Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Job Costing Customer, Site and Cost Code

Document entry -> Cost Tracking Information when Job Costing activated -> Job Costing Customer, Site and Cost Code

Job costing tracks revenues and expenses by job at the posted G/L level, by posting to the G/L account assigned to the job defined in Job Cost Codes.
 For more information on this feature refer to Job Costing Overview.

This pop-up window only appears if the Enable Job Costing feature is activated in the Company Posting Parameters.
 Close the window if job costing does not apply to this transaction, or capture the job information for the G/L or A/P transaction as follows:


Enter the related customer for the job or search for it in the window.


Enter the related site for the job or search for it in the window.


Enter the job cost code for the job or select it from the drop-down list as setup in the Job Cost Codes table in the "Inventory" parameters on the Accounting tab of the Configure System Settings.

The G/L account associated with this Job Cost Code becomes the posting account.

In A/P Invoice Details and in A/P Invoice Details by P.O. this Job Cost option can be useful expensing miscellaneous costs on a job, or for Sales products that are immediately expensed and are to be used on a job, or for re-rented equipment costs, but it is not recommended for use when receiving and invoicing Rental Equipment as the posting of the inventory cost goes to the job cost account and the Inventory Asset account in the G/L is not updated by the value of the asset purchased.

In A/P Invoice and in A/P Invoice by P.O. the "Default Job Cost Info from AP Invoice Header" flag in the Company Miscellaneous Parameters controls whether the Customer, Site and Job Cost code information defaults from A/P Invoice header to the detail transactions.
 When this parameter is unchecked the operator is forced to select the appropriate Job Cost information for each line rather than just accept a defaulting value.

Topic Keyword: RSJC03