Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Product Detail Notes

Counter Menu -> Contract / Counter Worksheet / Reservations /Invoices -> Expanded Product Details -> Notes window ->

Order Entry Menu -> Sales Order Details / Sales Order Invoice Details -> Expanded Product Details -> Notes window ->

Multiple lines of comments relating to the specific product can be entered in the window.

A print option is provided so that each comment line can be flagged to print on the document, or to be maintained internally and not printed.
 Notes that are printed, appear immediately below the corresponding product line on the document.

The product notes window can be triggered automatically for Rental equipment, for Sales parts, for both, or for neither, per the "Document Settings" flag in the Divisional Invoice Parameters.

On an Invoice resulting from a Contract, Notes can only be changed on a product detailed generated from a Cycle Billing or from a Rental Return, if the Operator has role permission to access Invoice - Cycle Billed/Returned Notes as setup in Security Roles.

Topic Keyword: RSIN01