Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Reset Invoice in Use

Counter Menu -> Miscellaneous/Point of Sale Invoices -> RESET IN USE button -> Reset Invoice in Use

Back Office Menu -> Operator Time Charges -> Operator Time Charge Invoice -> RESET IN USE button -> Reset Invoice in Use

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Credit Invoicing -> Credit Invoice -> RESET IN USE button -> Reset Invoice in Use

This utility can be used to release invoices including W.O. invoices flagged as still in use when running Daily Close 1.
 Enter the invoice number that is locked to display the operator and terminal information causing the lock.
 Confirm that the invoice is not actually being used by this session, before clicking ACCEPT to release it.

The RESET IN USE button on the invoice screen is only active when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to Invoice - In Use as setup in Security Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.

Whenever the "In Use" flag is reset for an invoice, a record is written to the Delete Log for the Function RSIH85.

Topic Keyword: RSIH85