Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual


** This utility is under development and is not yet available. **

The Leasing Process

1.First the lease is setup in LEASES. The lease is setup as a percentage of the selling price, i.e. 5% of the selling price for the first 12 months, then the lease rate can drop to 4 % for the next 12 months. The leases must be setup for a monthly amount.

Usually, leases are billed daily for monthly time periods, i.e. on March 21st, the billing clerk runs the Lease Billing from March 21st to April 21st; on March 22nd, the billing clerk runs the Lease Billing from March 22nd to April 22nd, etc. This allows leases for equipment delivered today to be billed today. Most leases are billed a month in advance to maximize cash flow, i.e. invoice issued March 21st, for the period March 21st to April 21st. (The invoice date is independent.)

2.As equipment is returned or sold to the customer, the lease is Terminated using Terminate A Lease. It is important to terminate old leases before doing the lease billing run, otherwise you may invoice a lease which should have been skipped.

There is no official lease termination date, i.e. if the equipment is not returned and the lease is not terminated, then the software automatically assumes that you have extended the lease beyond the original period. It will continue to use the last billing rate as the lease rate for billing extended leases.

If the customer decides to keep the equipment, you must terminate the lease first, then sell the equipment to the customer using Sales Order Invoices (or another invoicing program). If you are giving the equipment to the customer free (due to long term rental), you must still sell the equipment on an invoice for $0.00 price each, in order to remove that item from Inventory. This ensures that the proper accounting is completed.

3.When you are ready to bill the leases, you must run Lease Billing Edit. This produces an edit report, which you need to confirm has all of the correct leases, customers and amounts. If you find problems, you can fix the leases using LEASES.

4.When you have checked the Lease Billing Edit Report, you are ready to run Lease Billing. This program will bill the leases exactly as they appear on the edit report. You can de-select certain leases by deleting the lease from the lease billing list on screen in the Lease Billing. (The deleted leases can be billed separately later.) Generally, the invoices are printed immediately during the billing run.

5.If you have questions about the billing history of a lease, you can use Lease Billing Inquiry. This inquiry lists all invoices created from a specific lease.

6.To get a complete list of all leases and their present value, use O/S Lease Summary. This report prints in alphabetical order. It should be checked monthly against the outstanding lease files, to ensure that all leases have been setup correctly. It should also be checked, to ensure that leases with equipment returns and sales have been terminated.

7.When all equipment has been returned and the lease has been terminated, you may no longer require the lease. You may delete the lease using Delete A Single Lease. It is up to you to decide how long to keep the lease information.

 This lease program is based on monthly billing only. It is not designed to handle 28 day billing. Note: the invoice date is independent of the billing dates.

 When equipment is entered on a lease, it is treated like a rental of the product. In the product file, the quantity out on a lease is added to the quantity out on a contract. There is not a separate QTY OUT ON LEASE field in the product file.

Only items setup as rental products can be recorded on a lease. This enables two accounting requirements to be met:

1.The revenue from billing equipment on a lease is posted to the G/L Account for RENTAL REVENUE. T his is determined by the Product Class assigned to the product in Rental Inventory. The G/L accounts are assigned to the Product Classes.

Note: if the equipment is sold from a lease, the software treats the equipment the same as it would other rental equipment, i.e. a Disposal Transaction is written, and the rules for posting the sale of rental equipment are followed. Refer to Rental Inventory, "Selling Rental Equipment".

2.Equipment that is on lease can be depreciated. The software uses the same rules for depreciation as it would for other rental equipment. For more information on depreciation, see Depreciation Methods, and Depreciation Classes.

 The leasing programs use a percentage of the selling price to establish the lease rate. This percentage can apply for the whole lease, or you may use a graduated percentage based on the number of months.

Example:  Selling price is $500.00

From Month   To Month   Lease Rate                         Lease Amount
----------   --------   ----------                         ------------
    1           12      use 6% of the selling price $500         $30.00
   13           24      use 5% of the selling price $500         $25.00
   25           36      use 4% of the selling price $500         $20.00

If the equipment is not returned after 36 months, the last rate (4%) will be used for lease billing. A lease which extends beyond the last TO MONTH (i.e. beyond 36 months) period is considered to be an extended lease, and will continue to be billed until the lease is terminated.

