Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Print Off Rental Documents

Counter Menu -> Off Rentals by Contract -> PRINT button -> Print Off Rental Documents

Printing the Off Rental is useful as a paper record that the items have been put off rent.
 One copy could be attached to the original contract, and a second copy could be given to the driver for pickup or faxed to the customer.
 For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording of the heading can be customized for two languages in the Document Field Labels table.
 For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.

This print utility can be accessed from within Off Rental by Contract by clicking the PRINT button.

Note: The Time can be suppressed and not printed on the Off Rental documents.
 This is controlled in the Divisional Printing Parameters by the prompt Print Time In Document Details.

The prompts are:


Enter the desired contract which was put off rent.


Enter the last contract number to be printed.


Uncheck this box to print only previously UNPRINTED Off Rentals.

Check this box to print all off rentals for contracts in this range.
 Once an Off Rental has been closed by putting the item back On Rent, the Off Rental document will not be printed.


This field is only enabled when the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.

Check this box to email this document now to the appropriate contacts as flagged in the Contact Information for this customer/site, using the Compose Email tool.

Uncheck this box to skip emailing this document at this time.

Note: If both the Print and the Email boxes are checked, and the print output selection is to Email as PDF then the document is emailed to the Contacts and to prevent duplication the 'Email as PDF' is ignored.


Click ACCEPT to proceed or CANCEL to abort the printing.

Output Format:
 The option is provided to print the Off Rental documents as a standard document or using Crystal or Jasper forms if forms control has been activated for the company in Customer Forms.

Topic Keyword: RSFR10