Update List Price From Matrix
** This utility is under development and is not yet available. **
This utility can be used to generate a report and to update the Markup % and the List Price for a group or class range of products, using the matrixes based on the re-order prices setup in Global List Price Matrix, Group Price Matrix, and Group Price Matrix.
For each product in the selected group/class range in UPDATE LIST PRICE FROM MATRIX, the program checks first for a matrix for its Group even if that product does not fit into the Re-Order Price range, then for a matrix for its Class, and then for a global matrix.
The first group/class/global to match even if the product does not fit into the Re-Order Price range of the matrix, applies for the price update calculation. Products can be marked not to be updated based on the re-order price list range in these matrix tables.
The prompts to generate the report are:
Enter the starting product class for the price update range, or select one from the window.
Enter the ending product class for the price update range, or select one from the window.
Enter the starting product group for the price update range, or select one from the window.
Enter the ending product group for the price update range, or select one from the window.
Type R to include only Rental equipment in the selection.
Type S to include only Sales parts in the selection.
Type B to include Both Rental equipment and Sales parts in the selection.
Type C to sort the report output by product Class.
Type G to sort the report output by product Group.
Type P to sort the report output by Product number.
A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.
This prompt appears only if the Edit report was printed.
Enter N (NO) if the information is not correct, or if it did not print successfully.
Enter Y (YES) if the report printed ok and the new markup % and list price information is correct. When this is accepted, then the update to the product file is made.
Press <ENTER> to accept, or / to cancel.
Note: If the List for a non-bulk asset is based on percent of revenue formula as setup in Groups, it is the Base List Price that is updated by the markup on cost, and it is the resulting selling List that is printed on the report.
Any changes made to the List Price or the Base List Price are tracked.
An audit report on history of Re-Order Price changes can be generated from Product Value Override Report.
Price changes are also included in the more general Override Report.
Topic Keyword: RSLM05