 Once the customer has signed the lease and it has been setup, you should file the lease for future reference. The filing system should be in alphabetical order, according to the SHIP TO name, which is where the equipment will be used. Once a lease has been terminated, it should be filed in a second filing system for closed leases. Again, the leases should be in alphabetical order.

Use this program to enter a lease. This program assumes that you are using a pre-printed lease form, which you have manually filled in and the customer has signed. It does not print a lease agreement. Entering the lease enables the monthly invoicing process, and keeps track of the location of the equipment.

Note: The security by division feature as determined by Divisional Restricted Views, does NOT apply to any of the Lease Billing programs.

The prompts are:


Accept the document number automatically assigned (AUTO ASSIGN), or type in the lease number assigned to the invoice.
 Some firms use the manual lease number or delivery slip number as the lease number. When entering the number, use numbers and letters. Examples include: 4533-C, 4533/2, 4533A.

The ability to over-type the document number is controlled by the Allow Custom Document# flag for the document type defined in Last Used Transactions.
 A warning is generated if the number has already been used.

To view an existing lease in Change mode, enter the lease number or press to <F4> select one from the window, searching by customer name.


Enter the division that applies to this lease.
 The division defaults to the Operator's division in Operators.

All income, revenue, and expenses are tracked by the division, and posting to the correct G/L accounts for that Division is automatic.
 Special Rates can also be setup to be assigned to the division in the "Rental Rates & Pricing" parameters on the Operations tab of Configure System Settings in Special Rate Codes.


The location entered determines from where the parts inventory is taken. Product Booking and Availability is impacted by the location selected.
 The location defaults according to the Operator location in Operators.

G/L transactions to update inventory costs always post to the G/L Location from which the inventory was relieved.


Press <ENTER> for today's date, or type in the first date of the lease.

For existing leases, this date can be the original date of the lease. (The start date of the lease billing is another field.)

The lease date will be checked to make sure the date is valid against the date ranges set as acceptable in Date Range Control for module code RSLF LEASE ENTRY. We strongly recommend that you use this feature to prevent date entry errors or posting to closed accounting periods. To activate the date range checking, the operator must be set in Operators with Date Range Override = N (NO).


The correct Cycle Billing Day code will display. Press <ENTER> to accept this code. The cycle billing day code and the calendar day should be the same, i.e. on the 21st, the cycle billing code is 21; on the 22nd, the cycle billing code is 22; etc.

If your firm uses 28 day billing for contracts, but monthly billing for leases, the 28 day system for billing day codes setup in Review Calendar is ignored. It uses the DAY entered for the LEASE DATE as the cycle billing code.


<F4> Enter the customer # to be billed for the lease. If you do not know the number, look up the Customer in the window. Do NOT use the cash customer, since all invoices created from the Lease Billing are automatically placed On Account.


All On Account customers should have their own customer number. To add a new customer to the Customer Information file, press WINDOW Key when prompted for CUSTOMER #. Then press ADD Key at the prompt for ALPHA CODE. The software temporarily exits the leasing program, and goes to the Customer Information file. Please see Customers File for instructions on adding new customers.


If the customer's account balance has exceeded the credit limit, a warning will display. An audit record automatically notes who overrode the limit, allowing a Credit Limit Override report to be printed later. The report is Print Override Report.


<F4> <TAB> Enter the number or short form for the site or job that relates to this lease, or look up the site in the window. This is useful if you must send the bill to Corporate Head Office, but ship to a branch. If your firm does not use job numbers or site numbers, press <ENTER> to leave blank.

A flag in the Required Document Information can be set in the Company Contract Parameters forcing the operator to enter a valid site code on each lease.

Global Sites

Window then type Y (YES) to select from a list a global sites. A global site is a Ship To location that is used by several firms.
 Note: New Global Sites can only be added if this feature has been activated in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.


