Add to Invoice Select
Counter Menu -> Rental Return -> Add to Invoice# window -> Add to Invoice# Select
Order Entry Menu -> Sales Orders -> BILL button -> Add to Invoice# window -> Add to Invoice# Select
This window is provided in the Add to Invoice# field to select from eligible invoices to merge the new billing with a current invoice.
If the option to Merge Rental Return Invoices With Current Invoices has been activated from the Company Billing Parameters, the first existing Rental Return invoice On Hold with the same customer/site combination and the same division is the default, however this window can be used to view and select from other compatible invoices.
Refer to this option in Company Billing Parameters for further prerequisites.
Resulting List of Invoices:
The invoices list with invoice number, billing name, and date.
The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading.
Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.
To select a value from the displayed list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.
Topic Keyword: RSIH09