Site Job Locations
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Site Information -> Job Locations window -> Site Job Locations
Events can be used to default dates, and flat rates for rentals, on counter documents that are identified by job location for that event.
Event management processing can be activated by the Prompt For Event Code in the Company Rate Parameters.
Event processing can also be de-activated for specific divisions in the Additional Pop-Up Windows of the Divisional Contract Parameters .
The Job Location information can be setup as follows:
The sequence number tracks the records in the Location file.
Enter the location code for the event.
Multiple locations may be entered.
Enter the description of the location.
The Job Location Instructions window is provided to enter any notes or instructions related to this job location.
This information is displayed in the document job site selection window.
Use Job Events to define the rates and dates that should apply.
Topic Keyword: RSJL01