Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Invoice Details

Counter Menu -> Miscellaneous Invoices / Point Of Sale Invoices -> Invoice Details

Counter Menu -> Quotations -> Quotations -> CONVERT button -> Invoice option -> Convert Quote to Invoice -> Invoice Details

Counter Menu -> Quotations -> Sale Approval Quotes -> CONVERT button -> Convert Sale Approval Quote -> Invoice Details

Counter Menu -> Cylinder Transactions -> Close action -> Invoice Details

Back Office Menu -> Operator Time Charges -> Edit Operator Charge Invoices -> Invoice Details

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Credit Invoicing -> Credit Invoices -> Invoice Details

After the billing and shipping information has been completed in the invoice header as outlined in Miscellaneous Invoices, Point Of Sale Invoices, or Credit Invoices, the product information can be entered in this Invoice details screen.

The Operator Time Charges product details can be viewed but cannot be changed, if the Time Charge Invoice was accessed from the Edit Operator Charge Invoices option in the menu tree.
 If the product details need to be adjusted the same invoice can be accessed from the Miscellaneous Invoices option if the operator has sufficient role permission.

When entering charges for rental items, two options are provided:

1.the rate can be entered manually if it has already been calculated

2.the rate calculation can be based on Date/Time Out and Date/Time In by utilizing the window on the Each field.

If the Date Out/In is not entered then the rental time period will not print on the invoice for that product line.
 If the rate is entered manually, and the rental period is required on the invoice document, the billing period can be included in the invoice comments manually.

The Invoice# with the Customer# and customer name are displayed for reference at the top of the product details screen.

Review the Invoice Tunable Parameters for information on security features and field access permission.
 Separate controls can be set on invoices generated from a contract, either from a Cycle Billing or a Rental Return.

Note: Invoice product details cannot be changed or deleted if the product billing is the result of a Cycle Billing or a Rental Return or a Sales Approval Quote.

The prompts to enter the sales and rental products are as follows:


The sequence number tracks the product detail records in the invoice.


Enter the product number or first few characters of the product number or description, or use a barcode scanner to read and enter the product by the barcode number. If an exact match is found the product will be added to the document.
 If an exact match is not found, all products with a product number, product description, Vendor product number, serial number for a serialized sales part, or the serial number from a rental product fixed asset, that begin with those characters are listed in the product selection window, as outlined in Inventory Search.

Other options in the window on the Product# field include:

Equipment Search:
 Check this option to use the product search utility as outlined in Inventory Search.

Kit Search:
 Check this option to search for product using the Kit Search.

Invoice Comments:
 Check this option to review and add invoice comments as outlined in Invoice Comments.


After the product number has been selected and entered on the document, the description displays as it will print on the invoice.

 If the operator has been given Security Role Permissions in the Document Access Fields to change product descriptions in document entry, this product description can be over-typed if required.
 Over-typing the description does not make any changes to the product description stored in the Product file.

Alternate Language Descriptions:

If your firm utilizes the Alternate Language feature as activated in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters, and the document is for a customer flagged to receive documents in the alternate language, then the product descriptions will display in the associated alternate language on the screen, as they will print on the document.

For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording of the text can be customized for two languages in the Document Field Labels table.
 For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting window of Customer Forms for the language and label controls.

To speed up product entry on the invoice details, if the Fast Entry Of Sales Items flag in Operators is checked the "Description" field is automatically defaulted and skipped.


The Equipment Specifications can be viewed in the window on the Description, as outlined in Product Specifications.


A divisional setting in the Divisional Inventory Parameters controls whether the window on document entry is automatically triggered displaying the customer's posted sales activity for this Sales part, as outlined in Sales Product History.

If the automatic display of sales history is suppressed, this information can still be viewed on the product detail line in the window on the Unit Price field that accesses the Special Price Search information, by clicking on the SALES HISTORY button.


To speed up product entry on the invoice details, if the Fast Entry Of Sales Items flag in Operators is checked, the R/S is automatically defaulted in the "Type" field according to the product type.
 This field can still be accessed if required.

Enter R for RENTAL.

Cash Customer Rental not Allowed Error:
 A warning that this bulk or non-bulk rental product cannot be rented to a Cash Customer and the rental is aborted, if the asset has been flagged to Rent to Account Customers Only in the "Additional Information" window of the Rental Product Class.

Enter S for SALE of parts or sales merchandise.

Enter S for SALE OF RENTAL to sell or dispose of a rental product to ensure that the proper accounting transactions are generated and the Asset Tags are updated.


If the sold item is a rental product, a window is also provided to view the Disposal reason as outlined in Disposal Information.


The Prompt for Taxes when Selling Rentals flag in the Company Taxing Parameters can be set to trigger Taxes on Sale of Rentals for Standard Taxing, or Taxes and Exemptions for firms using Enhanced Taxing.

Leased Rental Product Warning:
 A Reminder to Contact Leasing Vendor warning is triggered if the rental product being sold has been assigned a Leasing Vendor number in the "Lease Information" window in Rental Inventory.
 The sale is not prevented.

