Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Product Kits

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Kits

Inventory Control Menu -> Inventory Inquiry -> Kit (view only)

This utility that can also be added to an Additional Options menu to be accessible from the menu tree.

A kit refers to items which rent together.
 Items in the kit can be rental or sales items, that are optional or mandatory, and each item can be chargeable, no charge, or even have a separate discount which applies only when the item is out as part of a kit.

Kits can be maintained in the Kits window in the "Inventory" parameters on the Operations tab of the Configure System Settings.
 An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Operations - Kits in order to access this table.

A kit can be used two ways:

1.A kit can be a list of secondary items which display when a primary item is rented on a Contract, Reservation, Quotation, or Miscellaneous Invoice.
 In this method, the kit is assigned to a specific primary sales or rental product. When the primary product is selected on a reservation or contract, the kit list appears. Items from the list can be selected to accompany the original item.


o30' x 30' Marquee rents with mandatory tent poles and pegs at no charge, and optional plastic side walls also at no charge

oAn Air Compressor rents with a mandatory 50' of Air Hose at no charge, and an optional extra 100' Air Hose at the regular rental charge.

oAn Air Hammer rents with 1 point and 1 chisel, both at no charge.

2.A kit can also be a complete list of items not necessarily linked to a primary product, on a Contract, Reservation, Quotation, or Miscellaneous Invoice.
 In this second method, a list of items can be selected by asking for a Kit Search when entering Reservations or Contracts. The selected kit displays the complete list. Specific kit items may be selected, and quantities changed as required by that customer.


oA kit called Sander & Grinder Combo. When rented together as a kit, the sander and grinder each get a 5% discount.

oA kit called Scaffold 5x5. It contains:

 2 - 5x5 Frame            2 - 7x4 Brace
 4 - Coupling Pins        4 - Jack & Sleeves
 4 - 8" Castors

oA kit called Ski Package. It contains: skis, ski poles, bindings, and boots. Optional items are ski mask, gloves, pants & jacket. Optional items get rented with a 30% discount.

In either method, a group may be selected as part of the kit instead of selecting specific product numbers.
 For example, the kit called Sander & Grinder Combo is made up entirely of two entries: a group called SANDERS and a group called GRINDERS. When this kit is selected on a contract, the Sander Group is displayed and the operator is prompted to select 1 sander product number. Then the Grinder group is displayed and the operator is prompted to select a grinder product number.

Note: Other Kits or Suggest Sales Lists can be called from within a Kit.

Assigning the Kit to the products:

Kits can be assigned to specific products using Update Kits by Products or individually in Sales Inventory and Rental Inventory.

Kits can also be copied from the Group to products in that Group using Clone Group Information to Products.

Availability Checking on Kit Items added to a Document: The Kit/SSL Enforces Document Location Override Restrictions flag in the Company Security Parameters controls whether quantity overbooking is enforced when Kit items are added to a document.

Other types of Kits include: Work Order kits for use on equipment repairs and maintenance, can be setup separately in Work Order Service Kits.
 Non-bulk rental items that are always associated with a primary non-bulk rental item, can be setup separately in Power Kits.

To build a kit the prompts are:


Enter a kit number. Use numbers or letters for the kit number, or accept the auto-assigned number.
 A window is provided to select from existing kits, as outlined in Kit Search.


Type in a description of this kit.

Clone Kits:
 Sometimes multiple kits that are very similar are useful.
 To clone a kit, select the kit in the Kit Number field and click the COPY button at the bottom of the screen, and proceed as outlined in the Copy Kit window.


The rental revenue that is generated from a primary rental item with quantity one that includes a kit, can be distributed between the primary rental item and each rental item on the kit that has no individual charge.
 The revenue allocated to each item is proportionate to the cost of the items.

The allocation of the revenue to the appropriate G/L inventory revenue accounts occurs when the invoice is posted in Daily Close 2.
 The revenue distribution to the G/L accounts is reflected on the Sales Journals generated from Daily Close 3 and the product revenue is then reflected in all the product revenue reports and inquiries.
 The expanded detail record in the Invoice inquiries, shows the allocated revenue amounts.

Conditions for Revenue Allocation:

Revenue allocation only applies to invoices billed from a Contract. i.e. interim Cycle Billing, and Rental Return invoices.
 This processing does not apply to direct billings through Miscellaneous or Point Of Sale Invoices.