To add a new site, press WINDOW Key then <ENTER> to reach the SEQ# field. Then press ADD Key then EXPAND Key. You will be prompted:


Enter the job site number or its initials.


Enter the name or Job Site location where the equipment will be used.


Enter the instructions for reaching this Job Site.


Enter the city where the job site is located.


Enter the province or state for this job site.


Enter the postal or zip code for this job site.

A flag in the Required Document Information can be set in the Company Contract Parameters to force the operator to enter a valid Postal or Zip code to match the mask format as setup for the customer's currency in Currency Codes.


Enter the phone number at this job site.


Enter any comments or other instructions about this job site.

P.O. #

Enter the Purchase Order issued for this job site, to be used for every invoice for this job site. If the P.O. number changes, leave blank.


Press <ENTER> to accept this Job Site or / to cancel.

 The BILL TO prompts should be used to indicate who is paying for this lease. When a Customer number is selected, the BILL TO fields display the customer name and address as entered into the Customer Information file. To move quickly to the SHIP TO fields, press the <TAB> Key to skip these prompts.

If you over-type any of the customer's information, (i.e. change a mailing address), the changes will print on the lease invoice; however, the original customer information remains unaltered. Do NOT use CASH customers, since all leases will automatically be billed On Account.


<TAB> The customer's name will appear.


The customer's billing address will appear.


The customer's billing address will appear.


The city where the customer is located will appear.


The province or state where the customer is located will appear.


The postal or zip code of the customer will appear.


The customer's telephone number will appear.

 If you have selected a Site number, the Site address will display. Otherwise, the Ship To Address will display the same as the BILL TO fields. You may over-write this address to reflect actual SHIP TO information, which will print on the lease invoice. Try to leave the SHIP TO NAME with the actual name of the customer where the equipment is being used, since this prints on the Lease Billing report and is used in the Lease Billing to identify the lease. To skip the SHIP TO fields, press the TAB Key.


<TAB> Enter the name of SHIP TO place, or the name where the equipment is being used. This is used in the Lease Billing.


Enter the Shipping address or place where the items will be used.


Enter the Shipping address or place where the items will be used.


Enter the city where the leased items will be delivered or used.


Enter the province or state of the Shipping address.


Enter the postal or zip code of the Shipping address.
 A flag in the Required Document Information can be set in the Company Contract Parameters to force the operator to enter a Valid Postal or Zip code as determined by the format mask in Currency Codes.


Enter the telephone number of the Shipping address.


<F4> In ADD Mode, press <ENTER> to skip this field. This prompt is designed to be used in CHANGE Mode, to access the Lease Comments/Notes in the window. To view the notes, press WINDOW.

P.O. #

<TAB> Enter the customer's Purchase Order, if applicable. Some customers require Purchase Orders on all leases. If this is so, the customer should be set with P.O. # REQUIRED to Y (YES) in Customer Information. Then the Purchase Order # must be entered in order to process the lease.


At the P.O. # prompt, window to access the Tax Codes.
 These taxes codes default to the codes selected for the customer Customer Information.
 The ability to change the Tax Codes is controlled by operator permission setup in Security Role Permissions.
 If the operator has role permission the tax codes can over-typed or selected from the drop-down list, if required.


This is a free-form field (16 characters) for entering the customer's Driver's License number.


This is a free-form field (16 characters) for entering the customer's credit card information.


Enter the discount percentage allowed on this lease. You will be able to override this when entering the lease items. Enter a 10% discount as 10.00.


The operator code used to sign into this Company, will display.


<F4> The salesman's code which was assigned to this customer in Customer Information will display. Press <ENTER> to accept, or type in the correct salesman code. All invoices are tracked by salesman in order to produce commission reporting.

A flag in the Required Document Information can be set in the Company Contract Parameters to make the salesman as setup in Salesman Codes, a mandatory field on all documents.


Press <ENTER> to accept or / to cancel.

Lease Comments:
 After accepting the Lease Header (screen 1), the lease comments will appear.
 This is valid only in ADD Mode. To access the comments in any other mode, move the cursor to the field COMMENTS and press the WINDOW Key.


The sequence numbers keep the notes in the right order.


