Location and Event Information
Document entry -> Job Location Information when Event Management activated -> Location and Event Information
Document entry -> Job Cost Tracking activated -> Location and Event Information
Special rental event rates, dates and locations can be linked to specific events using the Event Management processing which can be activated company wide from the Company Rate Parameters.
This window can be used to capture the event location information by site to apply to this document or posting.
Note: If Event processing does not apply to specific divisions, this feature can de-activated for the operator's division in the Additional Pop-Up Windows, in the Divisional Contract Parameters.
This window is also triggered if Enable Job Costing is activated in the Company Posting Parameters to capture the customer and site information for cost tracking.
The following information can be entered to apply event management on relevant rental documents:
The customer number is only requested if the customer has not already been identified, as in an A/P Invoice or G/L transaction.
Enter the customer number or select one from the window if the job being invoiced is related to a specific Customer Site Event, or to track job costs by the customer.
Leave this field blank if the job being invoiced is related to a Global Event, or if job costing does not apply to this transaction.
The site number is only requested if the site has not already been identified, as in an A/P Invoice or G/L transaction.
Enter a Site code or select one from the window if the job being invoiced is related to a specific Customer Site Event, or to track job costs for the site.
Leave this field blank if the job being invoiced is related to a Global Event, or if job costing does not apply to this transaction.
Enter the location of the event or select one from the Job Location Search window.
Each location can maintain relevant instructions.
Enter the event or select one from the Job Event Search window.
Once the Event is defined, the document dates default from the Event date range allowing for Delivery and Pickup as displayed in the Rental Period window.
Determining the Flat Event Rate:
Products charging the Event Rate will display a Rate Code of 'E' in the product detail and the flat rate will be calculated as follows:
•The event rate is the charge at the product's regular rate for the "Event Rate Code" defined in Global Job Events, multiplied by the Rate Factor set for the event.
This Factor allows rate flexibility according to the length of the event.
•If the regular product rate structure does NOT include a Rate record corresponding to the "Event Rate Code", the flat rate amount for Rate Code 'E' (Event) from the product rate structure applies, and the Factor is NOT applied.
Note: Generally the Rate Code "E" should not be setup with a value in the To Hours field as this could limit the effectiveness of the rate code.
•If the regular product rate structure does NOT include either that "Event Rate Code" defined for the specific Event or the code 'E' for Event, then the regular rate processing applies and Event processing does not apply to this product.
Click ACCEPT to accept the event information and use it to determine rates and dates on this document or posting, and also to track revenue and expenses for the event, or click CANCEL to abort.
Impact of Date Changes on a Document:
•If the document detail dates are changed then the regular rate processing applies unless the rate is over-typed with "E" for Event.
•If the document header default dates are changed, and the flag in the Company Rate Parameters is set to Match Event Details With Default Contract Dates then the Date Out and Date Due for all Event rental product details having a rate code of "E" on that document, will be updated to use the new dates.
The rate calculations are not changed as they remain at the Event rates.
Note: Products with dates that did not match the "old" dates or with a rate code other than E, will not be updated.
When the invoice or journal is posted, these transactions will be included for job costing purposes in the Business Report, and G/L Account Inquiry using the paging screen option.
Topic Keyword: RSJE04