This processing requires that the quantity of the primary rental item on the document is restricted to 1 per line item. If more than 1 of the primary item is rented on the contract, multiple line items need to be entered.
 e.g. A primary rental item may be selected with a quantity of more than 1, however each primary item and its kit will be listed on separate lines.

Revenue allocation only applies to rental revenue. It does not apply to sales items whether it be the primary sales item or a kit sales item.

The amount of revenue allocated to each kit item is based proportionately on the cost of each item in the kit.

Revenue Allocation is only applied if the primary rental item and the kit items are billed at the same time.
 e.g. If the compressor and air hose are returned on a contract at the same time, revenue allocation will be done.
 But if the compressor is returned first, then the operator goes back into rental return and returns the air hose separately, even if it is added to the existing invoice it will not be allocated revenue, because it was billed with a new billing sequence number.

This revenue allocation distributed to the kit items only applies to rental items that are flagged in the original kit file as No Charge. This means that revenue allocation does not apply if there is any charge for the kit item, nor does it apply if the kit item is chargeable but is fully discounted.

Check this box if No Charge rental items in this kit should be allotted a share of the revenue generated by the primary rental item, proportionately based on the cost of the primary item and all the eligible kit items.
 When kits are included within kits, any No Charge items in the "sub-kits" are also eligible for a share of the revenue of the original primary item.

Uncheck this box if revenue distribution from the primary rental item should not be applied across any kit items.


When a main product that has a kit is added to a Counter Worksheet the kit items are also added to the worksheet.

Check this box to cause the kit items flagged to Add to be automatically added to the Counter Worksheet with the default quantities and charges.
 Items that are not flagged to Add in the kit, are not offered on the worksheet.
 This speeds up the product selection process and also prevents the operator from modifying kit information.

Uncheck this box to generate the kit windows in the worksheet and to prompt for quantities and charges.

Products Listed on Kit:


The sequence number will be automatically displayed to track records in this file.


Enter a product number in this kit or search for it in the window.

Note: Serialized sales parts cannot be included on a kit, as a specific serial number needs to be associated with each part.

Search window:
 The search window provides the options to search by:

Inventory Search

Group Search

Kit Search

Assign a Kit:
 Another kit # may also be entered on the kit, or selected from the search window.
 When entering another kit within a kit, identify the kit with K* preceding the kit number.
 e.g. To select kit 105 within this kit, enter K*105 in the Product# field of the kit.

Assign a Group:
 Alternatively, a Group number may be entered, or selected from the search window.
 To enter the Group number, type * in the Product# field.


If * was entered in the Product# field, enter a Group to include on this kit or select one from the search window.

Using a Group as part of a kit, provides the ability to create a single kit which can represent multiple product numbers.
 In the example of the Air Compressor, a Group called 250 CFM Air Compressor could be assigned in the kit, instead of creating a separate kit to list each 250 CFM air compressor product number individually.

When a kit with a group is entered on a contract, the operator will be prompted to select a specific product within that group.
 When the kit is entered on a reservation or quote, a specific product need NOT be selected until the document is converted to a contract or to an invoice. The specific rental product to replace the group needs to be assigned at that time.

The Group on the kit represents a Rental product in the Convert Reservation To Contract, Convert Quote To Contract and Convert Quote To Invoice utilities.
 But in Contracts and Invoices a Sales Product can be selected to replace the Group, so if it is a Serialized sales part that is required be sure to set the Group quantity on the Kit to 1 as only one serial number can be chosen.


The selected product or Group description displays as it will appear on contracts and reservations. This can be over-typed with an appropriate description if required.

If another Kit was entered, the Kit description displays.
 The Kit description does not print on the document and instead the individual items in the kit will be listed.

If the product description is manually changed in Sales Inventory or in Rental Inventory the operator is given the option to also update this description on the Kit but only if the original descriptions are an exact match.
 If the product description is changed by the Export/Import Inventory Clean-up utility and this product is included in a Kit the description on the Kit is also updated but only if the original descriptions are an exact match.


If your firm uses an Alternate Language, a window is provided on the Description field to maintain another language description.
 e.g. French, Spanish, etc

If the product's alternate language description is manually changed in Sales Inventory or in Rental Inventory the operator is given the option to also update this alternate language description on the Kit but only if the original alternate language descriptions are an exact match.
 If the product's alternate language description is changed by the Export/Import Inventory Clean-up utility and this product is included in a Kit the alternate language description on the Kit is also updated but only if the original alternate language descriptions are an exact match.


Enter the typical quantity for this product when part of this kit.

If Group is entered on a Kit with a Quantity value greater than 1, a separate product record will be required for each quantity at conversion to a contract.

