Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Off Rental Conflicts

Counter Menu -> Off Rentals by Contract -> under Conflict Conditions ->

This warning window is triggered in Off Rentals by Contract if an off rental record already exists for a contract, that overlaps the time period entered a second time for that same contract.

It is an information window only and does not prevent the operator from entering a conflicting record that will add to the accumulating off rent time in spite of any overlap.

The display includes the conflicting detail number, product number and description.
 An Off-Rentals window is provided to view the conflicting off/on rent date and time details.
 If the Off Rental transaction has not yet been accepted, the word *New* replaces the Off Rent # and the overlapping transaction is identified with the word *Error*.

Topic Keyword: RSFR09