Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Remove Qty 0 From Locations

This utility can be added to an Additional Options menu for access from the menu tree.

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Automatic Job Scheduling -> Function RSIL57A -> runs Remove Quantity 0 From Locations

This utility can be used to remove location records that have a zero quantity for sales products and non-bulk rental products.
 It was designed to cleanup the RSIL table for non-bulk Rental Inventorythat has been moved around from location to location.
 Empty RSIL record are also removed for Sales Inventory.
 The program can be run for all locations or a single selected location.

This process can be set to run regularly automatically using Automatic Job Scheduling for the job RSIL57A for all locations.

There is no audit tracking of records that were removed but the Function Access Log will have a record of operators accessing this utility.

Records will NOT be deleted under the following conditions:

Non-Bulk Rental product when there is a quantity at that location

Bulk Rental products are not considered

Sales product when there is a quantity at that location

Sales products when Sales Item Average Cost by Location is activated in the Support Application Parameters

Note: Any re-order quantities setup for Sales parts at a location that has zero quantities, will also be removed.

Topic Keyword: RSIL57