If a Non-Bulk rental is entered on a Kit with a Quantity greater than 1 assigned to the kit, the quantity added to the document will default to one even if multiple quantities of that primary product are added, and override checking is respected.


Check this box if this item should default to be chargeable in the Select Kit Items window.

Uncheck this box if this item is included as part of the kit at no extra charge.

Note: If the kit has been flagged to Allocate Revenue from the primary rental item to the kit items, it is only No Charge rental items that will be recognized for the revenue distribution.


Leave this field blank if this item is no charge or full charge.
 If this item gets a discount when it is part of a kit, enter the discount percentage.
 e.g. 10% discount should be entered as 10.00

Kit item discounting provides the ability to bundle pricing when items are rented/sold as part of a package.

Customer Discounts:
 If there is a discount on a kit item and the document also gets a standard or customer rental or sales discount then the standard/customer discount is taken as a percent off the Kit item discounted rate/price.

e.g. If Document/Customer discount is 5%, and Kit item discount is 10% and product rate/price is 100.00
 Calculation would be:

Kit discounted price: 100.00 - (10% * 100.00) = 90.00
 Additional standard discounted price: 90.00 - (5% * 90.00) = 85.50
 Total discount on kit item given on document would be: 14.50

Product Class Discount Control:
 Specific Rental Product Classes can be flagged to not a Allow Rental Discount on products in this class.
 If this flag is set to prevent discounts, Kit items will still be given any discount defined in the kit to allow "bundled" pricing by kit, but will not be given any additional customer discount.
 The discount on kit items from this Class can be changed in the Select Kit Items window, but once the item is added on to the document the discount can no longer be manually adjusted.


This field controls the default flag to include or not include this item as part of the kit, when the kit is added to a document, but can be changed in the Select Kit Items window.

Uncheck this box if the item is an optional part of the kit.
 On the document this flag would then need to be manually checked to include the item.

Check this box if the item is a standard part of the kit, and the default should be to include it.

Note: On the Counter Worksheet only items flagged to Add are included on the worksheet when the Counter Worksheet Auto Add features is activated.


This is the Print default code.
 Select one of the following:

Type Y in the field or select Yes from the drop-down list to print this Kit item on the Contract, Reservation or Invoice with the appropriate pricing.

Type N or select No to include this item in the Kit, but NOT to print it on the details in the Contract, Reservation or Invoice.

Type P or select Don't Show Prices if the Kit item should print on the document, but no Unit Price, or Extended Price or any Rental Rates should be printed.

Note: This print code can be changed by kit item on a Contract, Reservation or Invoice if required.
 To access the print code on the second detail line, expand the Kit item line on the document.


Select one of the following options:

Type Y or select Yes from the drop-down list if this kit product should be included on the website.

Type N or select No if this kit product should not be included on the website.

Leave this field blank or select System Default if the display flag should default from the value set in Show on Website Default in Presentation Themes.

Note: Items that are set to default Y (YES) are automatically added to the shopping cart on the Portal website.
 For items that are set to default N (NO), the customer will be prompted whether the optional items should be included.


Click ACCEPT to accept and return to the Kit Number field.
 Click CANCEL to exit the Kit window.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Kit maintenance utility screen (not accessible from the View Only inquiries), include:

Print a List of Kits with Components:
 Before selecting a Kit in the Kit Number field, click the REPORT button to output a list of the Kits as outlined in Kit Report.

Create a Copy of a Kit:
 After selecting the relevant Kit in the Kit Number field, click the COPY button to create a new copy of that kit using Copy Kits.

Update Kits from a Spreadsheet:

oClick on the EXPORT button to generate a spreadsheet of the current data fields used in all Kits.
 The data on the spreadsheet can be changed with the new information but Kits and kit line items must exist and cannot be deleted or added with this import utility.
 When modifications are complete save the completed spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file on your client machine.

oClick on the IMPORT button to use the Select a File to Upload utility to search for the updated file and to rename it to "kit_import.txt" before completing the upload.
 File upload success is confirmed and the import is executed to repopulate the Kits with the imported data.
 A second spreadsheet is automatically created with the data to be imported or with data errors encountered.
 Confirmation to import is required if there are no errors.

Note: If the header information including the Kit 'Description', the 'No Charge Revenue Allocation' flag or the 'Counter Worksheet Auto Add' flag is changed and there are conflicting values for these fields for the same kit on the spreadsheet, the last record will be used.

Topic Keyword: RSKF01