Sale not Allowed Error:
 A warning that the bulk or non-bulk rental product cannot be sold is triggered and the sale is aborted, if the asset has been flagged as No Sale in the Make/Model and Re-Order Information.


Enter the number of units rented or sold.

The 'Include Sales Order Qty In Availability Checking' flag in the Company Invoice Parameters controls how part quantities on a Sales Order impact quantity availability checking on 'Miscellaneous Invoices'.

Note: When the invoice is entered in Credit Invoices, this adjustment program does not prevent invoicing of a rental product with a Status code prohibiting rentals.

 When selling a serialized sales item, the serial number window will open to select a serial # from this location, as outlined in Serial Number Search.

 To issue a credit, enter the quantity as negative if the item sold is being returned or a Trade-In item is being entered.

If a negative Sales quantity is entered, indicating the product is being returned, a restocking fee can be charged to the customer. Setup the restocking percentage and service code for billing in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.

If the item being returned is a serialized sales item, a window will open to select the corresponding serial number of the item being returned or accepted as a Trade-In, as outlined in Serial Number Search.

 The ability to enter a negative quantity for sales parts can be restricted by Security Roles and by a password requirement on NEGQTY in the Module Passwords utility.

 If a Secondary sales part is entered to be sold on the invoice, and there is insufficient quantity available, a window opens prompting to transfer product quantity from the Primary item to the Secondary item, as outlined in Transfer Primary Items To Secondary Items.


To speed up product entry on the invoice details, if the Fast Entry Of Sales Items flag in Operators is checked the "Unit Price" field is automatically defaulted and skipped.
 This field can still be accessed if required.

 The ability to over-ride and reduce this "Unit Price" can be restricted by Security Roles and by a password requirement on RSIH in the Module Passwords utility.

If S (SALE) was chosen in the Type, enter the selling price each.


Promotion pricing for sales items can also be setup in to define special pricing for sales items for mailings, flyers, or newspaper inserts.
 This window opens automatically if there are any current valid circular pricing options setup for the sales item, according to the system date not the invoice date.
 The operator can select the appropriate pricing, as outlined in Select Circular Pricing.

Note: If circular pricing is taken, then the customer will NOT qualify for any other Price Codes discount programs.


Special pricing to give discounts and seasonal pricing for this sales product can be accessed in the window on the Each field, as outlined in Special Pricing Search.


When the price in the Each field is changed, a Reason code can be required to track who and why prices are being adjusted, as outlined in Prompt for Reason Code.

The Reason Codes on Override requirement can be activated in the Company Security Parameters.
 For more information on security features refer to Override Security Overview.

Restrict Price Over-Ride:

The ability to restrict operators from over-riding the Unit Price can be set at the Class level in the Additional Options of the Sales Product Classes.
 When this override restriction is set for a Class only operators with a Security Role that allows the "Price Override of Restricted Sales Class Products" permission in the 'Document Field Access' settings, will be able to over-type the Unit Price in the document.

If R (RENTAL) was chosen in the Type, enter the total unit rate for each item.
Total unit rate refers to the rental rate each multiplied by the time period.
 e.g. $20 Daily rate * 3 Days = $60.00 total rental charge each unit.


Window on the Unit Price field to calculate the rental rate based on the rental time period, and to view the rate calculation as outlined in Rental Period Calculations .
 If Date/Time Billing information is entered, it will be printed on the invoice next to the product rented.
 If the rental time period is NOT entered in this window, but the rental period needs to be printed on the invoice, then manually enter the rental billing period in the Invoice Comments.

This window opens automatically to confirm the rental dates and rates, if the Out date is prior to today's date.

Note: The Invoice Rate Window for Rentals flag in the Divisional Rate Parameters can be set so that this Rental Period Calculation window opens automatically for rental product details.
 If your firm employs the Maintenance Provision feature, this rental period information is necessary in order to generate maintenance provision postings by the hourly rate. For further information about the maintenance provision postings refer to Rental Product Classes.


The extended amount is the total charge for this item.
 The calculation is: (EACH - DISCOUNT AMOUNT) * QUANTITY

 If a Sales Part has been flagged to prompt for the cost, and the operator has Security Role Permission to "Prompt for Cost in Invoice Entry" in the Document Field Access settings, then a window opens so the correct cost can be entered and posted for this part.

Expanded Product Detail

Each product entered on the invoice also has fields for notes, division, taxes, print flag, and discounts. Generally these fields are not displayed, but they can be accessed by pressing <F9> or clicking on the EXP/CON button.

The fields include:


Multiple lines of comments or notes can be entered, relating to this sale or rental product as outlined in Product Detail Notes.

The notes window can be set to open automatically for Rental equipment, for Sales parts, for both, or for neither, by the Prompt for Invoice Detailed Notes setting in the Divisional Invoice Parameters.

If the invoice is the result of Operator Charges the notes reflect the original Comments from the Time Charge, as outlined in Time Charge Invoice Comments.

