Off Rental Inquiry
Counter Menu -> Off Rentals by Contract -> INQUIRY button -> Off Rental Inquiry
Off Rental transactions can be created in Off Rentals by Contract to allow your customers an "unbilled" period to provide for down time caused by such things as weather or equipment failure.
This inquiry displays product off/on rental information by contract number and/or by a selected product number.
The prompts are:
•To view Off/On Rental information for a specific product on various contracts, leave this Contract# field blank, and enter the product number in the Product# field.
•To view Off/On Rental information by contract, enter the contract number or look it up in the Contract Search window.
For the inquiry by Contract#, leave this field blank to include all items on this contract for which an off rental transaction has been generated, or to narrow the search enter a specific product number or lookup a product in the Inventory Search window.
For the inquiry by Product# enter a specific product number or lookup a product in the Inventory Search window.
Note: A Contract# or a Product# must be specified for the inquiry, in at least one of the first two selection fields.
Accept the default date to include transactions from all time, or to narrow the search enter a starting date for the inquiry.
Accept today's date, or enter a preferred ending date for the inquiry.
Resulting Product Details
The product number, Off Rental transaction#, date off, date on, and Reason code display with a window on the Reason code to view any notes captured on the Off rental transaction.
Any Meter reading and product quantity and Invoice Flag are displayed.
If the Invoiced flag is Y (YES), a window is provided to view the invoice information as outlined in Contract Billings.
The Off-Rent hours, and the Insured flag from Make/Model and Re-Order Information, are also displayed.
Click the EXP/CON button or press <F9> to view the off/on times, the original contract#, and the operator & division of the off-rental.
"Off Rent Hours" will always be zero for Rental Products on Contracts that are flagged for 'Seasonal Billing', to eliminate conflicts with the seasonal billing calculation.
This includes the "Off Rent" hours generated by Delivery and Pickup Tickets.
The Total Off Hours is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Note: The following conditions may cause the Total Off Hours value to not accurately reflect the actual contract off rental hours.
•Conflicting records that overlap time periods will add to the accumulated off rent time in spite of any overlap and will be reflected in the rental charge.
•If the rental return is dated prior to the on-rental date/time, the off rental hours will reflect the return date/time, and reduce the off-rental hours on the contract accordingly.
Click ACCEPT to close the inquiry screen.
Off/on rent transactions information can be output to a report or spreadsheet from the Print Off Rental Summary.
Topic Keyword: RSFR06