Type in any comments about this lease.

To skip the lease comments, press ACCEPT Key twice or press ESCAPE Key twice. You will automatically be taken to screen 2 - Lease Details.


Type Y (YES) to have this comment line print on the lease invoice. Type N (NO) for an internal note.

Lease Details:


The sequence number automatically tracks the number of items on the lease. You can have as many items as you want on one lease.

If you are adding to an existing lease and want the lease details to print in a specific order, you can insert a new detail line between existing sequence numbers. Move your cursor to the desired place to insert the new product (cursor must be in the SEQ column) and press Insert Key (next to HOME key).


<F4> Type in the desired product number or look it up in the window. Only rental products can be setup on leases.


The product description displays on the screen.
 Accept the default description or if the operator has role permission, the description can be over-typed a different product description.
 The description accepted here is the one which prints on the lease and the invoice. Over typing the description does not make any changes to the product description stored in the Product File.

S (status)

The lease status is O = OUT, i.e. the equipment is OUT on a lease.


Enter the quantity for this item on this lease. For existing leases, enter only the amount still open for billing on the lease.


If applicable, enter the discount percent that applies to this item. Enter a 10% discount as 10.00


<F4> The List Price appears from the Product File. Press <ENTER> to accept this LIST PRICE or over-type with the correct price. This price is used to calculate the lease amount.
ease Amount = List Price X Lease Percent
If you need to review the Lease Term, press Window key on List Price.

Lease Terms:


This is the date that begins the billing. If you are entering a new lease, press <ENTER> for the Lease Date from Screen 1 as the Date Out.

If you are entering existing leases, make sure that THIS date is the date that the NEXT BILLING should use as its start date.

i.e.. Lease Date: (Original Start Date) 01/01/95 Last Date it was Manually billed 04/01/95 to 05/01/95 Date used for DATE OUT should be 05/01/95.

This makes the next billing start at 05/01/95 and bill to 06/01/95.


For open leases, the date returned should be blank. This will show the date when the equipment was returned, when the lease is terminated using Terminate A Lease.


This is the amount that is used for the lease amount calculation.

Example:            Selling price is $500.00

From Month   To Month   Lease Rate                      Lease Amount
----------   --------   ----------                      ------------
    1           12     use 6% of the selling price $500       $30.00
   13           24     use 5% of the selling price $500       $25.00
   25           36     use 4% of the selling price $500       $20.00


Explanation of the example:
 If the equipment is not returned after 36 months, the last rate (4%) will be used for lease billing. A lease which extends beyond the last TO MONTH (i.e. beyond 36 months) period is considered to be an extended lease, and will continue to be billed until the lease is terminated.


You may use up to three time periods to express the lease rate and amount combinations. Please see the example above to see how the time periods and lease rates have been setup. You do not have to use all three time periods; some leases are from 1 month to 12 months, then are finished. If you need only one or two time periods, leave the spare ones blank.

The FROM MONTHS number should not overlap the previous TO MONTHS. Make sure you start at 1. See the examples below:

    Example 1:                           Example 2:
    ----------                           ----------

    From Month       To Month            From Month     To Month
         1              1                   1             6
         2              3                   7             12
         4              4                   13            99



Enter the ending month for this lease rate.
 i.e. From 1 To 6 includes months one to six for this lease rate. If the lease does not have an ending time period, use 99 for the To Month.
 If the equipment is not returned and the lease is not terminated, then the last lease rate and amount entered as the lease billing amount will continue to apply. This is considered to be an extended lease, therefore, the lease billing will NOT automatically stop when it reaches the last TO MONTH entered here.


Enter the lease percentage that should be used for this From/To time period. The lease percent is multiplied by the Lease Base to equal the Lease Amount for that time period.


The Unit Price equals the Lease Base multiplied by the Lease %.


The Extended Price equals the Quantity multiplied by the Lease Base.


Press ACCEPT Key to exit the Lease Term window and enter the next product on this lease.
 If there are no more products to enter on this lease, press ACCEPT a second time to exit the details returning to the Lease header screen to enter the next lease.

Topic Keyword: RSLF01