Note: In Change mode Notes can only be changed on a product detailed billed from Cycle Billing or from Rental Return, if the Operator has role permission to access Invoice - Cycle Billed/Returned Notes as setup in Security Roles.


The division defaults from the invoice header.

If the product revenue should be attributed to another division (e.g. when Sales items are added to an Invoice produced by a Rental Return of a Contract issued by a different division) it can be changed by individual product. The product revenue posting will then post to this division, but the payment received will still post to the division of the invoice header.
 To change the division, select the division from the drop-down list.

Note: This division field cannot be accessed or changed if cost by location processing is used. In this case, the division displayed matches the invoice division.


There are three approaches to taxing:

Standard Tax window:
 The two standard tax codes default to the document by customer or by division, according to the Rules as outlined in Tax Maintenance Overview.
 If the operator has role permission, the tax codes can be over-typed or selected from the drop-down list, if required.

Note: The Tax Code NTX over-rides any other code at any level.

Enhanced Tax window:
 The taxes and exemptions to be applied are displayed as explained for Enhanced tax processing in Taxes and Exemptions.
 If the operator has role permission, the tax codes can deleted in the window and the exemptions can be modified as required.

Vertex Taxing:
 Because Vertex Tax Software calculates the tax amounts and allows for any exemptions, Tax Code 1 is always interpreted as Y and Tax Code 2 as NTX as all taxes are combined in the Tax 1 value.


The discount percentage defaults from the Discount % setup in the Invoice header.
 This can be overridden to change the discount given for the product, but the Discount Amount field cannot. Enter a 10% discount as 10.00.

 The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Invoice - Rental Discount, Detail for rentals, and Invoice - Sale Discount, Detail for sales, in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.

Discount Exceeds your Allowable Limit:

This warning is triggered if the operator has been assigned a Security Role Permission with a cap on the Maximum Discount% for Rentals and/or Sales, and the percent manually entered as an over-ride, exceeds the defined limit.

The option to get over-ride approval from an operator with permission to assign this high a discount rate, is provided:
 Click NO to abort the discount over-ride and to revert back to the previous discount value (even if the previous value exceeds operator maximum).
 Click YES to trigger the Discount Authorization window for over-ride approval and operation verification.

No Discount On Special Pricing for Sales Parts:

The Customer's Sales discount percent per the document header is not automatically applied if the Sales part or the Group assigned to the Sales part is eligible for Special Pricing setup in the Price Codes.
 The discount can still be added manually to the product detail if required.

Details on Discounts Applied:
 The Calculate Detail Discount window is provided to access the calculation for any Standard and Rate discount percents, and the Additional Discount Included information window is provided if a discount dollar amount has been given for any Customer Plan or Time Based Discounts.


Discount Amount = (Unit Price Each * the Discount percent). This amount cannot be overridden.
 If changing the Discount % does not yield the desired Extended Amount, set the discount percent to 0.00 and change the Each amount to the desired amount.


This flag controls how this product detail prints on the Invoice.

Type Y (YES) to print this product detail on the Invoice.

Type N (NO) to suppress this product detail.
 Any extended amount and taxes are still included in the totals.

Type P (Print) to print this product, but not to print the Unit Price, or Extended Price or any Rental Rates on Invoice.
 The extended amount and taxes are still included in the totals.

Note: This flag can be changed even if the invoice is the results of a contract billing and the operator does not have permission to make changes to product details.


This Trade Discount field appears only if the customer is setup to receive a Trade Discount.
 The flag displays, as it applies to this product detail and can be changed for rental products if required.
 Trade Discount percents are given for specific customers, on equipment rentals, taxes, and the damage waiver, when the invoice is paid by the Discount Date according to the Terms code. Specific Product Classes, and Rate Code levels can be flagged to disallow Trade Discounts.

 The ability to modify this field can be controlled by the 'Permit' flag set on Invoice - Rental & Trade Discount, Details in the Security Role Permissions for the role assigned to the operator.

For more information on this discount feature refer to the Trade Discounts.


The sort values used in the sorting sequence of the product details, is also displayed in the third detail line.


The serial number of the sold serialized sales part is displayed.

KITS and SSL Selection Windows:

Product selection windows for any Kits or SSLs that are associated with the rental or sales product are automatically generated.
 Related items can be selected to be included on the invoice as outlined in Select Kit Items and Select Suggested Sales Items.


When product entry on the invoice is completed, click ACCEPT twice, once to accept the last product detail and once to accept the completed details screen, to move to Totals and Services summary.

Product Sequence Window:
 The product details can remain in the sequence that they were entered, or they can be re-sorted to display on the screen and to print on the document in a preferred order, as outlined in Resort Document Details.

Note: This product sorting option does not apply to Point Of Sale Invoices.

Complete the invoice as outlined in Totals and Services summary window.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Invoice Details screen include:

Link a File to this Document:
 Click the ATTACHMENTS button to review and set any File Attachments associated with this document.
 Links to attachments from a source document such as a Contract, will be passed on to any resulting documents such as an Invoice.

Topic Keyword: RSIH02