Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Copy Kits

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Kits -> COPY button -> Copy Kits

This utility can be used to create a new kit by cloning it from an existing kit.
 The newly created kit can then be reviewed and modified as required.

In the Kits screen, select the kit to be copied.
 When the description of the kit appears click the COPY button at the bottom of the screen and proceed as follows.
 The prompts are:


The Kit number previously selected in Kits is displayed.


Accept the next available kit number, or over-type it with the preferred new kit number.
 This kit number cannot already exist.


The description of the cloned kit displays, modify this to become the description of the new kit.


Click ACCEPT to create the new kit or CANCEL to abort.

Update New Kit

Once the new kit has been created, review and modify the new kit as explained in Kits.

Topic Keyword: RSKF35