Exchange Invoice Number
This is a maintenance utility that can be added to an Additional Options menu as it is not on a standard menu.
This program facilitates changing an Invoice number to a different number.
The invoice must still have a Current Status. This means the invoice can not already have been accepted in Daily Close 1.
The prompts are:
Enter the Invoice number to be changed, or select it from the Invoice Search window.
The invoice must be Current.
To confirm this is the correct Invoice, click the drop-down icon to view the invoice header and detail information as outlined in the View Document utility.
Enter the new Invoice number to be used.
This new Invoice # cannot have been previously assigned.
Finished ?
Click ACCEPT to proceed or CANCEL to abort.
A deletion record is written for function RSIH88B that can be viewed in Delete Log.
The operator code, the customer, the old invoice number and new invoice number are tracked with the date of the deletion.
Topic Keyword: RSIH88A