contract is printed after the equipment has been put back On Rent, the "Date/Time Off" and the "Date/Time On", display the full off rental period.
 The Days Off column displays the number of days for which there was no charge for this off rental. When the Enhanced Off Rental processing is used, this is calculated by the Reason Code percent.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Off Rent screen include:

View Additional Off Rental Information:
 After selecting a contract and the equipment to be put Off or On Rent is displayed, click the EXP/CON button to view the days, weeks, and total hours off rent.

Print Off Rental Documents:
 Before selecting a contract, click the PRINT button to generate a copy of an Off Rental document or a group of Off Rentals as outlined in Print Off Rentals.

Print Off Rental Report:
 Before selecting a contract, click the REPORT button to generate an Off Rental list as outlined in Off Rental Summary.

View Off Rental Transactions:
 Before selecting a contract, click the INQUIRY button to view Off Rentals by contract or by rental product, as outlined in Off Rental Inquiry.

Reverse an Off Rental:
 Click the REVERSE button at the bottom of the screen prior to selecting a contract, to "undo" and delete an eligible Off Rental transaction as outlined in Remove Off Rental.
 This button is only active when the Security Role Permissions assigned to the Operator, is flagged in the "Deletions" window to allow Reverse Off/On Rental Transaction.

Note: Off Rentals generated by Delivery or Pick Up Tickets cannot be reversed.

Topic Keyword: RSFR02