Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

View/Expire Pending Ship Exchange

Counter Menu -> Exchanges Menu -> View/Expire Pending Ship Exchange

This utility can be used to view existing Ship Exchange product records, with the ability to cancel the Ship Exchange.

The prompts are:


Type All for all divisions or enter a specific Division code for the contracts, or select a division from the window.


Type All for all customers or enter a specific Customer number, or select a customer from the search window.

Resulting Paging Screen Listing the Outstanding Ship Exchange Products


The sequence number is assigned by the system to track the records in the table.


The non-bulk rental product number flagged for Ship Exchange is displayed, if it has not been returned yet but is still within the Ship Exchange time allowance.
 This is a display only field and cannot be modified.


The date that the product is due back and still qualify as Ship Exchange, is displayed.
 This is a display only field and cannot be modified.


The original contract number is displayed.
 This is a display only field and cannot be modified.

A window is provided to drill down to the contract details.


The customer number on the contract is displayed.
 This is a display only field and cannot be modified.

A window is provided to view details about the customer as outlined in Customer Information Inquiry .


The customer billing name displays.
 This is a display only field and cannot be modified.


The number of days that this product is still eligible for the Ship Exchange is displayed.
 This is a display only field and cannot be modified.


Leave this box unchecked if the Ship Exchange status should continue to be maintained.
 Check this box to immediately terminate a product's Ship Exchange status.

Expanded Detail Record

Click the EXP/CON button or press <F9> to expand the product detail record to view the product description.


Click ACCEPT to accept the details and to exit the screen.

Topic Keyword: RSFR12